Part IV of this series. Thanks to Twitter user @xiomirb who posted this useful info in Spanish.
NOTE: Some of the info you will read is quite disturbing for some people.
"Barbro Sorma, Swedish feminist deputy said: "Refugees raping women is better than Swedish people doing it". Because, according to her, as in their countries of origin, women are considered "second class", so it is something cultural among them. "Swedish men who rape do it by pure choice. It's worse than refugees doing it."
And now Sweden is named "European Capital of Rape".
The police published a report on May 18, 2016, recognizing that Sweden has the highest rate of physical and sexual violence, sexual harassment and harassment in the EU; with these statistical facts:
• 93% of the rapes are carried out by refugees.
• 43% of the victims are minors.
• 100% of repeat offenders are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
• 100% of the gang rapes are at the hands of immigrants or descendants of; even having a name for it: Taharrush Gamea / Jamai (gamea for Egyptian Muslims / jamai for the rest of Muslims), which is when a group of men choose a victim and attack them all together; which says a lot about how normal Muslims see group rape.
• More than 70% of group rapes are committed by Afghans, Eritreans or Somalis.
• More than 85% of group rapes are perpetrated by immigrants registered as "unaccompanied minors". (*) (later you will see why the quotation marks).
• In 2007 there were 12,500 sexual assaults (rapes, touching, harassment); in 2014, 6,620 attacks were recorded only in rape; in 2016, there were 20,000 complaints of sexual assault. From January to June 2017, 9,680.
Considering that, the Swedish National Council for the Prevention of Crime, only 23% of sexual assaults are registered to compile statistics, the actual figure of these 6 months amounts to 42,000 (the latter data is from a report recent).
• The first semester of 2017, the violations had increased by 14% compared to the first semester of 2016.
• The Swedish National Council for the Prevention of Crime states that these figures are even worse, since they estimate that more than 75% of attacks are NOT reported.
• In 58% of the cases, the aggressor is totally unknown to the victim; in 29% it is an acquaintance; and in 13% a close person (to see what the feminazis now say, they protect the Muslims, alleging that most rapists are people close to the victim).
• That most of the refugees convicted of sexual crimes, including group rapes, are granted asylum while serving sentence. Only 1 out of every 5 is condemned to deportation (which is not the guarantee of anything, in 2015, 30,000 people with a deportation date from Sweden were unaccounted for).
• The National Board of Health and Welfare also reported that they have knowledge of up to 38,000 women / girls who have undergone genital mutilation in Swedish territory.
• Another fact that the report showed is that most of the victims are blondes, since it seems that immigrants are attracted to that hair color. Thus, many Swedes are darkening their hair.
• In 2014, 370 d the serious sexual assaults were on males. Although it is known that the figure is much greater, because most men do not report this type of attack. Therefore, in 2015, the first Swedish hospital unit dedicated exclusively to raped men was created.
• That the immigration officials themselves were allowing child marriages.
• That Sweden has the fastest population growth rate in Europe due to its refugee campaign.

In Turkey Airport, this sign was posted after the Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom, criticized on Twitter Turkey's decision to allow marriages with children under 15. The truth is that either of the two governments are ready to open their mouths. Dan Eliasson, National Commissioner of the Swedish Police, said after seeing a report on the relationship between immigrants / violations: let's put bracelets on women with the inscription "Do not hurt me".

And, days later, when the aggressions of the "Putte i Parken" and "Bravalla" festivals happened, it was discovered that most of the victims wore the bracelet.

Even Lisen Andreasson Florman, director of the organization Nattskiftet, who collaborated in the security of the event with 50 volunteers patrolling it, was attacked by a group of 3 immigrants, wearing the bracelet. And, despite all this, the organization of the Trastocksfestivalen Festival, decided to organize free buses for lone minor immigrants, claiming that they could not afford the transportation. What's more, he printed posters announcing it in Persian, Arabic and Tigrinya, being very "proud to be the first music festival that promoted a significant increase in recent arrivals among its public".
At the end of the meeting, dozens of sexual attacks were reported, by immigrants, to victims carrying the happy bracelet.
It is curious that Eliasson was the State Secretary of the Department of Justice in 2007, when it was revealed that many Swedish natives had been framed and unjustly condemned, in many crimes, mainly sexual ones, commited by inmigrants.
Because of the previous accusations, Eliasson was dismissed, but to be appointed General Director of the Immigration Service until 2011.
(*) Service that was later accused of "urging" its administrative staff to register as a minor anyone who appeared less than 40 years old, they say to facilitate the acceptance of immigrants by the native population. I do not know if it is the real reason but what is a fact is that the requests of "unaccompanied minors" are processed more quickly than the others.
In 2015 alone, 35,000 "unaccompanied minors" arrived in Sweden, of which 93% were boys and were registered between the ages of 16 and 17. The Director of the Department of Social Services of Helsingborg states that at least 25% of them are adults. All this without thinking, apparently, in the consequences of putting these adult males in institutes with teenage girls, which has led some centers to hire reinforcing staff to protect the students, as is the case of the Osbecksgymnasiet institute.
But let's go back to "Lord" Eliasson, who from working in Immigration became General Director of the Social Security Service, in 2011. And in those years, the hidden camera of the research program Kall Fakta, showed that, in public health centers, in areas of high Muslim concentration, virginity tests were being carried out. Even issuing certificates of the same, upon payment.
And we return to Dan Eliasson, who in 2015 is appointed head of the national police. Date from which the media receives orders from the police not to specify the race of the offenders when they were not white, regardless of the committed crime. In 2016, it is Eliasson who orders the report quoted at the beginning of the thread, and he does so after accusations by the media of having been pressured to hide the sexual aggressions that had taken place during the festivals; as well as those that occurred on New Year's Eve 2015 to 2016, in Kalmar and Malmoe, resulting in about 90 "unaccompanied refugee minors" being detained. Night of which the journalists denounce that the police rejected as evidence the photos they had taken, where they saw the aggressions, as well as the aggressors.Here came the term "Rapefugee" which combines English "rape" (rape) and "refugee" (refugee).

"Lord" Eliasson resigned as head of the Swedish police this same January 31, 2018, to move to lead the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. What can go wrong?
Let's talk now about public swimming pools and water parks, that they have also been instructed not to denounce "certain things" and, above all, not to mention the ethnicity or religion of those who caused problems in these centers. As the Hylliebadet water park board has denounced, tired of the aggressions against its employees and customers.
Why? Because what is happening in these places is unforgivable!
An official report prepared in 2015, speaks of 123 sexual assaults within these centers, but the directives of them speak of many more. According to the report, all of the assaults were at the hands of immigrants, 86% of the suspects being under 20 years of age. And most of the victims are found in age ranges between 8 and 11. Since the beginning of that year, most of these camps separated the women and men, in an attempt to stop these attacks, but it did not work so. Since 2016, the police patrol the facilities regularly.
The list of sports venues where attacks have been perpetrated is extensive: Fyrishov, Storsjobadet, Vanesborg, Husbybadet, Aquanova... In some, natives themselves have taken the decision to patrol them on their own, as is the case of the Oasel pool, where the members of the Nordic Resistance Movement monitor the installations voluntarily.
This has happened even at the National Swimming Center, Eriksdalsbadet, where also the men and women have been separated, after numerous denunciations of sexual aggressions to women and children.
Other centers, such as the water park Aq-va-kul directly closed their doors, after gangs of between 10 and 20 immigrants repeatedly harassed and assaulted their clients and employees.
Recently the suspicion of many has been confirmed: the town councils were giving them free access passes to the "unaccompanied minors" to prevent them from being on the streets.
Now, those who do not have stomachs that stop reading because, although I will speak in another article about sexual aggressions later, I want to name some specific attacks because I find it necessary to highlight them:
• 12 Afghan refugees raped a Swedish woman for 7 hours. The rape was anal, oral and vaginal. Sometimes, 3 of them at a time. Prosecutors refer to this group violation as "the most horrible marathon of the history of Sweden." Only 7 of the 12 were convicted. One of them, Rafi Bahaduri, 25, had already committed 4 previous rapes in Sweden. None was deported.
The victim has since lived in a psychiatric center with severe mental anguish, suffering from night terrors and panic attacks; prostrate in a wheelchair due to irreparable damage to her abdomen, and with chronic fecal incontinence. (source)
• Swedish woman, 22 years old, was raped by 5 teenage refugees. At the trial it was discovered that the same group had committed three other group violations. None was deported.
• On June 5, 2016, 3 refugees who had raped and tortured their victim were tried as a group. The 3 were acquitted by the Court of Appeals of Svea, alleging that "it cannot be proven that each of them has done the victim."
• A 12-year-old girl, raped and tortured by a Somali immigrant aged 16, suffers so much harassment from relatives and friends of the rapist, that she and her family have had to move to Norway. They have submitted more than 20 complaints that have been dismissed. The same little girl was beaten savagely by the brothers and the immigrant's mother on one occasion, when they tried to kidnap her, suffering even the loss of teeth.
The rapist was only sentenced to 180 hours of community work.

• A 15-year-old girl is gang-raped by 6 Maghrebis and the court of appeals acquits them, determining that the girl "had not been in a state of defenselessness".
• On May 30, 2016, 2 refugees, Ajuub of 16 years and another boy of 15, raped vaginally and orally a classmate of 14 years. The 15-year-old attacker was released without charge because of his age, while Ajuub, who was a repeat offender, was only sentenced to 100 hours of community work because the judge understood that "he has problems to distinguish good from evil". The girl had to change schools when none of the 2 was expelled from it. The director of the center declared that "all three are victims. Above all, Ajuub, because when convicted he has received the harshest punishment. " (source)
• Elin Krantz, young activist in favor of multiculturalism in Sweden, member of the group "We like diversity", is raped by a refugee of 27 years, with so much sadism, that the body appeared with hemorrhages on the head, arms, legs and neck, as well as damage to the nerves of the brain, which caused lack of oxygen and death. You can watch the video above to know more about this crime:
Killing Elin Krantz from DEADBUG says on Vimeo.
• On September 16, 6 refugees, whose identity has not been revealed, gang-raped a woman with a physical disability (in a wheelchair). The 6 were found guilty of rape, but acquitted without having transcended the grounds.
• On January 16, 2017, 7 Syrian refugees kidnapped and held a woman for days, in the basement of a cafeteria that had been opened with government aid for integration, using her as a sex slave, assaulting her anally, orally and vaginally, sometimes Up to 2 men at a time.
Five of them were free. The other two, Khaled Azez Hegrs, 28, and Tareq Bakkar, 23, were sentenced to 4 years in prison for rape. The charges of kidnapping and torture were not added to the charges.
• 3 immigrants aged between 20 and 25 abused a Swedish girl aged 22 for 3 hours, broadcasting live on Facebook, where up to 60,000 people saw her. During the broadcast you can see them saying "you've been raped", "three against one", while they laughed and spat on him. It has only transcended the name of one of the aggressors: Emil Khodagholi, who already had a history of drugs, robbery and assault on houses.

• A group of 20 immigrants beat and raped a Swedish woman on the one meter stairs in Fittja. No one helped her even though multiple people saw what was happening. Even after being left lying there, people continued to ignore their cries for help. She alone had to take the train to the city, where she was finally rescued. The neighbors who denied him the relief say that "they have learned not to see or hear much".
• Abdi Hakim Haki, a 34-year-old Somali refugee, raped a woman to death and continued to rape her after she was killed (police found him in the act). During the trial, charges of a previous violation were added. He was granted political asylum while in prison. The prosecutor in the case, Daniel Jonsson, opted not to sue for deportation because Hakim had been living in Sweden for some time, he said. "He has had a residence permit for so long that we cannot ask for his expulsion. Something very unusual is needed for this. " (I say that for "Mr." Jonsson it must be very usual to rape someone to death and continue the rape after death). When asked by a Times reporter about the risk of him committing more rapes in Sweden, he replied: "I do not understand why a Somali woman has less value than a Swedish woman in this context. He will be more likely to commit this type of crime there if we deport him. " (source)
The last step that the Swedish government has taken to prevent all this (the "do not hit me" bracelets did not work) has been the publication, in September 2017, of a guide to teach refugees not to rape.

Guide that already existed in Germany since 2016 (we'll talk about the German in another article).
I finish by quoting Ingrid Carlqvist, journalist and former collaborator of the Gatestone Institute: "Expecting that they behave like Swedish men is not only stupid, but dangerous"."
Next post will be about what's happening in the UK. Even more disturbing.
It is our duty to spread the truth. If you agree, i invite you to resteem the post. Let's prevent America for what could happen if we don't take a stand against illegal immigration.
To read the article in its entirety, you can read it from the original source in Spanish here:
God have mercy of all of these people. As jolting as the post is, it's needed. Are we animals or humans? Is there any self control or does the world over just accept it as being ok. As much as I'd rather hear about all the good people doing good, I'm afraid there are as many bad people doing bad in this world. Thank you for sharing.
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Part V is up!
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Thank you. Read it. Disturbing!
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Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
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wow, I can't believe the bracelets didn't work.
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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:real rape culture
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Part V is up!
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This is honestly a silly matter with a simple solution which none of the PC scum are willing to admit. Just take a look at Dubai. They are doing better than New York and they have none of these problems despite being Muslims. Real leadership and being tough on crime could easily solve this epidemic.
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Another excellent article on a difficult subject. Well done!
Otherwise, you may be interested in reading my articles below, which focus on the role that CIA, MI5, BND, and the global "intelligence" community play in these attacks:
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