RE: "I Don't Have To Sit Here" Jeff Sessions Destroys Al Franken For Accusing Him Of Lying About Russia

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"I Don't Have To Sit Here" Jeff Sessions Destroys Al Franken For Accusing Him Of Lying About Russia

in politics •  7 years ago 

Fact 1: Sessions testified that he didn't meet with Russians.

Fact 2: He did.

Ergo, Sessions lied.

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He testified he did not meet with any Russians in an official capacity or as a surrogate for the Trump administration. He was a Senator which regularly meets with many diplomats - including a Russian diplomat during a public setting.

Due to this simple fact, he recused himself from any Russia investigation to go above and beyond any question of ethics. If Sessions was an unethical person as you claim - he would never recuse himself.

He testified that he didn't meet with any at all. Period. He lied. Period. He recused himself because he got caught in his lie. Period. As for the man's ethics, well, he's got a political history and it's pretty darn scummy. He's a rat with no morals who has no allegiance to the principles of this nation.

Jeff Sessions is above reproach. What about Loretta Lynch meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton - while HILLARY WAS UNDER INVESTIGATION? Loretta Lynch should have recused herself.

What about
