A group of heros who tried to save Christmas may have lost the battle....
But now the real war begins.
The Battle For Christmas
A press release put out by Freedom4Canada on December 16th stated that the Government of Alberta had requested that the hearing date be moved to 9:30 am on December 21, 2020 and "claiming to the Court that they required additional time to gather evidence to justify the present lockdown Orders."
Yes. You read the right.
The Government of Alberta requested MORE TIME to collect evidence for court.
Exactly WHAT have they been doing this whole time telling us every day on television the updates regarding more lockdowns, new numbers, new deaths, etc. etc. if they didn't have this evidence already?
At any moment they should be able to give any sort of evidence asked since they've been telling us all the updates on television every day should they not?
This is EXTREMELY alarming and given the current circumstances with people's lives & livelihoods at risk, one would think the Government of Alberta would be a bit more put together than this. But apparently not.
Losing the Battle, Winning the War
Unfortunately on December 21, 2020, an injunction requesting relief from Alberta's Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw draconian & baseless rules was denied.
Judge Kirker ruled that:
the Applicants had serious questions to be tried and were going to suffer irreparable harm through the cancellation of Christmas, however, found that she was bound by case law to “assume” that Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s Orders were in the public interest.
Although this was disappointing news to hear that our rulers would be allowed to destroy one of our most important holidays of the whole year, there is good news!
According to the article:
Justice Kirker was careful to state that this ruling is not a reflection on the merits of the case and that the end result upon the hearing of the Originating Application could be quite different from the result of the Injunction Application. On a hearing of the merits of this matter, Justice Kirker pointed out that the onus of justifying the restrictions under s. 1 of the Charter and the test in R. v. Oakes shifted to the Government.
Upon, a hearing of the merits, the Government will have to prove that Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s Orders were reasonable, impacted the rights of the Applicants “as little as possible”, and that the Government and Dr. Deena Hinshaw had properly considered alternatives to the Orders to ensure that society as a whole would be impacted as little as possible.
We're moving next level as the Applicants have submitted a Litigation Plan that calls for a Judicial Review Hearing to be heard prior to the end of February 2021.
Government Is Anti-Science?
The basis for these lockdowns was because we at the time of them believed due to lack of science that it may be best to deter the asymptomatic spread of this virus.
However now a study of Almost 10 Million People shows that asymptomatic spread simply doesn't happen. Even online science outlets this ground breaking study. Secondarily, the testing used for diagnosis of Covid-19 has been ruled unreliable in a Portugal court.
Speaking of unreliability with the Covid-19 tests, even the FDA released back in summer that they had no isolate for the PCR tests. You can find this image on page 43 of the FDA document.
Even the use of facemasks have been shown time and time again to be ineffective against stopping the spread of what is alleged Covid-19 infections.
There are copious amounts of articles popping up all over the internet showing that masks for everyone do not work yet the Government of Alberta seems to be cherry picking the information in their implementation of these Draconian measures.
While it is true that in the beginning there wasn't enough evidence and that this was a collective action that was SUPPOSED to be short term * Cough * flatten the curve * Cough *, it is becoming blatantly obvious as the days move forward that the science is being ignored.
And worst of all that our current legislations currently allow for an abuse of power to do so.
But if we band together and fight, these things will change very soon.
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