Дружба -Friendship

in politics •  3 years ago 


Our grandfathers once fought over this building,
now our grandchildren stand in front of it as friends

You are Russian,
I am German.
You have more in common with me
than with your government.
I have more in common with you
than with my government.
And our governments are very much alike.
They are both run by psychopaths
who do not care about you or me.
They both follow Stalin´s creed:
It is all about the preservation of power!
Whenever the politicians
let the Russian and the German people loose on each other,
terrible suffering on both sides was the consequence.
May this time peace prevail!

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Heute ist es genau 7 Monate her, dass Russland die Ukraine mit Waffengewalt angegriffen hat.
Und ich bin bis heute entsetzt über diese Tatsache, aber genauso sehr über das, was uns "die (meisten) Medien" und die meisten Politiker bieten an Kriegspropaganda statt der zäh fest gehaltenen Forderung, an den Verhandlungstisch zurück zu kehren und die NATO als Mit-Aggressor dort in die Pflicht zu nehmen...
Manchmal denke ich, die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Russland haben den Amerikanern Angst gemacht um ihre geopolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Pfründe...

True words!

Greetings Michael


Good work

Russian empire should not fight in 1914 against Austria and Germany on the side of the Entente, for the interests of England and France - politicians are not idiots, but they make worse mistakes than idiots, and the price of a mistake is the destruction of millions of people, nations and a huge invaluable deterioration of the human world and the noosphere.