Russians, Little Green Men and Hybrid Armies oh my.... Here is the recap of today's congressional testimony lol
Aliens aren't real.... Really? How / What does that have to do with this investigation? You got me, I have no clue what cyber hacking and wide spread surveillance has to do with aliens, but the Democrats made a connection. Or more accurately, they wanted to clear up some comments General Milley made about "little green men" and "hybrid armies". If you are unfamiliar with these comments, have a quick watch of the video below, then we can move on.
You may think I'm kidding, but I'm not, two democrats spent over ten minutes redefining the two phrases, "little green men" and "hybrid armies". I can only assume that the NSA who was testifying today said something like, "we're getting a lot of chatter about aliens, can you subtly bring up these two phrases and discredit them, thanks."
In other news... The Russians are coming and President Donald Trump tried to sell vodka to them (years ago). Trump made vodka, Russians like vodka, boom we've got him now, shouts the Democrats.
Only time we ever emerged into reality.... Dems and Reps alike talked openly about the fact that the NSA spies on us and they really want permission to keep spying on us, big surprise there right? Well something you may not know; The law allowing for spying is going to expire soon. Something else you may not know Pewresearch did a study in 2015 on how Americans view being spied on. Guess what the results were? Overwhelming disapproval, here see for yourself
Even though the majority does not want to be spied on, even democrat voters don't want to be spied on, the house on this hearing all seems to refer to themselves as the American People and say they are in favor of reauthorizing this "permission to spy"
Now I know many Americans were hoping to find out whether Republicans and Russians are sexually friendly or if Obama had his daughter sneak into Trump tower under the ruse of selling cookies, but really stuck a tape recorder on a phone line. Well we aren't going to know! I'm making light of it, because it's all a waste of time, we all know the answers already.
Yes Obama spied on Trump, of course he did, he put reporters in jail and wiretapped them too, he used the IRS to attack thousands of conservatives. So come on, anyone that thinks Obama wouldn't spy on Trump is kidding themselves. Obama hates Trump and has not problem bending or even breaking the law to get the results he (Obama) wants.
As for the Russians, they wouldn't waste their time spying on the naughty talk of the DNC and Podesta, they are busy stealing actual secrets that allow them to build bombs, fighter jets, naval vessels etc... Don't believe me, read my previous article that details how the DNC and Podesta's information was gathered. This was not done by an expert, it was done by a freelancer.
Bottom line though, for the average American, if you start trying to go down this rabbit hole of the democrat and republican in fighting to try and gain favor of the deep state you will literally loose your mind. Stick to the black and white, write to your reps and tell them not to reauthorize spying, tell them to lower your taxes, tell them to at least read the constitution they swear to represent, while your at it, why don't you read it quick too. Super simple right? Every American regardless of IQ should be able to handle it.
Those of you with higher IQ's, here's a little project for you. Read the constitution and then read the 10th Amendment. Next write down every government program that you did not explicitly read about in the constitution. If your hand starts hurting, maybe it's time for you to step up and do more to help your country.