Why Winning a War for Capitalism Is Losing One to Fascism (Umair Haque)steemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Umair Haque argues that winning the Cold War led America right into the arms of fascism. I guess it shouldn’t be that surprising; fascism, after all, is the far-right’s repudiation of communism (and of just about everything else, of course).

I’ve been fascinated by similar questions lately, and as in my analysis, I see traces of Foucault in Umair Haque’s argument, too. Here’s his take on the topic.

Winning a war for capitalism is precisely equivalent to losing a society to fascism, because the more inequality, despair, injustice, misery, and thwarted dreams of superiority, status, and fortune that capitalism generates — the more fascism ignites, too.

[Image source: Umair Haque (link above)]

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fascism is capitalism in decay after all

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment