Too Drunk to Remember...

in politics •  6 months ago many cocks you had to suck - to wind up as President.

Kamala would make Monica hide her semen stained dress in shame.

Yes, Kamala isn't just the FIRST Woman President - she has a laundry list of semen stained dresses. (None of which she needs to ever dry clean.)

Trump Kamala.jpg

When you are born in Jamaica to a black guy who was probably sired by accident by a slave owner - and a mom who somehow got there from India by helping sailors feel less homesick - you know that you've got more than just Sugar Cane Rum in your blood.

You are Presidential material.

Having no qualifications whatsoever for political office beyond somehow having been made attorney general - is a good indication that the Deep State loves you. And that means a lot in today's world filled with retards like Rishi and Keir.

Remember that the vast voting majority were purposefully vaccinated into an autistic stupor - just so your finger could be on that nuclear red button... and not just up some rapper's ass.

(I could have said "nigger's ass" there - but I wanted to be politically and racially correct.)

When you live in the land of the blind - the one eyed monster is...

Trump Kamala 02.jpg

Wait, no. When you live in the land of autistic retards, the drunk Jamaican Indian whore is Queen.

Anyone know where the rum barrels are

  • at the White House?
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