Quebec Shooting and the 'Homegrown' Terrorist Meme Emerges

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

I was looking at the news today, and they were still pushing this whole "united with Islam" rhetoric and social consensus formation, while also trying to emphasize how anti-Muslim or Islamic "hate" was an unspoken issue before this recent event in Quebec. Now the Canadian media and politicians are trying to make Canadians feel bad for letting all of this happen that led up to the shooting... what's going on here?


Is your neighbor the next terrorist? Are you?

"United with Islam"... Are they serious? Look at the world at what Islam stands for in actual Islamic countries where Islam rules?

It's not so pretty overall is it?

Does that mean they are all the same. No, some places do much better.

Many countries had been doing well, Syria was doing better. Before there was Lybia, and others. And before the CIA, there was also Iran. Whenever Middle Eastern countries seem to be improving, that's bad for the US and they need to destabilize the region and create "regime change", like they did in Iran with Mosaddegh in the 1950s. He is referred to as the "first and last father of Persian democracy".


And to be clear, I'm not "united" with any religion.

But moving on to the news stories I was seeing...
(sorry this is like a monologue, rant, or something else that diverges from my normal writing... lol)

Was the mosque shooting last week created (or at least used) for social engineering purposes? That's something I have been thinking about. Whether it's another engineered situation or not, the aftermath is being used for more social engineering of Canada and Canadians.

One suspect is portrayed as a 'lone gunman' like so many others who get setup as patsies, like seems to be the base in the Aurora shooting and other incidents with suspicious information about what happened. He was described as political in the 'alt-right', and a supporter of Trump and anti-immigration policies.

What this situation does, is create a double attack front on a social engineering scale:

  1. a terror attack to put people into fear and has them "remember" the need for their daddy-mommy-nanny government to protect and take care of them.
  2. shift form the external threat, to an internal "home grown" terror threat from "white nationalists".

This imagery and meme is already spreading in society. Last year there was the Bundy issue about their land being taken from them, and it was turned into "white nationalist" and "patriot group" internal homegrown threats to everyone's "freedom".

You can't be trying to instill fear in people about terrorism, while also trying to get them to want to take in more people from the religious and cultural ideology that contradicts many values of the western world, right?

"But that's just crazy racist talk KrNel... all those riots, rapes and crimes in Europe for the past 2 years... nothing to see there at all! There is no incompatibility between cultures... what are you talking about!"

Well that's why there is a need to shift who the villain is in an in-group vs. out-group psychological setting. Instead of a more easily identifiable different group, now it's your own group, your own people in your own country that are the "terrorists" who are hurting the other group that you are socially engineered into identifying more with.

The political game is mind-fucking us.

So let's turn to my local area, Canada, and Quebec.

Now there is a great uproar for politicians and media about confronting the alleged anti-Muslim rhetoric in Québec.

As the West castigates itself for some people speaking honestly about Islam along others who speak falsely about it, the liberal, left and socialist media is still not honestly evaluating Islam in the world, and what ideas and beliefs for how to live they are bringing into countries they flee to.

It's understandable that there are people who are frightened given they have become a target through 1 event. Isn't that what has been happening against the west by radical islamists? People have been in fear of being targeted because they identified with the groups oversees who were being targeted? So now it's reverse, with Muslims feeling targeted, and they are letting people know:

"I won't stand on guard for a place that doesn't stand on guard for me."

That's how this is being framed. The shoe is on the other foot, with an attack that they feel and identify with through their identity, is having them turn on Canada? What? Our national anthem says "... we stand on guard for thee" in reference to being patriotic to Canada. Now that Trump has signed his paper to block immigration in the US, and the recent attack on a mosque, some people who have immigrated think Canada isn't defending them? Isn't that some special rhetoric...

So now the whole political landscape in Quebec has shifted to the usual Canadian and Western socialist self-castigation and admonishment for how bad we are treating certain people in our country... OK, fair enough.

But, people are so sensitive and emotionally controlled, that this is what happens:

Video of Conservative candidate shooting criticized as 'crass, insensitive'

Kevin O'Leary pulls gun range video 'out of respect' for shooting victims' funeral


If you're on the "right", a conservative, then watch out what you do, because the "crazy alt-right" gunman who shot 6 Muslims praying is in your camp, everyone is watching out for you crazy conservatives and your guns. Leftists and socialists are so sick of the crazy gun nuts who go kill innocent people...

The result with all this hype and shaping of public consciousness? Protests against Islamaphobia... while Islamists across the world continue to treat woman improperly, and try to creep a backwards Sharia law into western society while all we do is try to be hyper-tolerant and hyper-accepting of everything while we slap ourselves for even appearing intolerant.

If the group identity is to improve, then those who identify and self-label themselves as part of that group need to pressure their own group to change their way of life if others are to trust that group identity more. But that's not happening from many Muslims in the world. Only few Muslims dare to speak up at how the Muslim world and identity itself is broken and fractured in so many ways with much of the "radical" ideology from "holy books" being used as the basis for life.

Protesters are drumming, chanting, holding signs in front of U.S. consulate

Thousands in Toronto gather to protest against Islamophobia


Someone protested the protest saying "Canadians against Islamization", but they were arrested and taken away...

So Canada wants to be nice and accepting to everyone. Anyone who talks honestly about issues, is seen as a "antagonist" who is looking to foster more "hate" and "conflict". If you don't toe the status quo line of hyper-tolerance, then you are spreading fear and playing on peoples fears to "normalize hate".

Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch wanted to screen immigrants for "anti-Canadian values", yet some people just call that cynical, and is playing on fears and prejudices... imagine that... setting up norms and standards for people to come into a country ... god forbid!

Talking about things that go against the mainstream consensus is hateful and is playing on fears...

Michael Chong says Quebec shooting 'direct result' of politicians 'playing to fears'

Many people don't understand the customs, traditions and culture that Islamic societies condition into individuals is not a way of life that is compatible with our western way of life. These are incompatible cultures that treat people differently, as they currently are. Many do incorporate and integrate themselves into the societies they immigrate into. And some don't want to.

Unless people want to go to another country and adopt that way of life, then they shouldn't just be allowed to go into a country and subvert its way of life by trying to inject incompatible ways of living. Not happening you say? Go look at Europe. Go look at the UK and the Muslim dominated neighborhoods, and what they say, like they will breed Britain out of Britain, that "whites" don't belong in England, that's it's their land now.


You can go find all of this online. But don't do that, because all of that is alt-right "white nationalism" hate propaganda, right?

Its true Quebec is pretty anti-linguist when it comes to French v. English. At the Christmas tree unveiling in Montreal last December, no one from the English TV news was invited to cover the event, only French media was requested. Only a few English people went to the event as they weren't aware due to no news media telling them about it.

The comments from people can be strong when they stand up for the their "Quebecois" identity, and its directed at anything not "Quebecois", whether English or Muslim there are target everywhere for "separatists".

Mosque attack forces Quebec politicians to confront inflammatory rhetoric

Holy crap I almost forgot! Last week the new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to Quebec in the Eastern Townships (which are more English than French), and he refused to answer people in English who asked him questions in English. He responded in French the whole time, and told them he was "respecting the language of Quebec" or some crap. What a socialist leftist coward, just trying to placate the separatist French "right" by not speaking any English to English speaking Quebecers. Anyways, if your not English in Quebec, you probably don't know how crazy this language thing can get!

And now the whole immigration thing with Trump just adds onto the socialist BS. In contrast to Trump's ban on immigration from some Muslim majority countries, Trudeau tweeted:

"To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength."

Trudeau calls for love and unity as well... (I've talked about how the rhetoric and imagery for "unity" blinds us through emotional appeals and we just get sapped into a blind "unity" focus without accurate discernment of reality.

Canada choosing 'the opposite approach' on refugees and immigration: Hussen

I've mentioned this in a past post on Is the West 'Dying' from Lower Fertility Due to 'Intelligence'?, how Canada and other western countries are so focused on immigration to sustain their irrational economic growth, that chopping down our own western culture comes second hand when money is the driving force for the first hand to push certain agendas.

Now the immigration issue won't be looked at honestly, since it will be seen as discrimination, racism, islamaphobia, "hate speech" or trying to be a "demagogue".

Just this past week, things have been getting crazy for Canada's "hate speech" laws. A man was arrested for posting nasty things about Muslims, such as raging about killing some people for some reason. Arrested for uttering BS online. Watch what you say in Canada!

Kirkland man faces two charges for allegedly posting hate speech on social media

Montreal police see rise in hate speech complaints, arrest man for alleged social media posts

This is a new form of thought-crime from Orwell's 1984, where you can be arrested and charged for writing things online. Like saying there were not 6 million Jews that died in WWII, can get you locked up (sriously, it has already happened). Asking tough questions about history, will get you arrested in the Soviet Canadian Communist Block.

"Truth"... fewer dare to speak it when it's a crime to dare to contradict the state's version of "history".

Free speech might be on it's dying breath as thought crime is creeping in.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-04, 5:58pm

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Everything is a #FalseFlag to me, until PROVEN otherwise, because that is just how little respect I have for the media and the government in the #PoliceState of #Canadastan and elsewhere, as an informed resident who has seen first hand the political lies.

Also when you quote the media here, which is largely all Fake News paid off to look the other way to distract and misdirect people -- be careful when you quote or use CBC for anything --- they are the Nation's paid off and Federally funded national news service whose job it is to report the govt's agenda to the people.


Yeah, if you notice I don't use quotes for information. This is about the social engineering through media, and the information they are putting out for others to be influenced by. Thanks for the feedback.

This was geared more at the readers of your work than at you, and just to add the information that supports what you are saying.

Some people are not aware of all the disinformation and the sources. Most ppl. have no idea that the CBC is a Federal Gov't owned propaganda machine in Canada. The USA does not have (directly LOL) - such a vested source.

Key word directly hahaha.

True, the CBC is openly funded by the state, very obvious how that can twist motivations to speak honestly ;)

I was a statist sheepled sleepy type til near the middle of 2009.

  • boy how things have changed.

Yip, we (masses) live in a time (for a long time now, if not always) of great deception and spinmeistering, be it here in Canuckistan, A-merry-ka, Euroland or most other countries / blocs and regions. It's a tough slog to sift the wheat from the chaff, or kernels of truth and goodness.

Yes. After awhile, and a lot of daily work, practice and research, you start to develop a strong sense of what is a lie and what is truth

The "shootings" and "attacks" in Canadastan over the years, in some of the most highly surveiiled gov't sites and areas, etc --- really leave a lot to be desired as far as facts/truth/lies and agendas

Fascism, false nationalism and populism always use as one main sustain pillar is the creation of a group "escape goats", as a way to unite people(nazis vs jews and so on).
They are totally based on emotional feelings that drive the mob like, hate, fear, racism and group(s) ostracization as a form of control and bonding of the collective unconscious, and it is used as a mask to hide they no longer have rational solutions to solve problems.
"Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims but by the way it kills them." Jean Paul Sartre

Good comment, thanks for the additional insight. :)

Some people would burn you at the stake for heresy of saying that cultures are not equal. That's what happens when moral relativism is encouraged and advertised, and yet, with just one simple metric of how far from non-aggression principle given culture is, it is so clear that in fact cultures are not equal. That's a fact. But the idea of "fact" is getting such a bad PR these days. Which seems like next stage of relativism: not only facts don't matter (just opinions), but facts are not... facts. There is nothing but opinions and no opinion is allowed to be better than others.

Like saying there were not 6 million Jews that died in WWII, can get you locked up

Facts should be defended with education, not prison. In my humble opinion :)

Well said. Something I realized in 2010 was that most people just believe whatever the fuck they want :P And so I realized one of the problems: belief. Thanks for the feedback.

How come they never try to make the Muslim terrorists feel bad when they kill people???

@richq11 have you watched this yet

I just bookmarked it for tomorrow...I'll give you my feedback. I've been avoiding Alex lately, he gets a little too wrapped up in himself.
