RE: Here's Who Will Be the Next President

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Here's Who Will Be the Next President

in politics •  4 months ago 

Yeah, Trump isn't nearly the danger to democracy he's made out to be--especially since he already had four years as President, and didn't do any of the awful things they've been predicting.

But it was the Democrat's race to win or lose, and they really fouled it up. Harris spent four years doing absolutely nothing; her one big job was border security, and there was none. If they'd removed Biden when his decreased mental capacity first became obvious, she'd have had time to build up a reputation; but I think the Democrat Party thought she'd just be an embarrassment, so why not sew up four years with her first?

The Dems need to draw back from their far-left leanings, and find someone with charm and brains, like Clinton. Not that he was a great human being, but he understood diplomacy.

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Yes, someone with charisma and brains and someone younger, like Obama and Clinton were. Or a "hands on" guy like Carter. And that goes for the Republicans as well, obviously. This is Trumps last term, unless he declares himself king or something.

Of course Trump will create the usual embarrasment - he is Trump after all. Stopping the Ukraine war in 2 days, making Mexico pay for stuff, teaching the Chinese about trade behaviour, things like that. Which is all just hot air, but "beautiful". And everybody who says differently is fake news and does not get invited to his next birthday party. :)

Other than that - I think its just another 4 years wasted for the US. Because what you guys really need is more "socialism", meaning more common sense decisions. Things that are brushed off as "socialism" each time someone demands them. Like adressing the health system desaster, the homeless and drug crisis, the migrant problem and such. All that needs to stop - even if it hurts some big corporations and lobby groups. That is in part pretty similar in Germany, btw. May be not as drastic, but it exists.
But for that it needs politicians not only with charizma, but also with balls of steel. I have no idea where to find them.

The problem is that socialism over your way means something different than socialist means to the left over here. Here the left has no desire to address the illegal immigration problem, for instance--they think they can lock illegal immigrants into dependence on the Federal Government, give them the vote, then use them to maintain power permanently.

Meanwhile the right, and rightfully so, sees rewarding people for entering the country illegally as a bad thing. So socialism over here means expanding government and controlling the people, which is exactly the opposite of what the USA was founded on. What we really need is to tackle those issues in a way that helps people while also keeping the Federal government at arm's length and follows our Constitution, and that requires compromise, which is a dirty word in America.

The people who could really accomplish that have been pushed out of both parties.