Politics, as usual, destroys our critical thinking faculties.

in politics •  10 months ago 


My debate opponent claims to be Jewish, implying that he cannot be anti-semitic.

But if course another concept that comes from the left is internalization: black people who have internalized racism, women who have internalized misogyny, etc.

But the anti-Israel left does not even ponder whether internalized anti-semitism is also possible. They just prop up Israel-critical Jews, although they're a minority, as the obviously correct-thinking Jews.

I'd hesitate to generally accuse all Israel-critical Jews of internalized anti-semitism. It's wholly legitimate to criticize the Israeli government's particular policy issues, after all. But I'm rather dubious about Jews who dispute Israel's right to exist, and very skeptical about a Jewish person who uses classic anti-semitic tropes.

In any other context, the left would overwhelmingly claim internalization for analogous language use. But they will absolutely deny the very possibility of it in this context.

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