in politics •  6 years ago 

Food For Thought.jpg

I write from the heart of a true progressive who has a lifetime record of voting for Democrats and condemning GOPwingers.

Essentially, Democrats responded like kittens to Reagan-Bush. With Clinton-Gore, they governed like an upside-down kitty cat being tickled by media and monopoly money. Bush-Cheney haunted us with more evil and then Obama-Biden became the new upside-down kitty cats, staring pleasingly into the eyes of fat cat oligarchs raking it in all the money.

To America's political establishment the people didn't seem much to matter anymore. Politicians, lobbyists, the consultant class and hardcore political operatives of both parties continue to pull in six and seven-digit salaries. All they got to do is go along ... and collect. It's much easier than welfare!

I remember when I got elected as a state representative in New Hampshire. I recall several times, as an infant legislator, being told by staunch political mainstays: Don't make waves! Don't' say much until you've become more established.


Why keep a fresh voice with fresh ideas quiet!?!

The change society needs comes from those bringing in new ideas which likely prompted their candidacy. Is not the object to improve society for everyone, not simply protect the interests the already established few?

So what do we get? We always get an oil change from GOPwingers and a tune-up from the Democrats ... not much more. This is not the way to govern a society whose citizens are crying out for needed, constructive and progressive change!

The fact is we need to overhaul America's economic engine. We need to take our nation away from a reliance on corporate wars which feed only a few master oligarchs, this at the expense of so many beautiful people.

Anyway, food for thought!


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