in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Women need infusions of energy from evolved males in order to grow, to mature, to be enriched and empowered, and, amazingly, in order to become fully a woman! I have wondered for a long time why a particular dynamic always emerged whenever I chose to direct my energies at a woman. So often, the nature of my exchange with her was as if in the form of a revelation, an inspiration, a divine gust of wind that blew into her life and carried her off onto some unforseen trajectory.

It actually felt to me as though she had been waiting her whole life for someone like me to enter in and provide her with impetus for the very first time. As if she had been rooted to a spot and was unable to 'move' until I gave her the gift of volition. Was I a wizard? A shaman? A God!? Why should this dynamic be the template of my interactions with woman?

After all, I had been taught, as you all have, that you cannot 'change' a person, that people are what they are and you have to accept them as that - and that nobody really changes anybody else. And yet, it was obvious to us both that I was 'changing' these women I engaged with - and incredibly so. And those that were most receptive to my incoming energy were those that changed the most - irrevocably!

Suddenly, through me, they now possessed uncommon knowledge, insight, vision, guidance, elucidation, a renewed sense of self-worth, a greater awareness, purpose! In fact, if I am to be wholly truthful, as much as I love female energy, am fascinated by it, I have only ever fully desired a woman after she has undergone this transformation through her engagement with me.

Prior to this, I found her too raw, too chaotic, unfocused, more in the nature of a girl awakening to her new-found powers than as a woman who commanded these. This was indeed a puzzle to me.

And so for a long time I believed that I was somewhat unique and special as a male; that I was remarkable in some way that other men are not. And to a certain extent this interpretation may hold true. But if it is so, it is because of how I use my masculine-energy. I have chosen to live a life as unrestrained as possible for the freedom to be and the freedom to express. And I avoid like the plague any of those rituals or beliefs that would entrap my free-flowing masculine-vibrancy. And this is not an easy thing to accomplish - it has required that I disavow and cut loose from virtually everything that passes for normalcy in this sick, sick, society.

But so it is that uncontained masculine-energy when directed at a woman has the potency of a psychic atomic bomb. And here's another thing: The effect that I have on women is the effect all men should have on women - if they but made the transition from boyhood to manhood. And here is something else that I have come to realize - women need these infusions of energy from evolved males in order to grow, to mature, to be enriched and empowered, and, amazingly, in order to become fully a woman!

And by this I mean a being capable of seeing herself for the very first time and of accessing her latent potentials. In the absence of this sustained and intense gift of energy from a male, woman exists as if in a cocoon; a sleeping beauty awaiting the kiss of masculinity in order to awaken to self-realization. Woman is like the alchemist's lead, requiring his manly-arts to transmute to gold.

And it is this that we need to teach our boys: their value, their indispensability, their effects, their function, their powers, their purpose with respect to females. So that they can throw off the curse of 'oppressor and abuser' and consider their own natures as liberators and redeemers of femininity. And girls too need to be taught this, so that in future they will be able to regard males as holding the keys to their own enlightening; and thus be receptive to incoming male-energy. And more than this, to be grateful for it. Because ingratitude towards males is the female's curse.

Women now choose either not to see or take for granted that which they should esteem and prize: man's freely bestowed bounty of liberation and enjoyment and transformation. I urge all men to pay closer attention in their interactions with women, so that they can learn to see the vital effects that they produce in a woman's being. Men seem oblivious to this. But the more that you, as a man, hone in on what it is that you actually do for a woman, what it is that she could not do in your absence, you will realize that woman's raw nature is akin to that of a dirty pond, which after she has come to know you, is transformed to a gushing Niagara.

Kain Jc

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I am really impressed by the art work, love it... You are very talent person if this your creation.. The best quality post I have seen on steemit...

Oh thank you, but sadly, I can lay claim to the writing, but not to the artwork .

  ·  8 years ago (edited)'re saying that just because you had sex with a woman that her life exponentially improved? Gag. Buddy, you're not the first dude to think that you're god's gift to women.

It seems that you didn't bother reading this piece through to the end. The last 4 paragraphs delves into masculine contributions to women in general. And, as all musings are, this is contextual in that it seeks to address a deficit in a man's awareness of what he actually does for women. Media analysts, for example, have noted that over 80% of messages portray boys and men in a hostile light, which it may be effectively argued is one of the primary reasons why males die from the top 15 causes of death at vastly higher rates that do females.

We now live in a society where it is taboo to even speak of the 'good' that males do - one half of the population is now the universal scapegoat for all bad and evil. Obviously it becomes difficult to derive a sense of worth and esteem in such conditions. This piece is an attempt to 'test' an audience and determine just how far removed they may be from even acknowledging that men are not the scum that they are routinely portrayed as.