President Trump’s “The Calm before the Storm” – ITS HAPPENING

in politics •  7 years ago 

president_trump_calm_before_the_storm_its_happening.jpgEveryone in the so called ‘News Media’ is speculating on what Donald Trump meant when he said: “You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm” in a recent photo op with high level Military leaders on Thurday. The top assumption is that some sort of Military action will be taken on North Korea soon.

Trump said “We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And we’re gonna have a great evening, thank you all for coming.”
When asked what ‘the storm’ is, Trump replied: “You’ll find out.”

On Friday, reporters asked if President Trump was referring to military action and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told the press exactly what has been clear since the beginning of the Trump Presidency:

“As we have said many times before … we’re never going to say in advance what the President’s going to do, and as he said last night in addition to those comments you’re going to have to wait and see.”

There are wars and rumors of wars…

President Trump is letting us know that something big is about to happen but he damn sure isn’t advertising a military strike.

Have you not been paying attention? What did Sarah Sanders just say at the Press conference.

If and when that ever happens, it will just happen.. with no warning.

North Korea is over playing their hand and we may indeed engage them some day but I don’t think this is what Trump was referring to.

“The Calm”

Right now we are in the calm. The anticipation is building up and nobody has any clue what is about to happen. Rumors and speculation are spreading everywhere.

There is a reason that nobody knows. It’s because ‘The Storm’ is designed to arrive while the media is sleeping.

There will be no time for the media to spend hours driving a narrative before hand and after the storm has arrived everyone will know the truth.

The most important question right now is: Why hasn’t it happened already? and What will happen between now and then?

“The Storm”

Our “sources” are telling us that bombshells are about to drop… but not on North Korea.

This storm consists of several elements that are all swirled together. It’s not just about one thing, it’s about everything.

President Trump is going to expose the deep state and the establishment for the fraud that it is.

This is getting a lot of people nervous because it is giving Trump tremendous leverage at the moment.

This is why ‘the storm’ hasn’t happened already.

Leaders and Officials from both sides are scrambling to do damage control while they can.

They are trying to delay Trump as much as possible from this inevitable bombshell that he is going to drop.

I don’t think there is a deal that can be made to stop the train from leaving the station but there is wiggle room on the delivery.

Which brings us to what will happen between now and then.

Deals are being made as name brand people are on the chopping block for their involvement in this mess.

The broadness and the scope of what will be publicly disclosed will be an event that we never thought we would witness in our lifetime.

Once Trump is finished speaking there will be no question as to what has happened and what is happening.

This is the, it’s happening.

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Long Live President Trump

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Have a good time!