Building Mass Graves Around the World with 17 Years of 'Collateral Damage' Drone StrikessteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  8 years ago 

A precision war-machine is what people believe the US has. Movies talk about how they can pinpoint any target and take them out, anywhere on the planet.


What happens when they get it wrong? More people die that they didn't "intend" on killing, such as women and children. But they don't admit to murder, instead they euphemize it with "collateral damage" in order to justify doing it some more.

The drone program has been like this, despite claims that it was superior than previous air targeting delivery mechanisms from jets or ships to blow things and people up. A recent drone strike carried out on Thursday in the Sangin District of southern Afghanistan resulted in more civilian casualties with up to 20 people being "killed", or murdered if they weren't guilty of anything at all. Earlier this month the same thing happened with more "collateral damage".


Much of the time NATO, or any of the US allies, will confirm that they carry out airstrikes in a certain area. What they wont do in all cases, is admit that there were civilian casualties. When you're attacking people, and innocent people die, you don't want to be talking about these innocent civilian deaths.

Military invaders rarely take responsibility for their actions. They are in a war zone, and even if 40 civilians are killed like was done last week in Yemen when the US military invaded, they will always justify that as their right to defend themselves with the unfortunate consequence that there are civilian deaths reframed as "collateral damage". The US and other military powers will conveniently ignore international law when it doesn't suit them to follow it.

If a flimsy superficial body like the United Nations won't do anything, then it's up to the rest of the world to stand against what is wrong and put pressure. The UN is a joke with the human rights council being led by one of the world's most egregious violators of human rights, Saudi Arabia. I don't know how anyone can take the UN seriously.

Under international law, an invading force (which is what the United States has become) is required to keep the civilian population safe and not steal the natural resources. As most people who are aware, this is not what the United States has been doing for the past 15 years since it started its invasion of the Middle East.


Right now there is an imperialist bully seeking to invade and conquer lands like has been done in past centuries and accepted by the world. But we're supposed to be living in more "enlightened" times, except it doesn't seem to be the case. The world needs to stand up against bullies, in the United States, and elsewhere in the world including the Middle East and anywhere else where violations and violence is occurring. A spotlight can be shined onto the dark, horrible, immoral and evil ways that many people in countries are collectively engaging in.

It's like that saying where some dominating control enforced is going to take different social groups within a society, and we don't say anything because they aren't coming for us. They went after the poor people, but I didn't say anything that I wasn't the poor person. They went after the unemployed, but in say anything because I wasn't unemployed. They went after the women, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't a woman. Etc.

Well now we have this at a global scale, where nations are not saying anything in fear of becoming a target. As long as the US and other forces are not coming for me, my country in mine, then I'm not in the speak up and say anything about it because I don't want them to target me next.

Invading and occupying forces required to take care of the civilian population under international law, but the US, Israel and many other dominating violent forces are doing whatever they want in their deluded madness.


Given the advanced state of technology that is alleged to be in the drones were they can surveil and pinpoint the location of anybody, it's laughable that they claim they can't detect when children and women and other civilians are in an area in order to prevent them from launching a bomb. Either they have laser precision strikes, or they are just killing anyone in the area when they decide to launch their bombs.

The military invaders, occupiers and dominators are lying about what they are doing. Even when they claim to be admitting something, they are admitting the full story. The Pentagon confirmed 200 civilian deaths since the start of its campaign in Syria and Iraq to target IS. For anyone that has been following the reality for the past few years, knows that these figures are a joke. The US and allies keep murdering innocent people, and chalking up these civilian casualties to "collateral damage" so that they can keep indiscriminately killing people around the world. There is large-scale lack of accountability and responsibility for murders being committed under the guise of self-defense through these mad wars.

The US and other imperial powers are creating an atmosphere of acceptance of murder and an unwillingness to take responsibility for those actions. If the US isn't to be held accountable, then why should any other nation?

What we have in the world is a massive illusion of "good" and "order". Everyone goes around in their jobs, looking forward to the weekend, so they can go party with their friends, go on vacations a few times a year with their family, have fun, enjoy life in their little geographic location and illusory perception and bubble of unreality. Everyone just wants to do what's popular, fun, entertaining and that titillates their senses.

Facing the world as it is, and getting people to unite in greater moral depth, has always been one of the greatest challenges for humanity to accomplish in any age. But that is the way freedom, peace and prosperity can be created in varying degrees as we continue to march away from immorality and evil in our various ways of life and seek to embrace the real life and living that understanding what is moral and good can reward us with.


Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-13, 10am

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The U.S. military can't even accurately keep track of how much ordinances were used.

And pinpoint accuracy is a joke. The do not have super high rez cameras, you get small figures on the screen, and can often make out that they have something in their hands. Finding a person in a picture of a crowd of people is great in a movie, its nearly impossible for a human who doesn't intimately know the person they are looking for. Also, you are getting a top down view. (no real facial recogniztion)

The military loves to 'cleanse' their language don't they?

Some other classic euphemisms:

Ministry of Defense = Ministry of War

Surgical strike = makes bombing sound like a medical procedure

Extraordinary rendition: Kidnapping, interrogation and torture.

Enemy combatant: title given to enemy to skirt Geneva Convention

Enhanced interrogation: Torture

Waterboarding: Interrupted drowning

Neutralized: Killed

Friendly fire: accidental murder of member of your own side

...and many more...

Haha! Nice list! Thanks for this.

Department of Defense used to be called the Department of War but that changed post WWII. In our post-truth world that has been here for decades, not just in 2016, the meme-generating media injects many contradictory oximoronic things into your consciousness.

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Thanks ;)

90% of all US drone strike casualties are unintended targets AKA 'collateral damage' - absolutely UNCCEPTABLE- imagine another nation's military inflicting that sort of carnage on US civilians????? Golden Rule

I'm glad you are speaking about drones after having spoken such much about immigration. I saw a video about a boy saying he fears the blue sky because of these machines. People don't always move because they want to, people can be made to move too and blamed for it later with impunity.

Thanks for the feedback. I talked about how the West bombs them to create refugees and its problem-reaction-solution on all sides, engineered: EU Says: Europe Needs Immigration for Economy and Welfare

All very well put @krnel and it requires further scrutiny. There is wholesale collusion and, at best, the rotation of the non-seeing retina.
Why is the US military the military that nobody wants to work with?
Why does MSF not get more exposure when its staff are murdered by US incompetence?
Now that it is all in the open, why does the media not condemn the US for sponsoring terrorism, resulting in thousands of deaths?
Why is Obama treated like he is when he, and many others, should be facing War Crimes charges?
Murdering innocents in the middle East is not a justification to 'keep America safe"!
The UN has become a joke because the biggest player, the US, uses it as a PR forum to perpetrate its 'inexactitudes'.
I suspect that Mr Trump is having a nightmare coming to grips with the whole thing as the corridors of power in Foreign Policy are a sewer of self-interest at the expense of innocent deaths by the container ship load.
The drone scenario is the thin end of the wedge! The technology does work. If you put a multi-stringed/tiered system of command in place, the opportunity for human error is multiplied via each stage. "Whoops, I am sorry", as you said, is simply not sufficient. Imagine if that was the response you received when your family got blasted across the countryside!

"Why is Obama treated like he is when he, and many others, should be facing War Crimes charges?" this has been happening forever

you actually trump is working for the people lmao

You have evidence of the contrary or you simply believe/hold the assumption that TPTB are infallible in their control mechanisms and wouldn't ever allow someone to work for the people?

capitalists make money off the literally can not be a billionaire and want to help the people

I asked a DIRECT, simple question and you decided that it was more nuanced to talk to me about how you can and cannot be a billionaire. I will repeat myself again for your benefit: Do you have evidence of the contrary or you simply believe that TRUMP couldn't be anything but controlled opposition.

he wouldn't............

it really doesn't matter if he could....... just by being a rich capitalist he is hurting millions already are you retarded

-nesting limit-
..... says everything I guess.

Even after calling me a retard I will take the time to mention this:
It couldn't be that the system is at fault, but the person itself, it couldn't be that the system is in place for a few to hoard all the money they wish, not making them necessarily evil but making the system itself immoral, that simply is not an option, he is evil, the end of discussion, right?

We do not know yet. Pre-judging is not my cuppa tea. We can but hope! I hear you and I hear you very well - at least we know that if we were to get HC we would have more bullets, bombs and bigotry.
I am not from the US but I care.

m8 ww3 you should care about that

Trump denies climate change and lies non-stop...... its not pre-judging anymore

Climate change cannot be denied. Will you be providing any evidence for climate change or how it pertains to man made Climate Change? (which sounds like a page out of the Iron Mountain Report where it has been outlined that for the continuation of war and war business there needs to be an ever present danger, which is why they devised to make man himself as the criminal vs the world/planet/environment as the victim)
Maybe then we can talk about the accuracy of said models to predict this Climate Change and that's only after we examine the grammar behind the "science" of climate change, because the climate changes all the time, does that mean trump doesn't believe that climate changes all the time or that he doesn't believe in the extent of so called MAN MADE Climate Change? To close this up, you still didn't chose to answer the questions with facts but relied on opinion instead, and opinion derived without facts is belief, as I worded the question to offer you the reasonable doubt to make your argument and instead didn't, that has to be pointed out, just as your views of the world seem skewed and unexamined thoroughly, so does your belief need to be scrutinized.

I understand that you have attacked my character already so being decent and having etiquette isn't something you value much which is why I won't ask for you to solidify your claims of "lies non-stop" with facts.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Just want to pop in a note of support for you @baah. There is nothing wrong with having a strong opinion and expressing as much. Simply being critical of what is, rather than explaining the alternative is play ground stuff. Stand your ground! Rudeness is just an admission of having nowhere else to turn.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

We are not here because of Trump - I hear you - loud and clear. Saudi Arabia and Israel, both of whom the US seems to be in love with are the arch-villains but the US has made itself an arch villain via its pathetic moral stance. The race for money can be too expensive.
Furthermore, the Saudis have covert armies in every nation, waiting for the call to rise up and slay the infidels.

I like the anarchic arguments. They help balance the arguments of society. When the arguments have no offering of solution they become meaningless. Why moan about something if you have no better solution? It is vacuous and holds no merit. Moaning about a decision maker ... wait and see. Then have your say ... but only if you have a solution!

violent revolution tard

I do not understand that. I have given you respect. You seem to be just rude without explaining. Is that a fair assessment?

Sounds like provocateur mentality, so that begs the question, what are your values if you don't value solutions and discussing solution based ideology?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Insanely great article
Voted for your witness simply because of it. Seriously, everyone should face the reality on this one.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Awesome, glad my authoring got you to upvote me as a wtiness :D heheh. Thanks!

There is a lot of reality that people need to face indeed. Hard truth needs to be understood and many psychological barriers prevent that.

Same here

Thank you ;)

I think the barriers are mostly state/media-driven. Those barriers MUST come down.

"Hey jim pick a number between 10 and 10,000"
"Uh I don't know....... 200?"
"Ok so we killed 200 civilians total....great work"

It's awfully easy to joke about crimes like that but it's endlessly harder to present them in a serious light like a sensible human being and not lose all your hope in humanity. Maybe you lost all hope to the point that you perceive TPTB as immutable, like your joke makes them out to be (fuck we can say anything because we are untouchables), either way your reality stinks of unreality (the few vs the many).
"Manners are of more importance than laws. The law can touch us here and there, now and then. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation like that of the air we breathe in."
Edmound Burke 1815

Thx for this critical article!