The System Has Failed: The Globalist Left's Great Con.steemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  7 years ago 

The greatest con of all

Like every other disenfranchised group, the working class has essentially zero choice of representational leadership, as the machinery of governance, finance and the mainstream media are all controlled by the privileged, protected elites of the establishment.

This has lead to the success of movements like the Brexit in the UK and the election of Trump in the US. People in these countries have had enough. They have said collectively, "we've tried it your way and we have nothing left to lose, so let's try this."


The left's collapse of labor

To mask the collapse of the Left's economic defense of labor, the Left has substituted social justice movements for economic opportunities and security. This has succeeded brilliantly (so far), as tens of millions of self-described "progressives" now parrot the Great Con that "social justice" campaigns, on behalf of marginalized social groups, are now the defining feature of Progressive Social Democratic movements throughout the world.

(Since I don't trust the globalist media, my belief in this is borne-out from first-hand accounts that I've gathered from contacts in the UK, Italy, Brazil, and other countries as far-flung as Israel that bear this out.)

This diversionary sleight-of-hand embrace of economically neutered "social justice" campaigns masked the fact that social democratic parties everywhere have thrown labor into the churning propellers of globalization, open immigration and neo-liberal financial policies--all of which benefit mobile capital, which has engorged itself on the abandonment of labor by the Left.

Meanwhile, the fat-cats of the Left have engorged themselves on capital's largess in exchange for their treachery. In the USA, Bill and Hillary Clinton's $200 million in "earnings" come to mind, as do countless other examples of personal aggrandizement by self-proclaimed "defenders" of labor around the world.

But it isn't just the Globalist Left's fat-cats who have feathered their own nests while denigrating the Working Class with arrogantly contemptuous scorn: the entire protected, privileged "liberal" elitist Establishment has responded with a very illiberal outrage that their protected, privileged skims and scams might be endangered by an uprising of the loathed and ridiculed working class that they reckoned would remain safely cowed and conned.

If it weren’t for Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Mateo Salvini, Frauke Petry, and other nationalist movement leaders the Great Con would seem to be an unparalleled success! And if things continue to go against the Great Con, I (and others) believe that the powerful at the heart of the Great Con will not hesitate to collapse the global debt edifice and see the world burn in regional wars, rather than lose.

Are we wrong? Is this just another crazy conspiracy theory? Other first-hand evidence and observations would be appreciated.

I remain,
the crazy @mindhunter

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Methinks the people are awakening, not fast enough for those "Woke", but it is coming.

Maybe I should've signed off as ....
I remain,
the sane @morpheus

Or "The Woke @morpheus"

Deal @kyusho! :D

Back when I was a kid, just getting to voting age, Republicans said they were for sound fiscal policy and Democrats were for the working man.
By all account, Chump is a Democrat.

We just ended 16 presidencies of Bush. Where voting for the left or the right got you the EXACT same thing.

TPTshouldn'tB, the elite, are not all of one mind, but they are psychopaths. (They actually work at bringing out the psychopath in the their children) And a psychopaths main concern is control, at any price. They are not as powerful as one might think. The crash of the 30s was going to happen, they just helped it be bigger and set themselves to profit from it.

They didn't really start the wars, it was already in the cards, but they did fan the flames and use propaganda or false flags to get various factions to fight each other for fun and profits.

The middle working class is dead. America just hasn't woken up to it. And the elite are trying to push them over the edge.

It is going to take an evolution to get out of this. Like what is happening with bitcoin. Its happening.

Funny you mention TPTB @builderofcastles ... I've got a post coming up on them in 10 minutes time ... 'Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine.'

No no no no, you gotta stop using TPTB, use

cause it looks neater and is what it is. ^_^

Ha ha! That one raised a LOL @builderofcastles :D

Incisive article hunter. Thanks for the 1 Steem for solving your maths puzzle post :-)

No worries. Stay black! :)
