RE: Was Hitler left or right wing?

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Was Hitler left or right wing?

in politics •  7 years ago 

Regarding credit and contracts, you are right, which is why I said enforceable contracts and credit (though in the case of crypto, you can speak of contracts entirely within that realm that are self-enforcing without violence, so you are right about that, though it doesn't extend to actual physically material).

Regarding property and the NAP, my thoughts are written here, but the gist is that you've basically taken a non-violence principle and altered it to accept violence against people that cross imaginary lines. And of course, whoever is committing or threatening that violence to enforce those lines, whether you choose to call it a police force, a military, or a "private security company" is by definition acting as an agent of a state, an organization with a monopoly on violence at that place and time.

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I call it defending my life. You do not believe in the right to a personal home and personal land? Should you not be aloud some privacy on your personal land and in your personal home? Shouldn't you be aloud to own some things that you would like to have and use them however you want as long as you don't hurt anyone? Shouldn't you be aloud to do what you want on your land and with your land? If you have spent your time and energy working for these things directly or for money to buy these things and someone tried to take them away by force shouldn't you be aloud to protect them? If not, why should you not be able to own that which you have labored for and protect it?

I mean, maybe, but it's not anarchism. If you shoot a guy for stepping over an imaginary line that you insist demarks your estate, you're just becoming a petty state and killing who you can kill based on your preferred criteria, not defending your own life.

I don't think that would happen as often as people assume it would. I don't know anyone that would actually shoot someone for stepping on their grass. Also someone doing that just because they could wouldn't be very popular. I find it funny that just about everyone non ancap thinks that everyone would go Vlad the Impaler on anyone whose ball went into their yard without government.

Also I should ask what types of property rights do you support?

I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of a democratic socialist, social democrat, and communalist, with a greenward bent and anarchist sympathies.

I would have people get together and decide democratically what kind of systems they favor. I think people should be able to own at least homes, personal possessions, and plots of land for growing some food, while other resources should be generally managed communally in a way that people have democratically decided is fair. Probably there a more expansive market system than that even.

How did that work out for the people in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, China, do I need to go on? You have your freedom of speech, and I have my 2nd amendment to defend myself from the likes of you trying to force your ideals on me :)

How did that work out for the people in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, China

What are you talking about? What I described has never been the ideology nor the actuality in those places.

I have my 2nd amendment to defend myself from the likes of you trying to force your ideals on me

Oh come on, what are the chances that some Internet tough guy and his guns could defend himself out of a wet paper bag? Probably next to nothing if there was ever a real revolution.

Also NAZI was short for the National Socialist Party. Google won't tell you that, but Hitler and Nazi Germany were full blown socialists. That's why him and Stalin were buddies for a while.

In fact Google will tell you that. If you ask it, it will also tell you the definition of socialism, so you can see that neither Stalin nor Hitler were actually socialists. All with Google!

Would you consider Napoleon a socialist?

No. A liberal in terms of policy, but a despot in terms of political governance. I'm not as knowledgeable on Napoleon as I should be though.

Hitler was only the 7th member of the party & was a compete narcissist & took the party over as leader shortly after joining. He threatened them if they didn't make him their leader he would start his own party they had to accept the offer because without him they were a bunch of nobodies going nowhere the only reason they had support was because of the popularity of Hitlers speeches.