Leftists--evil or just stupid?

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)

Does your typical leftist--who imagines him/her-self to be a smart, informed, tolerant, champion of progress who is "fighting the power" (but in fact is the opposite)--have any clue what they're doing when they promote the blatant falsehoods and horrible policies which are currently tearing our society in America, and the West in general, apart?

Whether it be promoting the ridiculous notion that blacks, women, and various types of homos/shemales are being "oppressed by society" (i.e., white hetero men)...their equally retarded claims that we live in a "dog-eat-dog" system of "unrestrained capitalism" (in a nation which has literally 100,000's of laws/regs on the books and in which the govt. takes, depending on how you calculate it, anywhere from 33%-50% of the nat'l income)...their promoting an economic/political system of socialism/communism which has a uniform record of economic and social failure (has piled up dead bodies by the 10's of MILLIONS and is still causing enormous economic pain in places like Venezuela)...their insane ideas on "multiculturalism" (which Angela Merkel herself said had been a failure in Germany--not that it stopped her from doubling-down on it!) where they idiotically think all cultures are equal and compatible (and if you don't agree you're a 'racist' of course!) and where they fail to recognize that importing unlimited numbers of 3rd-worlders will necessarily drive down the standard-of-living by underbidding jobs, over-burdening welfare/entitlement programs, and transforming the national character for the worse (not all cultures are as tolerant as the West is, and Leftist idiots will continue learning this the hard way if they keep getting their way)...their mind-blowing belief that them having to pay for their own college and health-insurance is akin to being "oppressed" or that they're perfectly w/i their rights to force employers to pay them $15/hour...their claim that the Right promotes hate and violence, while the Left shuts down free-speech on campus, attacks Trump supporters, and attacks innocent people and their property whenever a black thug is killed by police (yet they ignore the far more prevalent black-on-black violence)...their belief that they are experts on every topic under the sun (science/global-warming, economics, history, philosophy, medicine, foreign govt. systems, education--you name the topic, they're all experts on everything despite having no training or expertise in any particular field!)...their being allegedly "pro-choice" yet wanting to control other peoples' decisions in a wide variety of areas (education, business, etc.)...their allegedly being for the little guy or local empowerment while supporting awful, remote, unaccountable, elitist-driven orgs like the UN, EU, USGovt., etc...or their support of awful, completely corrupt, bought-and-owned, murderous, Democrat politicians like the Clintons and Obama...the list of Leftist hypocrisy, ignorance, and irrationality is a long one.

Does the typical, rank-and-file Leftist realize the evil they are helping to spread? Or are they just useful idiots for Left-wing intellectuals and behind-the-scenes big money donors like Soros?

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they are evil and stupid

Burn Down White People's Homes in the Suburbs Milwaukee Rioters Told by Sister of Dead Thug

Milwaukee Riot - Black People Shouting "Black Power" Targeting Whites - "They're White! Beat Their Ass!"

Hey, zombie, what's up?

Isn't all of that anti-black oppression in Milwaukee (a black Democrat city) just awful? Isn't it just SOOOOO racist when a black cop shoots a black thug who is spinning around w/a gun in his hand?

actually he was armed with a stolen and loaded firearm that he refused to drop so though its unfortunate id say he got what was coming to him. the list of people i gave you the other day were all unarmed.

The thing is when so many people that shouldn't get shot do get shot you're going to get backlash for the ones that prob had it coming as well. people are fed up.

Leftist intellectuals/leaders have spent decades stoking the fires of racial hate by telling black people that their situation is hopeless because they're being oppressed by white people...what's happening now is the direct result of this leftist evil/stupidity.

One wonders if, in your little, dark, evil Leftist heart you have even a shred of empathy for the INNOCENT people who had their property destroyed or for the random white people who were beat up by the black racists in Milwaukee (and elsewhere)?

Or are you so consumed by your hateful ideology and need to believe that black people are being oppressed that you simply don't care?

Do the actions of black racists (burning down the stores of innocent business owners and beating up random white people) in Milwaukee make any sense whatsoever?

Where is the outrage from the Left?

And you people wonder why I ask if you're evil or stupid...

i don't condone violence against anybody that does not have it coming. The BLM movement is largely non violent but the violence is what gets news coverage so thats what you hear about. That said "a riot is the language of the unheard" -MLK

"Leftist intellectuals/leaders have spent decades stoking the fires of racial hate by telling black people that their situation is hopeless because they're being oppressed by white people...what's happening now is the direct result of this leftist evil/stupidity."

fuck... its been like 15 minutes and already the sheer stupidity that spews forth from you're keyboard has been enough for a lifetime. whatever you say bud.. have at it. enjoy the 3 up votes you got because i doubt you will be seeing anymore.. trump himself would probably call you an idiot lol.

Once again, zombie, you're acting as if black oppression actually exists...but like these two young racist black idiots you can't even point it out...