Have You Yet Noticed Wall Street Has Gotten No Blame for 2016 Election?

in politics •  6 years ago 

Bernie vs. Trump.jpg

Isn't it amazing today's Clinton Democrats continue to blame Sanders or Russians for Trump? In a presidential election obviously reflecting the Year of The Outsider, Bernie was the clear choice of the people who thought they were getting an Outsider when they voted for Obama. Sanders drew seven of every 10 Independent voters and he had populist grassroots coat-tails that would have brought Congress back to Democrats.

Folks in the ham and egg diners on Main Street, Everywhere USA knew had Clinton been elected in 2016 and re-elected in 2020 there would have been a Bush or a Clinton in the presidency for nine of 11 administrations and four of the past five presidential elections. America's electorate want a democracy, not a monarchy!

Don't forget Daddy Bush went from directing the CIA into the vice presidency eventually becoming president. And many folks back then thought they were getting pure Reagan? Nope. It's all about power and money in a system which functions on behalf of the corporate oligarchy. The 2016 presidential set-up became no choice at all as a multi-millionaire went against a billionaire, not what the people wanted.

Sadly, the Democrats still controlling the DNC are more in tune with Wall Street than they are with the people. Have you noticed Wall Street, like under Obama, is doing very well under Trump? The bottom line is money rules over everything, including party loyalty.

According to the monthly Gallop tracking poll Independents comprise 45% of the electorate and Democrats and Republicans bounce back and forth between 25-30%. I doubt we'll see any change in the politics of America until those Independent voter registrations increase well past the 50% mark. Having more Independents would also make it more difficult for them to gerrymander the congressional districts!


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Change will happen when people stop thinking inside the two party system and vote third party,or create one.

The markets move fast, the government moves painfully slow. The two are not always directly related to each other. We like to think that they are. Most of the time it is merely a coincidence that the economy does well under one administration as opposed to another. The economy is cyclical and this is usually what determines its ups and downs.

Nonetheless, no matter who the president, 85-95% of the wealth generated in America goes to the fat cats at the top. This trend has well been in play since Reagan-Bush. Are we to accept that that's just the way it is, and live with it? Frankly, I'm sick of it. Republicans give us a oil change, Democrats a tune-up and Libertarians won't care if you charge five bucks a tire to put air into the tire. Fact is, we need a complete and total engine overhaul!

Now is a unique time in history. Get involved with the new blockchain technology. The fact of the matter is no one cares about you, generally speaking. You need to go out there and get yours.

A huge shift in wealth is coming. The people involved with the cyrpto world have the ability to change the financial landscape. You have the same opportunity they have since growth in this field is inevitable. Hopefully this new era of new found wealth will do the right things. You know those fat cats won't be far behind once they realize how legitimate this all is. By then it may not be too late but the early you get in on new technology the better off you are.

Thanks for the insight and best of luck to you!