Socialism Is a Good Thing for America

in politics •  6 years ago 

Some of you that have read other opinions I have written may think I have gone completely crazy at this point. Let me assure you I have not, at least not yet. Maybe I should finish the thought. Socialism is a good thing for America in family units. I know I grew up in a socialist family unit. One of the early tenants of the socialist movement was the slogan:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

Think about it in terms of an individual family.

From each according to his ability

In the family unit, mom or dad or both have the ability and need to make money to support the family unit. Growing up in my family, both my parents worked to make a better life for us. After work, Mom would make dinner for us while Dad worked on things outside. We lived on a small farm so there was always something that needed to be worked on.

When we were old enough to walk well, we started learning that before going to bed we needed to pick up any toys we had been playing with that night. We made our first contribution to the family unit. As we grew up, the level of our chores increased based on our abilities. I think we were all helping wash dishes by the time we could reach our hands into the sink. As I got older, my chores moved to the outside where I was required to make sure the grass was cut or weeds were removed from the garden or helping take care of any livestock we had at the time.

There were more pleasurable aspects of contributing to the family unit that included hunting and fishing. I can't remember ever being too young to fish, although I am sure at some point I was. By the time I was 10 or so, I learned to shoot a 22 rifle and was hunting rabbit and squirrels by the time I was 12. We didn't hunt and fish just for the fun of it, we ate what we were able to bring home.

So my parents lead us into adulthood by increasing our responsibility to the family unit as our abilities increased. As a result, the lawn was always cut, the garden didn't have too many weeds in it, the house was clean, and the freezer was normally full of food we had gotten from the garden along with the hunting and fishing trips.

To each according to his needs.

All of our needs were met growing up as well as many of the things that we wanted. There was always a house for us to live in, we had food on the table and clothes on our backs. Like any socialist environment, the money only goes so far. There was no way to fulfill all our wants and assure that our future needs would be taken care of.

As we grew, our needs included an education. I think a lot of the need for an education was as much Mom and Dad's need as ours since they never received a high school education, but they made sure we did. In high school we all had extra curricular activities that were seen as needs to help round us out as young adults. But again, too many extra curricular activities drained the money in our socialist family unit so we all had to be careful.

To help meet many of our wants and a few of our needs, we received an allowance for our efforts at the chores we had been given. As we aged and our ability to provide more complex chores increased, our allowance also increased. But it was always clear that if we didn't do our chores, we didn't get our allowance. Much like going to work later in life. Looking back at not getting paid if we didn't do our chores with a slant to the socialist viewpoint, the good socialist gets rewarded. For socialism to ever work on a large scale everyone in the socialist society has to buy in to socialism and make contributions to the socialist society. Obviously those that do not have the ability to contribute will still be taken care of, but those who can contribute but don't, can't be tolerated. As a result, good socialists are rewarded and bad socialists are punished in one form or another.

My impression of young families raising children today is that many have left these socialistic patterns. Many young parents seem to try to give their children anything they want while having no expectations on the children. I do think socialism has a place in America, now you know where.

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The family unit - the only collective that works!
followed! ( I don't say that too often nowadays)

No wonder you are clear, level headed, practical, fair and observant.....a well rounded family with values. Always a goof start.

It is difficult to apply this practice to the massess. Too many oportunitites for others to mooch. Even more than the ways they have figured out to cheat public assistance snd benefits. That one big happy family theory scares me.

Yep. I really believe we need to get back to those values. The family unit is the only place socialism has a real advantage.

Primero para empezar el sistema de precios tiene que ver con dos instituciones que son:
Los intercambios voluntarios y el dinero. es decir que cuando uno entrega dinero en cambio de un bien eso genera un registro histórico llamado "precio" lo que se vuelve una señal que se transmite al resto del sistema económico por que lo importante es que el conocimiento, esta disperso a todos los individuos de la economía. lo bueno de este fenómeno es que los agentes empiezan a colaborar en el proceso de mercado en función de la señal del precio y en medida de que la demanda supere la oferta el precio tendera a subir, y si la oferta supera la demanda el precio tendera a bajar, y este conocimiento lo utilizan los
agentes económicos para guiarse para hacer trabajar el sistema de información de precios y que toda esa
información dispersa actúe como una unidad.
El estado siempre trata de vulnerar los resultados emergentes de los intercambios voluntarios hechos por la gente, por eso siempre la intervención del estado es violenta, es decir, siempre genera daños
el estado ocasiona 3 tipos de violencia:

La violencia autistica, es por ejemplo la que se aplico durante la revolución rusa donde básicamente la gente tenia que entregar sus propiedades o los asesinaban, y los que no se sometían
a la idea de que la sociedad esta por encima del individuo eran aniquilados, por eso es que el comunismo nunca se estableció por mano buena, siempre fue de modo violento y por eso se cargaron 150.000.000
y no solo es un régimen que genero pobreza sino también uno asesino.

La violencia binaria, es el caso de los impuestos si no pagas lo que el estado pide te mete preso.

La violencia triangular, es un control de precios ya que causa daños directos e indirectos ya que el estado
genera una restricción a la libertad de precios, y un problema que genera esto es la inflación, y la pregunta
es "¿porqué se aplica esto si causa un desastre económico?" y ese desastre económico causa mas demanda
de intervención y esa mas demanda de intervención implica un avance de libertades individuales y cuando ese
avance de profundiza y adquiere una determinada posición del estado en la economía en que deriva en
en una posición totalitaria.

"¿porque el socialismo es un error teórico?"
se puede resumir en dos tipos de argumentos tanto de índole estática
y de índole dinámica.

El primer problema del socialismo es la información, es imposible que un solo individuo maneje toda la información de todo un sistema.

You are correct. The institutions of communism, Marxism, and socialism have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people around the world. The establishment of these institutions normally start with violence and well as end with violence.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You don't seem like you have lived in America for very long, if at all. Socialism will not work here. For one thing, there are as many guns in America as there are people. For another, the majority of Americans grew up being taught that Socialism is poisonous; that's it's a great theory that breaks down under pragmatic use, and that it is an inferior form of government to our Republic.

Name me one country where the people had gun rights and voted-in a Socialist regime that left their gun-rights intact??? I doubt it's ever happened. U.S. gun-owners (about 1/4 of the population) will never stand for it, and neither would the vast majority of our members of the armed forces. It's just not in our DNA.

Obviously, like any other form of government, our Republic is prone to its' own evils. Right now, corruption is rampant. The main problem in America is not its' form of government, or even the familial breakdown, I think it's the fact that our values are upside-down: "materialism" is our cultural form of religion at this point in time. That does not bode well for our country.

I do not know what will happen in the USA through this upcoming dollar-collapse/ global economic reset - but its' going to be difficult for us soft Amercicans to adjust to. But, we will adjust. Then, we will thrive again.

Obama and Hillary already failed in their recent attempted "soft coup" to overtake America with their Socialist ideology. Their crimes are about to be prosecuted in the public light. It will certainly lead to a time of great civil unrest. And, in many cases, that unrest will certainly be "put down" by average American gun-owners. When the police and military fail to show up, the U.S. citizens will. Nobody WANTS to deal with the SHTF situation that we know is coming our way, but we are prepared for it - ahead of time - because only 1/2 of us are as stoopid as the rest of the world thinks we are. The other 1/2 drive the worlds' largest economic and military super-power that has ever existed - and we know how to handle our business when things get out of hand.

U.S. citizens probably need to apologize to the world community for allowing our "military-industrial complex" and our banks and politicians to escape our control, and for our lack of holding our leaders accountable for their actions around the world. It is nearing the point of crisis in our country, and Trumps' election is the leading indicator that U.S. citizens have reached a point where enough is almost enough. Any more B.S. out of our politicians and there will be some hell to pay. The hell that has been done around the world, in the name of the USA, does have a way of returning on us. It's almost time to pay the piper. We know it's going to hurt, but we also know that we'll survive and come out the other end of the process leaner and more efficient.

It doesn't seem like you read my article. If you had you would have picked up, hopefully, on the fact that I am against socialism.

And I have lived here all my life. Well, at least the first 59 years of it.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Just responding to the click-bait title of the article. It's a weird idea to micro-size socialism to the family level.

Weird, maybe. Potentially it helps explain why so many are attracted. In their minds, socialism gives them the feeling of security they will be cared for just as their parents did when they were children.

Another place socialism can be observed is within a monastery, would that make it easier for you? The big advantage for those priests or nuns in the monastery is that they have already taken a vow of poverty. With that vow they wouldn't be surprised when the socialist principles led them into poverty.

Прежде всего, чтобы начать систему цен, имеет отношение к двум институтам, которые:
Добровольные обмены и деньги. то есть когда кто-то дает деньги в обмен на товар, который генерирует историческую запись, называемую «цена», которая становится сигналом, который передается остальной экономической системе, потому что важно то, что знания распространяются среди всех людей. экономики. Хорошая вещь об этом явлении состоит в том, что агенты начинают сотрудничать в рыночном процессе, основываясь на сигнале цены, и когда спрос превышает предложение, цена будет иметь тенденцию расти, и если предложение превышает спрос, цена будет иметь тенденцию идти вниз, и это знание используется
экономические агенты, чтобы направлять себя, чтобы заставить систему информации о ценах работать и что все это
Распределенная информация действует как единое целое.
Государство всегда пытается подорвать результаты, возникающие в результате добровольного обмена людьми, поэтому вмешательство государства всегда носит насильственный характер, то есть оно всегда наносит ущерб
государство вызывает 3 вида насилия:

Например, насилие над аутизмом применялось во время русской революции, когда люди вынуждены были сдавать свою собственность или были убиты, а те, кто не подчинялся
Мысль о том, что общество выше индивидуума, была уничтожена, поэтому коммунизм никогда не устанавливался доброй рукой, он всегда был насильственным, и поэтому было выдвинуто обвинение в 150 000 000
и это не только режим, порождающий бедность, но и убийца.

Бинарное насилие - это случай налогов, если вы не платите того, что просит государство, чтобы вас посадили в тюрьму.

Трехстороннее насилие является ценовым контролем, поскольку оно наносит прямой и косвенный ущерб, поскольку государство
порождает ограничение ценовой свободы, и проблема, которую это порождает, - это инфляция, и вопрос
такое «почему это применимо, если это вызывает экономическую катастрофу?» и эта экономическая катастрофа вызывает больше спроса
вмешательства и что больше спроса на вмешательство подразумевает продвижение индивидуальных свобод и когда это
продвижение углубляется и приобретает определенную позицию государства в экономике, в которой оно происходит в
в тоталитарной позиции.

«Почему социализм - теоретическая ошибка?»
можно суммировать в два типа аргументов, оба из которых являются статическими
и динамического характера.

Первая проблема социализма - это информация, так как отдельный человек не может управлять всей информацией всей системы.