The biggest suprise about the US Capitol storming

in politics •  4 years ago that people are surprised it happened.

Okay, it's strange that police opens the doors before the people inside are even remote in safety, but apart from that:

  • It has been an ongoing (not only for the last 4 years) warcry that "they" steal votes, and Trump has constantly put fuel to the fire.
  • He lied all the time, so it was totally expectable that the... more exitable of his fans would get rowdy. As they have done in the past.
  • And those terrorists/coupists said it for a long time that they would do it. And there were direct postings everywhere that they would come this day. So much that the DC mayor wanted to get 300 soldiers before, but was denied it. Because soldiers against white guys? Come on! How does that look?

It is also no surprise that those coupists were treated a lot more friendly than BLM protesters not that long ago. That difference is what BLM is about, after all. Can you imagine a Black sitting there on that senate chair, waving an BLM flag? No. He would be shot dead before he enters the room.

And still Republican senators where saying what mighty fine guys those people were that just tried to overthrow democracy to create a dictatorship (Here: imagine links to my posts where I predicted that 4 years ago).

Two days ago someone said he was surprised how close the US is to a banana republic. Well, there is a big difference: In a banana republic, the people coup against the president, not against democracy with his cheerleading.

Anyway... Dear Republicans, welcome to Socialism, where you might get health care and a good education even if you are poor. I wouldn't put my hopes on that too high though.

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i cannot follow your chain of thought.

Firstly you used to many pronouns in your first paragraphs. You haven't even laid out who are the actors in your narrative.

Anndddd... if i have what you are saying at the end correct, you stated, welcome to socialism.

So, i am guessing you are saying that if Chump gets inaugurated, or lien Biden gets inaugurated, or Horrible Harris gets inaugurated...
we are moving towards socialism.

Ö dat Lenny back in da house!

How are you buddy?