How I debate 9/11

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are few topics I enjoy talking about more with people, that are not informed except from what they have heard on the main stream media about 9/11 ! Here are some quick tips for all, that have worked greatly for me! If anyone disagrees please make sure and let me know why.

The first thing I always ask a believer of the "official story" is, do they believe 1 + 1 = 3 ? Because there was 2 planes and 3 towers that collapse into their own footprint! Including WTC-7 which was nicknamed "the Mayor's bunker" because it was built for security and strength with 3 times the thickness of steel beams than any other tower!

The second thing I always ask, is how can they believe that a 757 plane could fit into a 22 foot wide hole with no wing marks? Not to mention the lack of plane debris or dead bodies! The Government was quick to steal all the private cameras, across the street from the Pentagon that would of captured the footage of this MIRACLE!

Usually by now the question becomes why and whom? Which surprisingly isn't hard to answer and the evidence is overwhelming but I will do on another post. Stay sane and I hope this can help other "truthers" out there, because the "official story" needs to be mocked and ridiculed for the absurdity it truly is!

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If you watch that 1st video and still think that a fire took down wtc 7 I feel bad for you.

exactly... well said Cheers

Yes, the official story is obviously incorrect, however. The controlled demolition hypothesis is also incorrect and not factually based. Starting with your first mistake in this article, 7 not 3 buildings were turned into dust on 9/11 in NYC. See the presentation, and the massive amount of evidence by Dr. Judy Wood, and see some of the documentaries I have created since covering the use of Directed Energy weapons and military space programs. The controlled demolition hypothesis is cointelpro, the truth about 9/11 is LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions aka Cold Fusion) powering microwave directed energy weapons turned the 7 buildings into dust.

Thanks for sharing and you are correct about the amount of buildings, I just dwell on the big ones. I will watch the video you shared but am curious if it will entail the closing of floors, cameras, etc.. for secret construction including the removal of the bomb sniffing dogs just prior.. thanks again all info appreciated and here is one of the many articles on the prior actions of 9/11;_ylu=X3oDMTBzNWI0czgzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMTIEY29sbwNiZjEEdnRpZAM-/RV=2/RE=1471058178/RO=10/

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

There is so much wrong with 9/11 that I never no where to begin with people who believe the official story. As a kid I used to play with jet fuel and it is nothing like gasoline, it's basically just a filtered version kerosene. When I heard they were claiming it could melt steel I was laughing until I saw people believe it.

I know right.. I can't believe how many still believe the "official story"... Now if I could only learn to write half as good as you! (in my defence I never went to english school... if you can call that a defence :) thanks for checking it out bro!

Where are you from?
When I was a kid we would wrap corduroy rags around big sticks and dip them in jet fuel to make torches for when we snuck out at night. We used jet fuel because it would take forever to actually burn the rags and wood.

cool but you had jet fuel available as a child ? lol I was born and raised in the Toronto area and have yet to leave but the time is coming.. how about you where did you settle if you have settled or still hitchhiking :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I am down south, I would trade places with you, I hear Canada is nice, with more freedom, is that true? I had a weird upbringing which makes no sense and provided lots of jet fuel.

Ya little bit more freedom in Canada in reality but US has more freedom on paper! Like the US it depends where. Toronto is just the same as an American city now except maybe a little more tolerant of diversity excluding California :) 4 seasons is nice growing up but we hit our 40's now and would like to try living in a warmer climate with minimal Government. (sailing caribbean our goal now for as long we can/want)

That sounds awesome!

hint hint

lol professional hitchhiker could always come in very handy :) But we are a phew years away still unfortunately, progress got held back a lot last year for an idiotic reason and I spent most of my savings :(

You might want to write about your boat and you progress, they love hikers so they may shower you with upvotes.

btw There is a youtube channel about ridiculous conspiracies, like the moon is a hologram. But after 5 minutes, I am like "Guy's get in here, the moon's a hologram" then they spend the last minute informing me of how foolish I am to believe the moon is a hologram.

Great suggestion and have already many ideas for travel and boating videos. it's just that while I am still surrounded by people who blindly follow "liyers" to be short. It just helps my mental state to speak out and expose them! and I am addicted to multitasking :)

Unfortunately people are under huge pressure of mainstream media to stand by official story. The first thing they did was to proclaim you are either with us or them ''terrorists''. Second thing is common people find it very hard to believe that the very Govt that they have trusted since their memory have betrayed and killed their own citizens.... but one thing the people who believe the official story still don't realize is that it is the very people who lied about WMD in Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas are the same ones that said 9/11 event was carried out by some terrorists living in the caves in Afghanistan. One they realize that it would be hard to believe the people in the govt wouldn't hesitate to kill their own people for their vested interest

here is a post I made you might also like

Yep and exactly why I feel the best way to break people of their hypnosis is through mockery and humour! Great article you got there and looking forward to more from you! Cheers

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

To me, 9/11 for is one of the best evidence that there is also some spiritual blindness because I cannot imagine how physically healthy people (and many of them are very intelligent ) can believe the official story. Great article.

Thank you! I believe it is important to keep pushing the absurdity of the "official story"... Cheers