Why we drink distilled water

in politics •  8 years ago 

Just wanted to share with you, why we feel it is important to stay away from tap and most bottled water.

As always I try to keep the message short and to the point. But most of all I try to produce evidence to support my beliefs.

Just another reason to a long list of why we should always question Government!

As always don't be shy to share thoughts :)

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It is good to hear different opinions.

Absolutely! All the footage or argument for pro water fluoridation is always/only "it's good for your teeth"!

But they never/rare bring up DIGESTATION. Thanks for checking it out... Cheers

I agree with your concerns regarding bottled and tap waters. I am fortunate in that I have access to an artesian spring, so it has been the sole source of my drinking water for years. The minerals present are vital to our bodies and distilled water often lacks those minerals.

I would recommend everyone contact their local university's geology department and ask if they can help you locate a spring nearby. They may even have water reports on hand for your review.

Great comment.. Cheers

You may want to look into the possible negative effects of drinking distilled water long term http://www.mercola.com/article/water/distilled_water.htm

Yes thanks for raising awareness of the risk of only drinking distilled water. I just don't know anyone that only drinks water all of the time. Lucky for me/us we mix in a phew "Cuba Libres"

tap water is certainly toxic, but distilled tap water is not good either - go with quality spring water - http://www.frot.co.nz/design/health/fluoride/

@sift666 Very good point except it is getting harder and harder to find "quality" spring water depending where you live of course (you never know what you're going to get but at least there is no fluoride in spring water)

thanks for sharing. Cheers

OMG the ending with the guy was so funny.
I am too scared to be drinking the government's brew.
I tend to stick with Crystal Springs and Coconut water these days.

Good suggestions!

Not sure if distilled water is the one without minerals, but if it is, then it will rob you of your minerals. To be honest I just picked the water that taste the best with no added ingredients, but if I buy Crystal Springs from Walmart, Sams Club or Kroger then it will taste like plastic, my theory is that those companies leave them on pallets out in the sun which causes the plastic to leach into the water. So far Publix is the best place that I have found to buy it, hopefully I am getting my minerals.

I believe you are correct that it may not be healthy to only drink distilled water all of the time. You should mix in "Cuba libres" or juices or your preference of choice.

I just don't know of anyone that only drinks water, I just feel when you drink water it should be distilled or fluoride free at the least.

I think you are also correct about plastic chemicals mixing in the drinks. I remember hearing a story about the plastic chemicals mixing in and large doses could be harmful.

I would have to look it up do... just going by memory

I tend to mainly drink water, I used to only drink coke and a few years ago I got that monkey off my back, now it is water and maybe one coconut water a day. The plastic can cause low testosterone and other stuff that I can't be bothered to look up lol

Get a big berkey or a propur water filter they reduce the fluoride to non-delectable levels or add some himalayan salts to your distilled water to re-mineralize the water.

I have a propur and love it. water tastes great and sometimes I add a pinch of himalayan salt.

Yes great alternatives out there. Thanks for good suggestions. Cheers

bad idea