Awakening: "Dangers of the Rabbit Hole"steemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  7 years ago 

      Since the election of President Trump, a mass awakening appears to be spreading like an airborne virus. The President is not the reason for the outbreak, he did however accelerate its spread. Circumventing the media via Twitter, the POTUS hs been able to get his message directly to the people. Unfiltered. 

     His combative relationship with the media has continued to put the spotlight on their credibility. The MSM has been on their heels for most of this presidency. It seems like every day the MSM is correcting or firing another journalist. Each misstep loses more credibility with viewers. Just recently Project Veritas has begun releasing a series of undercover videos exposing the corruption at CNN.

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     This political climate has created the perfect environment for this outbreak. Trust in the media is at all time lows, desire for the truth is at all time highs. This need eventually draws them to the world of alt media to fill the void. YouTube has seen many creative users pop up in the last year. Sites like Steemit are gaining popularity as another alternative to the propaganda being fed to us. The internet has become a Hot Zone for truth. And fiction.

       With all the self proclaimed "truthers" on the interwebs, it can be difficult to determine which ones have the answer. These modern day snake oil merchants pedal their wares in the trending sections, all claiming to have the cure. They must be approached with skepticism. 

       Some victims express feelings of helplessness after contracting this Awakening. They can feel small. Insignificant. Like they are on the bottom of the food chain unable to change their situation. Others may feel anger. Hatred for an invisible force, playing God with their life. A few can even break into fits of uncontrollable laughter followed by the  rolling of the eyes. Because the symptoms can vary. There is no one cure.

       If you find yourself a victim however, do not panic. The fever can cause confusion. This can disorient you making it difficult to tell what is up and what is down. The true cure is not found in a bottle and the quest for it is quite long. Here are some tips to help you make it to the end.

1. Avoid losing your way by finding a focal point. A focal point is nothing more than a known truth. An example would be telling yourself "The only thing I know to be true, is nothing is truly as it seems". This helps if you find you're lost because ultimately it is true. It does not discredit the research you put into a subject by completely discrediting it, but it certainly offers a healthy bit of skepticism when trying to uncover the truth. 

2. When you find yourself a little deeper into the rabbit hole it becomes more important to keep research notes. This is important because if you get one step wrong on you're journey you can find yourself miles off course down the road. Keeping a journal of your findings allows you to review your research to find where you may have gone wrong.  Just because you ended up in the wrong spot does not mean the entire endeavor was a waste.

3. In most cases the Path of Truth lies in the middle. I have found virtually no one or nothing is as good or as bad as we are told. The truth usually lies right in the middle. House M.D. had it right when he said "Everybody Lies".

4. Make a mental note of your sources credibility. The reason so many people believe Seth Rich may have been murdered for leaking files to Wikileaks is because Julian Assange practically said so. Even offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who offers information leading to his killer. With a 100% accuracy rating, Assange has become a symbol of truth to many people. Finding the Assange's of the world will help your journey go much smoother. They are rare gems however. Discard the bad ones.

5. Lastly, travel with friends. It can get lonely on the road and it helps to travel with like minded people. Get involved with the comment sections. Make a YouTube channel. Blog. Put yourself out there and take a chance. Using an alias account allows you to step outside your comfort zone without all the pressure of the limelight.

All of these things should help you on your Awakening and cure. Most rabbit holes don't lead to an exit, but most are worth going down. Your focal point will guide you back out. Be open minded. Be a skeptic. Take breaks from time to time. If you would like to share in my journey Please Upvote and Follow. All feedback is welcome.


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i feel ya! Been down several myself. You're right though. Some people never make it back....