RE: You cannot rewrite history! Ask the Communists.

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You cannot rewrite history! Ask the Communists.

in politics •  7 years ago 

You know that Antifa means Anti-fascism?

They are against a totalitarian regime, which I think you mean when you say commnism.

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They clearly have no idea what a totalitarian regime looks like, be it fascist or communist...

Saying that to me is a bit strange... nearly funny.

Why it is funny? I also think that the Antifa and mostly the european antifa and the german one do not know what a totalitarist regime is. They did not have any experience at all what happens inside a regime like that.

Edit: One thing is to read about it or see a docufilm in tv and the other very different is to have a live experience of it

Let me start with
"As a German who was born in the Eastern part just one km away from where the 3rd Reich gassed people..."
and end with
"... and also wrote several articles on steemit just now about this topic."

But it is not because the statement is wrong? It was what I thought. The antifa are mostly very young people who do not know how really was... you knew, good for you.

Edit: so you know that under Comunism you can not have any other kind of political way of thinking

There is goes again!

Communism is the devil in hell. So often people say this nonsense.

First there never was communism. Second communism is (at core) not a governmental form, so does not suppress your political views.
Third even if, your statement would not be true.

Communism is - if you are okay to take Marx' definition - when the means to production are democratized and the people morally so advanced that they put the general good above their own (e.g. you have two houses and decide to give one to a homeless because, after all, you can only live in one anyway).

Tar Trek: TNG is communism.

Mao or Stalin are not, even if they called themselves so. They barely managed the first step of socialism.
All the "communistic" states were no more communistic then the "democratic republics" of the diverse dictators are democracies.

Here we go again??? :D
Do you know how Cuba was??? We always "put the general good above our own" as you well say. I am talking about my experience in Cuba, and it was Communism so yes, here I go again. (the we were the normal people not the goverment of course)

Following your concept of Communis you say that it is not a governmental form, well maybe yes but is a goverment can have a communist character, as the cuban one has. And you can not go against to "put the general good above your own" beacuse then you are "anti-communist". This is in Cuba how it was and how it is now. Why it works is another discussion but it works.

What Stalin and Mao did I just know for books, I was not there and as far as I know it is very different what you read or see in the news and what reality is, in the case of Stalin and Mao what you read in the history books depends a lot from where you are and what political system is in your country... I am pretty sure what you could read in the DDR was compete different that what you could read in the GDR at the time of the 2 Germanies about Mao and Stalin or I am wrong?

In Cuba they called communist in the history books.

Edit: my english is not so good, sorry about that, hope you can understand well my ideas

Here we go again??? :D

You don't know how often (including here on steemit) I read something like commnism has killed hundred of million of people.

Which is wrong even if you take Mao and Stalin as communists.
But they also mean "communistic" things universal healthcare etc.

Anyway: Communism does not kill. Dictatorship does not kill. The people with the power - whatever they call themselves - kill. Saying Communism kills is also taking away the responsibility of people towards an idea.
Christianity does not kill. Christians did kill millions. Communism does not kill, people who declared (or though) themselves as communists killed. And so on.

Hmm... let's take this.

And you can not go against to "put the general good above your own" beacuse then you are "anti-communist".

In a dictatorship like Cuba this is right.
In communism (as the ideal per Marx) you would be free to have anti-communist views but you would be too good a human to have them.

And Communism is not the "only" devil in hell... for me personally all the "ism" Capital, Social, Anarch, you named, are part of the same game....divide us as humans

Ideologies are to restrictives, I do not like them

Why are they against free speech then if theyre not fascists themselves?

Antifa is not against free speech. Of course there may be people who call themself Antifa who are.
btw: "gas the jews" or "Kill all muslisms" is not free speech.

We'll, they are shutting down totally legitimate speakers like Jordan Peterson, Milo, Ben Shapiro and even Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor. You don't have to agree with them, but the fascist is the ones that is trying to hinder the people they disagree with. "I disagree, but I will fight to death to let you speak your opinion"

You may not like nationalist walking in the streets, but them being able to do that is way more important than what their message is.

Leftists shutting down free speech is nothing new. We see that all the time in Scandinavia too. Every time a nationalist or even libertarian is speaking, or there is a walk or assembly, the leftists and communists are showing up trying to destroy the meetup. They interfere by shouting or causing violence and chaos.

In Norway they recently even made threats to burn down a book-shop because the owner let a nationalist speak there at an event.

Who are the fascists I ask you. The ones using violence and trying to hinder free speech is always the fascists.

"Gas the jews" or "kill all muslims" is not free speech. But have not even "nazis" like Richard Spencer talks like that. He talks about America being a white country, and that he doesnt want to be a minority. You may disagree with that, but you have no right to stop him from talking to people who want to listen to him.

Every time a nationalist or even libertarian is speaking, or there is a walk or assembly, the leftists and communists are showing up trying to destroy the meetup. They interfere by shouting or causing violence and chaos.

That is also free speech. Free speech does not include that nobody else speaks when you do.
Maybe it should, but it doesn't.

In Norway they recently even made threats to burn down a book-shop because the owner let a nationalist speak there at an event.

Yes, there are always idiots. On both sides.
But the bigger problem is that the Neonazis don't stop with threatening, they do burn down buildings, preferably at night when the refugees sleep and cannot escape in time.
About 3 attacks per day on refugees' homes last year in Germany!

I know saying "but this side is way worse!" is not a solution, but the danger from right is way bigger and without it a lot of the left "counter"attacks would not happen, I am pretty sure.

No no. Trying to stop or hinder others from speaking is not free speech. Thats fascism you see. If youre speaking and i show up screaming so no one can hear you - im not practicing free speech. I'm desteoying free speech.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

and don't forget to read the mouse-over text ;)

3 attacks on refugee homes every day by nazis? Source? In sweden its the "refugees" themselves that are burning down their own houses. Sure thats not the case in germanu as well? Unhappy fortune seekers not getting all the free shit they were hoping for? You are aware that 90% are not even refugees right?

BKA is the federal criminal police. The blue one is an independent Anti-Nazi org.

you have to look into Angriffe auf Flüchtlingsunterkünfte - attacks on homes of refugees

And no, that is not always arson, most of this will be thrown stones or Nazi symbols sprayed

560 injured persons.

You are aware that 90% are not even refugees right?

Out of the about 1 million that came 2015/16 about 600.000 I think were from Syria alone. I would say everyone coming out of a war is a refugee.
I would also consider every african coming because Nestlé has drilled and sucked away the water from their village, or Shell has poisened it with oil spills, or EU export money has made local farmers out of work is a refugee.

But that doesn't matter. It does not matter from where or why they have come. You attack humans.

Europe can't sustain the amount of people entering. We help people that are fleeing from war, and we should prioritize helping women and children, not able bodied young men. 3/4 refugees into Europe are NOT from countries in acute war.

What you think is not an argument. Only 8% of "refugees" into Europe has been from Syria.

But I suspect you are not to be reasoned with. You welcome every African here because some oil company sponsored by our corrupt governments are drilling in their countries. One can even question if they were better of before or after. But that's no concern to you, because you don't have a problem with the West being destroyed. That's what's going to happen if you get your way. You want 1 billion people into Europe.

It does matter where people come from and why they come. It's just insanity to suggest something like you do. You don't have a problem with millions upon millions of low skilled people coming to a modern society who have no need for their skills, and many of them does not even have the intention of working. They want free money. You don't have a problem with that, because their intentions doesn't matter to you.

I can only assume that's because you want the west to die. Who hates people? It's you. You hate the modern civilization. You hate progress and you hate your own people.

I truly hope you some day will see how wrong you are, and how dangerous your anti-intellectualism is. I doubt it though.

Europe can't sustain the amount of people entering.


First its just a double of the birth rate of one year. Or less then 1% of existing people.

Second we produce far more in the EU then we need - not to mention that those new people probably would produce something, too. And if you are worried about "not enough", then you should take in the man, not woman and children.

3/4 refugees into Europe are NOT from countries in acute war.

Asylum is not onyl for those that are in imminent danger of getting headshoted.

What you think is not an argument. Only 8% of "refugees" into Europe has been from Syria.

That may even be true, however I have talked about Germany. And it is not really a differnce if 60& or only 54% or 67%. It was more then half.
Anyway even if not half are from Lybia that does not invalidate the point, since it was just the biggest single country.

But I suspect you are not to be reasoned with

You are the one it seems to me, ignoring what I say but putting strange motives in my mouth.