Will Be Interviewing Clinton Rape Survivor Juanita Broaddrick Later This Week!

in politics •  7 years ago 

juanita promo2.png

Hey everyone! In 2016 I interviewed Juanita Broaddrick, a woman who was raped in Arkansas by Bill Clinton in 1978. She was threatened by Hillary Clinton. Witnesses saw Bill Clinton apologize to her just weeks before running for President. The story piles high.
Mainly, he forced himself on her, bit her lip open and told her that she'd better put some ice on it.

That's the topic of her new book 'You'd Better Put Some Ice On That' which is now an Amazon best seller.

Last time I interviewed her it went viral and was one of the top headlines on the Drudge Report as well as Infowars. It got the attention of Sean Hannity and strangely enough, Donald Trump who shared it on Facebook.

I am proud to announce that I will be interviewing Juanita Broaddrick once again this week!

Stay tuned!

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Sweet...expose the Clintons!

This continued obsession with the Clintons doesn't make much sense. There are many people with far more power in the world getting much less scrutiny.

Expose them too!

Why is it so hard to find a leader that is just a decent human being?

because they are all human

Most humans I know are decent and have never done something like this. Is it too much to hold our leaders to a higher standard than even an average person?

My comment was in response to your "a leader" comment versus Bill Clinton specifically.

Not every leader has behaved the way Clinton did - but they all have faults if for no other reason then they are human.

With respect to Clinton in particular, I think we have to ask what was/is wrong with our justice system that let him get away with it.

Out of 300 million people in our country, we should be able to find better people to put in charge.

Did she ever press charges? Sometimes there is an absence of evidence which keeps people out of jail. I'm ok with this because I'd rather have a guilty person go free than an innocent person thrown in jail on hearsay. But these kinds of stories should keep people out of power.

Most of the people that are in that position wanted that power in the first place and in time they abuse it

I guess only humans want power and me and you are only beings

@austinhopper, the reason you can't "find a leader that is just a decent human being" is because no decent human being would want to excersize conscripted "leadership" upon his fellow man. Decent human beings only want to "lead" people who choose to follow them.

lol... I hear you @austinhopper. Amen to that !! It doesn't matter if it's Right or Left. Bad on both sides. And I think that Clinton no doubt raped this woman . A lot of evidence. Also think Trump has done similar things to women. Just a bunch of "bad Hombres" ;)

its not hard ... Do you think before they become a leader they think about killing people ? noo way ... noone thinks about this only a sick person ( the person can fly and be a leader ( very smarts people ) ) ... when they got the power the card with be turn . thats the problem . even you ... of you become leader they do some thing to you no matter how to do their job ... / #vote #if #u #agree

If you follow constitution, you are not leader. All this non-sense that obidience is good has been pushed to us for thousands of years, from times of lods and kings. We are told that being a "dog" holds some kind of strange value that will be revealed later on, as place in a paradice, or that there is god that needs you to obey. Leaders are not those who are made of old traditions and values, leaders are those who bring new.

And this guy was 42nd President of the US...

Wouldn't be the worst thing a president has done..

a whole USA

i'm new user please vote me and like my post and comment

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am a new user and I think you are better off just getting involved. I am not disparaging your comment here at all, I just know that, in the last 5 days I have learned a lot and made a little traction (just a little) by being active and seeing what everyone has to say. It is a lot of fun anyway.

But....I will like your comment anyway.

'You'd Better Put Some Ice On That'


Eyes of guilt. Women of courage.

very entertaining!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ready to see ;)

bill Clinton is a rapist . Bill Clinton is a rapist

I got mine

dontcha just love the clintons.

No, but this obsession with them is very strange. Neither one of them is in a position of power. Let's focus our attention on the people who actually do have power, like Trump and Putin.

i just wanna see the day that the clintons end up behind bars but i doubt that day will ever come. bunch of corrupt politicians, shocker.

Thanks for the info.
Come to visit my blog

Great post thanks for sharing with us

The world needs a new leader...
killing people for oil is terrible.life is too short just have a nice time
No terrorism no war
Yes A beautiful peaceful life ☺

the US has been at war 93% of the time since it was founded in 1776 , because war makes money, money gives you power, and power gives you the world at your disposal. so the wars are never going to end.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do you, or anybody here, have a link to this previous interview that you talk about. This would help me get up to speed before this next interview. Oh, never mind it's in your post. Thank you Josh. I am following you and have upvoted and resteemed this post. .
Edit: ok so it's a segment of the interview, where would I find the full interview?

Sẵn sàng để xem !

Wao...thats great ...please interview

I'll love to read her book. How can I get it?

We are following you sir. Go on. Inform us..

That moment when Bill realized he was surrounded by his victims... THAT was a priceless picture. I hope Ms. Broderick lives to see him do a perp walk. Thanks for giving her a platform, Josh.

I really like your posts and I enjoy very much with all your posts.👍

I will be looking foward to that interview and also looking foward to Clinton and others arrested

Good people do not want to rule over others.

Very true. Bad people like to lord over others.

Good people want good government. If they can contribute their time and energy to improving the government by serving in it, that's wonderful.

"good government" is an impossible oxymoron. The idea of government is evil & by its nature can not be good. It is a group of people who claim to have a monopoly on force/aggression within a certin geographical area. All agression or initiation of force against peaceful people is evil. Sorry @quoteth-he but you have been decieved.

mantan presiden usa

Can you register for us to meet you. Give us more details. I am curious that her book may open more secrets

I hope I can find that book here in my country, I know it's gonna be a good thing to read.

Thanks look my blog and follow :)

I can't believe Hilary still stayed with that pig.
I guess, birds of a feather.....

I really can't have a reasonable discussion about Donald Trump in my family and we're Canadians!! They refuse to believe that the Clintons are evil.

The many problems Trump has can be discussed without mentioning the name "Clinton."

I vote u.

please help steemit community let me get points because I just joined

This is sad 😔 who’s not labeled as a rapist in 2018 smh “Say it ain’t so Bill Clinton” !!!!!!!!!

thanks. have a nice day

If we think why the world is so miserable take a look on the leaders in the world..what type of person to lead the country actually give effect how the overall community living there..better choosing the decent man, good heart one!

Can't brain how a mr president can do thing like this!!

todos los que quieren algo de atencion hacen lo que sea para lograrlo. lo mismo a pasado con muchos actores que les descubren algo y hasta han violado a niños en africa.
por fabor pasen por mi blog y voten mi publicacion gracias y muy buena publicacion

Great ,find out the real truth ,sharing it on facebook by Trump is a bad step . Let secret be secret ,

who believes in media and politicians nowadays????

looking forward to hearing what Juanita has to say

"You'd Better Put Some Ice On That. " See how much he cares for her


Several hours before the debate, Trump held a press conference with three women who claimed to have received sexual abuse from Bill Clinton. The three women were Juanita Broadrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey.Broadrick admitted to being raped in 1978 when she worked as a nanny in the Clinton family. Jones and Willey claimed sexual harassment in the early 1990s. "Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me," Broadrick said as quoted by the New York Times on Sunday. Clinton is famous for having many problems with women. She is almost impeached as US President because of being found out affair. Trump's action is not without reason. Trump is trying to cover up his own recent scandal of sexual abuse that has been revealed recently. He was caught on camera saying inappropriate words to women.

You got shared by Trump? Dude that's huge

A huge embarrassment, no better than Alex Jones.

In the African parlance, it is commonly said that the evil that men do live after them. It is challenged now that it lives with them. This is a warning for young people to guide and control their sexual drive so that they will not end terribly for the sake of flesh pleasure. Good!

hello hello friend today can read your publication.about the topic violation of juanita.este this type of actions can not be hidden. people have to learn to take protection measure against these abuses with white collars.grate to recognize the work of a person When it does well in this case it applies to you
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Who is still surprised at this point?

Who cares at this point? They're not in power. Let's focus on the many wrongdoing of the people who actually have power over us, like Putin and Trump.

Great post thanks for sharing with us

This is scary what politicians are becoming.


@joshsigurdson excellent publication, I started reading it and I share it on my facebook so that people could know about this interesting note, you have won my vote.

i wonder how your steem works can you put me true?Thank you

Its hard to interview rape victims because you have put in your mind that the rape victim is going to undergo that state again.

who is this?

good job!

good post, do not forget to follow back thank you

looking forward to that. bring that to light.

I grew up in arkansas when all this was happening. The clintons are the most disgusting filth this planet has to offer

We absolutely need leaders with clear records to set practical examples and motivation to the young ones. This is really terrific !!! Why rape her Mr clinton?????!!

Oh, so on the side of getting a bj he likes forcing himself onto women huh... what a perv... i mean to think that you are in a position of president you would have to controle yourself. You cant afford things like .... right? :s entertaining post though.

Very interesting post. Clinton..

I understand this concept...This concept is very nicely done you. Keep it up...

Bill Clinton did many war crimes against my people. He attacked my country using fake news as an excuse and the US armed forces commited some absolutely reckless attrocities like the

Grdelica Train Bombing
Downtown Aleksinac bombing,
Varvarin Bridge over the Movara,
Kosovar Albanian refugee column in Djakovica (the intervention was undertaken to protect them from the "evil Serbs"), and many others.

Please check these cases on Google and Wikipedia, these are real events but were hidden by the media to make the invasion justified in the eyes of the commons.
He also invaded a part of our country for no apparent reason.

IMPORTANT FACTS: Before the Clinton presidency, Serbia and the US were the allies for more than 100 years,including both World Wars.
Clinton administration supported Albanian insurgent terrorist movement Ushtria Climetare Kosovar - UCK - who were nothing but terrorists. The UCK is now banned and long ago even the US administration started looking at it as to a terrorist group, similar to Al-Qaeda, just smaller.

Serbia is a tiny country that did not possess any weapons of mass destruction, nor even the means to produce WMDs. Without nukes and chemical weapons, it was not needed to draw such a big avalanche against an impoverished, depressed country with lots of internal problems. US/NATO air raids and subsequent Kosovo invasion were unneeded and reckless.

Yeah, that's not exactly accurate. https://www.nato.int/docu/pr/1999/p99-051e.htm

So, what the document you linked me has to do with the facts NATO raided civilian places which can not be of any military significance? And, are you at all sure that these NATO reports were not based upon fabricated "truth"? And evenif all that was truth, weren't there better solutions? You shouldn't start supporting state terrorism just because:

  • You despise the GOP/Trump/Bush...
  • You believe everything CNN says is true.

hillary prison.jpg

this is how i feel about the clintons.

it;s very interesting,good news thank you.!