I view these little antifa/alt-right "clashes" to be emotionally charged kids driven by tribal instincts, adrenaline, testosterone and nebulous feelings of rebellion.
The large majority have no understanding of the sociological gears that create better or worse societies on any kind of quantitative/analytical level, their reasoning operates on political hyperbole at best and more commonly: pure emotionality.If they were born in the middle east the would be Sunni/Shia killing each other over superstition. If they were born in the hood they would be the bloods/crips killing each other over bandanas. These kids aren't going to save America from anything.
A war of ideas and reasoning is what we need, a contest of logical projections for the future to determine what will produce the higher quality of life, in a scale of probability based on evidence and data. That's how we'll create a better world to live in.