BLM & Fascist-Anti-Liberty Thugs are nothing but Soy-Boys&Girls Street Gangs

in politics •  4 years ago 

BLM & Fascist-Anti-Liberty Thugs, are nothing but Soy-Boys&Girls Street Gangs. Being defended, funded, promoted, supported, protected, Refusing to Prosecute & Institutionalized by the People in the DNC State & Fed Governments.

And the STASI Marxist Socialist Unity Democrat Party, their owned Corporate Propaganda Mockingbird(CIA) LSM Journalists, Talking Head News Shows, & too big to jail/fail Monopoly Social Media.

The Hoover FBI should be all over them and removing them from Polite Society, but the FBI has been politicized and weaponized by Barrack ObombO(Nobel Prize) & Killary Robbing Clit*On. That as Kameltoe Harris says, they serve the will of the DNC and will never stop!

Terrorizing, Burning, Looting, Assaulting, Attacking, Rioting, Criminality, Lawlessness and Carnal Fruit. Judge the devils by their works

Crimes and actions that are getting a free pass and are just fine with the Socialist Unity Democrat Party! How can any Law abiding; American Muslim, Christian, Jew, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, White, or Blue citizen, (E-Pluribus-Unum, Out of Many One) turn a blind eye, deaf ear, and mute tongue to what is going on and being done?

To innocent and Patriotic fellow Americans that love this country and believe in preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution from all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic?

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