"For only God is Good and the Nature of Man is Evil..."?

in politics •  5 years ago 

My fellow Americans, we are innovators. We came up with Edible Panties...surely we can make biodegradable Plastic bags? Bags and everything else made from Petroleum, instead that are made to be biodegradable Plastic, that is even edible.

Bags made from Hemp, the good cousin of Cannabis. Biodegradable, edible...Hemp great for salads, full of essential 3, 6, and 9 Omega Oil fatty acids. Great for the environment and Mother Nature. Animals need good nutrition, not plastic that is Killing them and the leading cause of extinction. Not Climate Change; buzz words.

Because, of course, climate Changes, it's just not because of CO2, the stuff that Plants need to Breathe, you Fools.

CO2 is only .03% of the Atmosphere and not a Green House Gas. Plants Grow more when the CO2 is high, always creating balance and has been that way from the beginning of life on this planet. And is the only one we know of in the Universe with Life. A very good reason why we should all care and Love this World as the God of the Jews does.

We the People, to be good servants and responsible stewards. We should want to and must do whatever it takes to save the planet from those that seek to destroy it.

Time to take back control of Manufacturing from the Greedy Oil Barons, the Oligarchs and Corporatocracy of Wall St. People that only think in terms of the Bottom line and not the Life Span of Fellow Americans and the Children of every Generation.

From the People that are the Carnal minded ruling Class. Full of the "Power of Pride", one of the 7 carnal fruits of the flesh.

People elected by no one, that believe they have the Divine right to Rule/Dominion...based on Wealth or their own inflated exalted Egos. Believing, God is in Control... they the chosen? The Exalted Elite and are above the Law, because of Grace Only.

People that prefer to Sacrifice their Care and Empathy to their God Moloch. The God of the Law of Blood Sacrifices for forgiveness, blessing, and curses, at Bohemian Grove.

People that love Money and Power more than their neighbors. People claiming religion but their trees are empty of any good fruit of the Spirit. Fellow Americans that are refusing to care for average Americans, (the deplorables, peasants, slaves). The Working Class, Families and their children the Planet we All live on.

Guilty of the worst atrocities and sins, the Mafia, the KKK, the Nazis, murderers, torturers, rapists, adulterers, sodomizers of innocent children as well as those familiar with all these Crimes against Humanity but remain silent, ruled by fear or the belief that everything is being controlled by a God.

People that want a divided America, one that is divided between the Rich and the Poor.

The Haves VSs the Have Nots, to them the Nice and the Naughty...according to Santa Claus. And the words of the Mother Church. And the God Jesus, the Image gave the Name of a Man. The Fatherless Godless, Lawless, Bastard with a virgin for a Mother, the new Queen of Heaven and the Priests of Rome, his many Virgin Holy Fathers. Of Both Man and God, claiming the Throne.

Cut one head off and another takes its place, giving the illusion of immortality.

They that have claimed Dominion over the Heavens and the Earth, greater than any King or Queen. Jesus as God that in Spirit is everything like Satan, wanting to destroy this world and can only create People that are unable to be and do good. "For only God is Good and the Nature of Man is Evil..."?

The Bibles definition of Devils and this is what the Churches are preaching and teaching to the Children of the World to Believe but as we believe so shall we be and do... How can this be???

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