Who Is Your favorite Oligarch, Lobbyist or Political Consultant? Who Does Mueller Like?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


Up front? I despise Trump and his GOPwinger policies. I want him out of the presidency.

The operative question from this Forbes reporting is: Is the reporting accurate? The history to what we know shows that it is.


I've always postured that Mueller will also indict a few Democrats from the lobby side and this will enable Trump to declare Mueller's whole investigation as a "wash" and that this will then become part of Trump's counter-attack against Democrats. I suppose it would work the same way if Mueller provides immunity for the Ukrainian-Russian lobbyist Democrats.

Democrats have been fools to concentrate on Russiaphobia instead of the real issues now taking place in the GOPwinger congress, issues which principally benefit America's oligarchs, the ones the US main media never mention. After all, why highlight an America oligarch when one can so easily pin sh*t on a Russian oligarch!?!

Anyway, American oligarchs are content with the gains they are getting from the Trump Administration, just as they would have been pleased from the gains they would have gotten from the Clinton Administration. Does anyone understand this yet?

Consider that Obama fooled voters when he presented himself as an "outsider" in his 2008 presidential campaign. Once elected, he remained an insider to the end of his second term. Trump also fooled the voters by pretending to be an "outsider," playing on "drain the swamp." But too many foolish voters forgot to ask: How can a billionaire be an actual "outsider?"

As it is, under Obama 95% of all the wealth created in America during his presidency went to the fat cats a the top. Under Trump, this number is 85%. Voters in 2018 and in 2020 need to smarten up and forthrightly vote for the true outsider: Bernie Sanders! Best way to do this is to vote against almost all incumbents and maintain Independent political party registration -- otherwise, the system will perpetuate itself and the oligarchs will always win at the expense of working people.

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