Ex feminist reveals femism truthfully

in politics •  7 years ago 

Cassie really summarises feminism honestly, in line with my previous post about the real purpose of feminism.

Australia has always thought to be ten years behind the rest of the world, maybe less now with the Internet. I used to think that this was a bad thing, I hope we have been able to use that lag time to open our eyes to what's coming, soon enough for our country to reject it.

there are a lot of industries making a lot of money off the idea that women are disadvantaged
Cassie Jaye 7:10

The beauty of feminism is that most of its proponents have no idea of its real purpose. It is about destroying the family, why? To undermine western culture.

White women will be the first to start to see it too, when they are exposed to intersectional feminism and realise that being a woman is not enough, they have to be a woman of colour to get there voice heard.

Intersectional feminists are really just racists who divide people by the colour of their skin.

there is a destruction of the family kinda happening with the removal of father's from the equation.
Cassie Jaye 12:26

It is not a war of the sexes. It is a war against western culture. This is why white or westernised women tend to wake up to it first and realise that what they doing is tearing down western culture and either switch sides or double down. Feminists think that they are fighting men for womens rights. When actually they are just assisting the destruction of the family and the west. This is also why feminism is pro Islam, if you weren't able to work that out already. The feminist war of the sexes is a proxy war against the west.


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feminism is poison

Couldn't spare a 50% vote for the post? Even 20% since you're getting 3 bucks for the comment?

This picture says a lot about modern day feminism in my opinion LB.

Thanks for the post.


Lol @sirknight, it is serious though, give it 5-6 years we wont recognise this place at this rate.

Whats so great for women about Western culture?

I see a tonne of porn, prostitution, a lack of access to abortion and contraception, rampant sexual violence and a sexual predator in the White House.

Maybe we need to destroy Western culture to have feminism.

If you destroyed western culture, the last thing that you will have is feminism

Well, I can think of nowhere really that has the same level of prostitution as the US, Antipodes and Europe. I guess Japan is possibly more pornified than the West. South America has less access to abortion than North, although only marginally, and in North America, contraception can be difficult to come by and expensive. Sexual violence is definately worse in Asia, but I cant think of a leader who has had several rape charges and been caught on film confessing to sexual violence other than Trump.

Although these issues are global, they are much more prominent in the West.

It is funny you didnt mention africa and the middle east. And this porn issue is a strange one, to me it is not a problem of western culture, it is a problem of your generation being influenced by postmodernists entertainment (holywood and the like). Try listening to some classical music for a taste of western culture or experience engineering and architectural achievement s of the west. Condoms are not expensive or hard to come by. Prostitution in the us would not match south east asia and some of those people would not have a choice in becoming prostitutes. It is sad and a little perverse that your generation is fixated on all things sexual.

Porn and prostitution arent common at all in the middle east, contraception is common and accessible as is abortion (although it is often technically illegal). The issues in the ME are different.

Africa does have more of a prostitution/porn problem, but not as bad as the west, and women's healthcare issues are a issue of poverty rather than ideology.

I'm surprised that you see my generation as fixated on the sexual. I guess it is just wishing that young women today had the level of sexual liberation that I had when I was young, rather than growing up in a pornified culture where anal is seen as natural , and sex work is what you are expected to do when your economic safety net falls apart..

It is because you all focus so intently on everything sexual, it is observable. People these days even make their identity on the basis of there sexual behaviour. This is all due postmodernist influence. Porn is part of postmodern culture. Feminism is built on postmodern culture. That is why you now see prominent feminists like camille paglia, janice fiamengo, cassie jaye, christina hoffsummers and even laci green rejecting it. It is because feminism is taking away sexual liberation from women and promoting same sex relationships, instead of promoting freedom of choice. These feminists see the danger in that ideology. Abortion is not an issue here because in this country any woman can get an abortion if needed. Western culture is much bigger than what happens in usa, but it is still an important part. The ideas of freedom and liberty that established usa are worth preserving. It is what freed the slaves.

I dont identify any of these women as feminist. The feminist who arguably written most on sexual matters is Dwarkin. Her book "intercourse" is a classic of feminist literature.

Lesbian prostitution is small to vanishing and lesbian porn production is done primarily for the male gaze, so I'm not sure how your comment about "promoting same sex relationships" fits in here.

I;m not sure which country you are from and indeed in parts of Europe access to abortion isnt an issue, but in Ireland, women who have needed abortions have been left to die, and abortion is under threat in Spain and Poland to name but two.

Life, freedom and liberty for women relies on proper reproductive healthcare, and the US is woefully lacking inthat.


Also what you listed above is not western culture.