North Korea & The U.S. Government (The Truth You Choose To Ignore)

in politics •  6 years ago 


Hello to all. I am going to make this post short and sweet. Yesterday was a historic (cough) event as the president of the United States of America met with the leader of North Korea. The last time a president of the U.S.A met with the leader of N. Korea was in 1994 when ex president Jimmy Carter met with then former N. Korea leader Kim Il-sung.

So first a little history lesson, what is North Korea's strategy past and present? Here's a pretty straight forward video:


Next question that must be asked what is the U.S.A. strategy past and present? This is a great question without any real answer as the U.S.A changes policies with every new president that is elected. The truth is simple and it is NOT to benefit the general population of the country.

I will make this disclaimer neither the Democratic or Republican party have the interests of the people in mind. The president as well as the Senate & House of Representatives have the interests of corporations, first and foremost in their minds.


SO where does that leave us in the current state of affairs and what is transpiring in history. Here's an exerpt from an 1hr:29min speech. (I recommend you watch the whole video though).

Let us see if North Korea reverts to it's old strategy or a new age of peace with a unified denuclearized Korea becomes a reality.

Now what is Trump actually trying to accomplish...

In this day and age of internet commentary it seems that everyone has stopped trying to seek out the truth. Which is fine by the powers that are in control because distracting the populous of any and all countries allows you to keep control.

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Hello @mithrilweed
If you allow me my opinion (I am a foreigner who lives in a country tied up by damn communists, Venezuela)
It is true what you say that no political party and no politician has the interests of the people in priority. for them there is money and wellbeing, first and foremost. (that's why I hate politicians)
What happened yesterday between Trump and Kim was something historic, if really.
But I also think that Trump unmasked the leader of North Korea. it was Kim's many years threatening the United States, Trump responded seriously to these threats and maintained them and, I believe, I force Kim Jon-Un to seek peace with the United States.
Trum is very radical in his policies and with his principles, but if North Korea has done this, it seems to me that it was a success for Trump's management.
I comment only this fact and I do not discuss its policies, if you live in the USA, I think you should know it better than me.
Greetings from my beaten Venezuelan homeland.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I was born in the U.S.A but currently live in Mexico. What happened yesterday was barely historic and I will tell you why. All that happened yesterday was that the North Korean Leader signed the same peace of paper, that he already signed last week with the leader of South Korea. They want to be left alone so they can make progress for themselves.

The reason that we haven't gone into War with North Korea/Iran or Cuba is that they have a nuclear bomb (Cuba has N Bombs from Russia). The main reason the United States fights in any war is simple.... banking. North Korea, Iran & Cuba are the only 3 countries left on the planet that don't have a Central Bank owned by the Rothschilds...

As the second video stated North Korea and South Korea are extending an "olive branch/peace offering" because it will make the U.S. look bad if we go in and attack them. Trump is little more than a con man that says, "look at me". As the people are distracted by his policies and principles, the real damage will be done by other people in the U.S. government. (Which is what all U.S. presidents really do).

The U.S. attacked Afghanistan, Iraq,Sudan, Libya before the year 2000...Care to guess which countries have Central Banks now: Afghanistan, Iraq,Sudan, Libya. The banks control the power.

We will wait and see Korea does in the near future.

If you want to hear what the U.S. has done throughout the history in Latin America...

I hope you & the people of your country find peace and prosperity.