British Sugar and Cannabis

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

British sugar owns a 42 acre cannabis farm in Norfolk UK, and it is not for medical research! The CEO of British Sugar is married to the UK drugs minister, she criminalizes people for a plant while her husband sales cannabis for profit. Let's face it, 42 acres of cannabis is not for personal use! Our government are happy to break up families, incarcerate people and criminalize everyday harmless folk for growing or consuming a plant that is beneficial to health, but it is ok for them to do it!

How does this happen!
Simple, consuming and growing a plant is not unlawful! It is your birthright by law to do and consume anything of your choosing just as long as you are not causing loss, injury or harm! Legislation states it is illegal but not unlawful. Legislation can only be enforced with consent, if you do not consent then legislation does not apply. These global elite collar criminals get away with so much because they understand law, it is that simple!

Clearly they won't teach your kids Law at school, it makes sure you all stay compliant to unethical ruling and ensures that you are not equipped with the tools to challenge unethical authoritarian enforcement. Understanding the fundamentals of law and legislation is a simple topic, you do not need to know or remember every law or piece of legislation, just the fundamentals.

When entire families have been split up, peoples lives destroyed because some psychopathic twats want to enforce control and compliance, then you should realize it isn't about protecting you from a harmless plant, it is more about brainwashing you into a state of sub-conscious compliance which undermines our moral compasses.

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