Natuonalism for Anarchists

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

I drank way too much coffee and this was a comment and its longer than most of my posts. So I am posting it to my blog.


Nationalism for Anarchists

Water finds its own level

It is well accepted that those from countries of lower percapita incomes flow to countries with higher per capita income like water flowing downhill. Let me just say that is accepted and you can debate that as false if you wish.

From that supposition, as water finds its own level, the per capita income would drop in the higher capita areas until there was very little difference in per capita income.

Those who consider themselves in "first world" countries take exception to immigrats when thier patriot land as seen as a legacy of thier ancestors goven to them, even in the new world countries. I think it hasn't always been like that but I feel that is just patriotism.

Now as we see the culture immigrants being held above the western culture in the law or unable to enforce western values as hoards of those who will not change thier culture or respect laws or women come and cause rape rates to skyrocket.

This is what results in and re-enforces the protectionist mindset.


On refugees, the Syrians' first stop in Europe is normally Turkey. But most of them don't stay in Turkey, they want to go to Germany. There is the water flowing downhill, well people flow uphill to higher per capita incomes. The language and cultural barrier between Syria and Turkey is no better than that between Syria and Germany. The Syrians don't speak Turkish or German. What kind of positions can they fill? Once in Turkey they are as safe from war as they would be in Germany but they go to Germany. Economic reasons.

Stokholm Syndrome

Because of the Stockholm Syndrome that makes people sympathise with their kidnappers an anarchist might see patriotism as such, which helps you understand this following perspective

First World Country Club

Those of us who see ourselves as part of the first world have this exceptionism of lower crime, better banks, better economies, superior freedoms, better passports, and better governments.

But if we spread our wealth to everyone we wont be able to run our public services. The load will just be too great. Some of these assertions are true but perhaps not all.

For Very Poor Crime Pays

If you cannot find a job in the government sancioned tax paying job, you will settle for a black market job or you can create your own job. Robbing empty houses or people at gun point. You don't need to know much of the language. Robbing is a dangerous job, though. People without food will either perish or adapt by setting their concious aside only to find themselves enslaved in the prision system later on.

Distinct cultures cannot live within the same set of laws

Basically, whereas it is common and expected to have children wives in one country, it is awful and illegal in another. Whereas slavery is fine in one country, it is illegal in western countries like Argentina. We must either keep the slavers out, assimilate them for the values that are liberty for all or you end up with sweat shops using slave labour in your own country.

My Counter Arguments

I feel after the pizzagate revelations, there is a huge deep state problem in the United States. I will save you the trouble of refuting a better government and freedom of speech has gone down the drain over there. More poor people does let you hire others under the table to do menial tasks for a lower price so maybe you should look forward to Syrians coming to a neighborhood near you.

The issue is women are seen as property in other xountries when the super wealthy within the west see men, women and children as torture objects, and fuck dolls or meat to sacrifice to some pase god of theirs? What? Okay, that opens me to the idea of anarchism.

It seems the government which is supposed to prevent this is so corrupt it is not going to protect your children from these Satanists. Would dissolving the police force tomorrow make you andnyour children safer?

Deep State

The various spy agencies around the world keep secrets from the democrarically elected governments. I bet the intention is to keep the democratic governments as mere figures to show the public but gain all the power. Disolving the government would not close the CIA, they would simply fund themselves with the slaves, and drugs.

My Synthesis

The surface state has a lot of corrupt members that make up the deep state. The surface state must be decentralised. Educate those in the surface state in an anonymous way. Send pedogate material to the underlings. Do not send photos of child abuse b/c that will be seen as a crime. (child porn laws) Don't trust the people at the top.

Disclaimer: I am away from my keyboard and computer. Please excuse my numerous typos. I blame the glass virtual keyboard of my tablet

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@leprechaun well said!! Thanks for sharing it we all need to this read this one article!!

Thanks for the kind words @raghwendra. I am glad my words are reaching someone.

Hmm, do you really think about anarchism?

Anarchism means many things to many people. Which meaning do you choose? No government? No law? No peace?