Toronto Blames Guns After Shooting, Seeks Ban to Prevent Law Abiding Citizens from Owning Any

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

There was another shooting last week, this time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The shooting left 2 dead, and 13 wounded.

The shooter, Faisal Hussain, reportedly recently visited and supported for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) websites. According to the federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said "there is no connection between that individual and national security."

Meaning, they don't have a concrete link between Islamic terrorism and Hussein. But that doesn't mean he wasn't influenced by the terror group ISIL and acted on his own due to the beliefs he adopted. His family and the press say he was apparently suffering from psychosis and depression for a year. Relatives said he had lifelong "severe mental health challenges."

Again, "mental issues" are to blame for shooting. Are beliefs mental issues? Are beliefs that make you upset about something and act on it a "mental issues" now? Can we just dismiss dangerous ideologies because it's easier to say someone has "mental problems" than be afraid of "offending" people, or be labeled as Islamaphobic [sic], racist, or bigoted?

Few are seriously saying that all Muslims are terrorists. But there are some "crazy" religious (and non-religious) people that incite violence, and they unfortunately influence others to engage in acts or violence, even if they don't have direct contact or issue commands to others. But lets not talk about that or consider it a possibility, because he's just "mentally disturbed", but not because of these radical Islamic beliefs.


Instead of looking at dangerous ideology and beliefs that motivate behavior, like those that result in shootings, the governments solution is to target the weapons themselves, not the underlying cause of belief. Guns and ammo are the bad guys, and this poor "mentally disturbed" man was able to do what he did because those guns and ammo are too readily available. Therefore, the solution is... to remove guns and ammo so that even less people have them. I'm glad our authoritarian masters have cleared that up for us.

In Canada, gun laws are already tight. Here is a Canadian describing what he had to do in Ontario to lawfully obtain a gun:

I went through the three-day course [for a Firearm License] a few years ago. Generally, you have to reserve a spot in the course a few months in advance, as there are not very many courses running and they fill up quite quickly. When I took the course, it cost roughly a few hundred dollars. That fee does not include the fee to actually apply for your Firearms License, which is roughly another hundred something dollars.

After passing the course, which included both written and practical tests, I had to submit my application to the Chief Firearms Officer of Ontario. After he signs off, which for me took a month or so, my application moved over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), where they proceeded to do an in depth background check, interviewing my mom and dad, and asking about previous girlfriends, spouses, and sexual partners. When I renewed my license last year, my wife had to sign it, stating that she was aware I was renewing my firearms license.

... Though I am now able to purchase certain firearms, Canadian law makes it quite clear that I am not to defend myself with any of them.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said:

Guns are too readily available to too many people. Why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all? I know answering questions like this won’t fully eliminate tragedies like this, but even if we can prevent one of these incidents, then in my view it is a discussion worth having and having very soon

But that's not enough, as the Toronto mayor and city council want more gun control. Within days of the shooting, the city council voted 41-4 on banning guns city-wide. Guns are to blame, not the shooter. Guns are too easily obtainable (LOL), get rid of them all!

I'm so glad we're not even allowed to defend ourselves with guns in Canada without being charged with a crime, might as well just take the guns away anyways since it's pretty useless. Thank you government for saving me from myself, while I have to beg and wait for police to defend me.

P.S. I went to search for a "gun ban" image for the post, and pixabay had images hidden under "Adult Content" because they were drawings of guns, not even real guns! Wow...

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately for us Canadians, we live in a country where if you pick up any item for the purpose of defending ourselves, it becomes and illegal weapon, even if that item is a pen, or a rock, or a little Swiss army knife.
I happen to own a store in British Columbia, and recently went through one of the scariest situations I have ever been in, where two men in ski masks came into my store, and luckily only tried to steal my ATM, with no success they left immediately, But the problem was... that I called the police instantly when I saw the masks, assuming they would be listening, but I was actually put on hold for 10 minutes, before actually being asked "police, fire or ambulance" and it would be another roughly 3 hours to see a police officer walk through my door. We live in a country where the criminals are the only ones able to get weapons and possess them, and the average citizens are penalized for picking up a pen in self defense. if someone comes into my store and tries to rob me, I would hope I had the opportunity to defend myself, unfortunately the police and government expects me and others to get on our knees, do as they say and beg for my life... it is honestly disheartening when I heard the police officer telling me to get insurance when I asked "so what am I supposed to do about these people?" (talking about the time my store was broken into, and various shoplifters) I also I have to tell you guys, it's a computer store, one of the hardest places to insure in my area, when you are able to it is extremely expensive compared to other retail businesses.
I do not honestly think banning firearms will fix anything, people wanting to commit a crime will ultimately end up committing the crime any way they can (the only thing that comes to mind right now is London's knife crime rise in the uk) and like i said above criminals will still have firearms, it's law abiding citizens this is harming... not criminals. Thank you for the post, your article is very refreshing compared to the other articles I have read on the same shooting.

I was actually put on hold for 10 minutes, before actually being asked "police, fire or ambulance" and it would be another roughly 3 hours to see a police officer walk through my door.

Yes, great freedom and ability to be able to stop bad people when we can't even defend ourselves and have to wait for fuckheads to o their alleged jobs. It's pathetic. We're made into cowards, begging for someone to defend us, making us incompetent and disallowed from defending ourselves. It's a fucking joke that we have to beg for people to come save us and can't be allowed to do it ourselves.

"I went to search for a "gun ban" image for the post, and pixabay had images hidden under "Adult Content" because they were drawings of guns, not even real guns! Wow..." The idea of a representation of something needing to be hidden is pretty absurd. There have been incidents here where young kids have been forced to see a psychiatrist for doing that "finger gun" thing at school.

I have no problem with people discussing this issue but it is sad to see the profound ignorance that surrounds the subject. If one is going to make a case for banning something they need to be able to identify the thing that they wish to ban and explain why they think it should be banned. I wish I could find the clip but I once saw some senator saying that a barrel shroud (essentially an aesthetic feature) needed to be banned. When she was asked if she knew what a barrel shroud was, she began describing a sling which, in addition to demonstrating her lack of knowledge, makes me wonder what she thinks the problem with having a sling is. If one can carry his or her weapon more securely, it is actually safer. If someone can make a good case for something, I will listen to what they have to say but I need to believe that they know what they are talking about and when it comes to this issue, I haven't seen a lot of that in the on the gun control side.

That being said, it is worth acknowledging that there are some legit idiots on the other side. We have open carry in my state, which generally doesn't bother me but every now and then I do see people doing things that can be unsafe like trying to attach their holster to the elastic waste band of their basket ball shorts where it could easily come detached. I would definitely be okay with fining people for that type of thing.

Some good points. People should be responsible with weapons, not just put them in their shorts lol.

P.S. I went to search for a "gun ban" image for the post, and pixabay had images hidden under "Adult Content"

This has gotten way past the point of ridiculous. Back years ago many schools had gun clubs. Why is everything so violent now when back then there were all kinds of guns at many schools? I am thinking it has to do with all this "progressive" mindthink and the growing domination of feel good psychobabble. Throw in a little of dads kicked out of the homes and you have kids who don't know how to have agency.

We need to stop pretending kids are incapable of agency.

Demand something is true and some will begin to agree.

Yes, the 70 had actual guns in school. Where were the shootings? They don't see guns as not the problem, it has to be the guns! hehe...

Just look at Chicago, some of the toughest gun laws anywhere and the only people that it protects are the bad guys. The average person can’t buy a gun to protect themselves and the bad guys don’t need to follow any laws to procure guns...

Yup. But try to tell that to gun fearing leftist liberals... :/ they dont get it

Yup, its like they have locked in their position and its become a part of their identity, they are left and thus have to adhere to all group think, so to change this opinion is like changing a part of themselves. Just crazy stuff. Jordan Peterson talks about this a little bit.

I don't know why people think that banning guns will solve the problem. They focus primarily on guns instead of education, and community, which serves as a better deterrent to crime than threat of jail.

Indeed. Stop guns from being made is the only way to get rid of guns fairly for everyone including military and police. Otherwise, if the centralized powers can get them and criminals too, (sometimes one and the same) then other people should have the same access.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It’s just turning people that would otherwise defend themselves, defenseless. I think they are trying to just crack the generations in the future from ever owning a gun. Our generations do but will our kids and their kids feel as strong about this? Probably not because of decimating generations of legal gun owners.

Even more of a snowflake generation to come.

Yup, make gun ownership taboo. It already is that way in many people's (Leftists) minds.

Yes it's quite sad. Owning a firearm is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Like everything it needs to be treated with respect and stored properly.

Exactly on schedule. Canada is a G20 NWO puppet state as is its gender confused leader. Pretty pathetic.

The plan is to take the guns bit by bit over many years, in the USA included. You can learn more about this UN strategy of disarmament in the following video interview with Lisa Haven as she irons it out in very nice and informative fashion:

Yup, disarm ppl so that only the authorized authoritarians gang thugs can do anything at all, especially oppress and keep people in check :/


As was foreseen by this smart guy:


By the way, speaking of Orwell, my online school will be offering a free course entitled
1984: The Prophetic Voice of George Orwell
very soon for all to join; I got a lot of interesting stuff in this course which will blow your mind. so feel free to reserve yourself a spot.


Cool, thanks for the offer. A good thing you're doing :)

Thank you sir!

Did Hussein even legally own the gun that he used, because if not then this law is useless and punishes law abiding people. They talk about gun control but never about muslim control, seriously you allow massive 3rd world migration and then scratch your head when they bring their bad habits.

Yup, conflicting cultures don't mix when the migrating people don't change their ways and integrate into the land they move to :/

Wow, looks like its the beginning of the end in Canada, first they take your free speech and guns and then the next thing you know you are living under sharia law and if you say anything about it then you are a speech criminal.

Why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all?


Yup, hate speech laws, lots of gun laws, hard to talk about things others can consider hateful or get a weapon to protect yourself (which you can't do).

Canada will be known as the Northwest Caliphate.

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I think people who claim Gun's kill need their head examined. Maybe they just bumped their head. Might be there is something more serious wrong with them.


Toronto Mayor John Tory said:

Guns are too readily available to too many people. Why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all?

To protect themselves against insane people like John Tory...?

So they can draw pictures of Mouhammed without fear.

CRazy and sad times... well, the person is theoretically to blame, its their fault, they’re the one killing someone, but without the guns so much of these recent killings could not happen.

In my opinion there is no need for guns, as gun only has one purpose - to kill. Sure there’s a big problem with the mental state of many people but, that’s why guns shouldn’t be legal.

I know people like the argument of shouldn’t knives be illegal in that case, and yes they should in public if carrying a flick knife, yes that is and should be illegal, but not to have kitchen knives at home as they have another use. Just my opinions here :) I really hate hearing about these shootings, I know we all do

there is sometimes a necessity for killing; when dealing with corrupt or subverted politicians, or religious terrorists screaming "convert or die", or when socialists try to take away your right to self-defense, or when a criminal attacks you in the street.

self-defense against any of the contingencies is the first right, and really the only one that matters, for without, how will you defend your other rights?

guns are the most efficient means of self-defense, both individually and for societies as a whole

In America you at least have the choice when some one is threatening your life "it's them or me" in Canada they strip that choice from you, and it's always going to be "me" in that situation

there is sometimes a necessity for killing; missed ' when people jump queues selfishly'...they definitely deserve killing! Bastards..

but without the guns so much of these recent killings could not happen.

Twin towers?..


So the logic of the argument is - If a tool that has other uses, death by them is o.k?

But putting a tool in the hands of a defendant to prevent their own death, is a bit stupid?


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

don't forget about the rise of knife crimes in the uk! Ban the knives! lol

Stop allowing anyone to MAKE guns if you want to stop people from being able to get them. No more manufacturing of guns. Not making them illegal to own, as criminals and authoritarian police can still use them.

Are beliefs mental issues?

You got cause and effect the wrong way around: mental issues can make you accept unsavoury believes.

Can we just dismiss dangerous ideologies because it's easier to say someone has "mental problems"

Got that the wrong way around as well: We must be more wary of dangerous ideologies as they prey on the mentally ill.

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