Reasons Why You Should NOT Vote for Hillary Clinton - A story of lies, corruption and DEATH!

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Let me start this off by saying that I am by no way writing this in support of Donald Trump. He is an absolute mad man and he gives all fiscal conservatives a bad name.

Also, apologies for the length of this post. I didn't intend to make it this long but more scandals and lies kept coming up!

With that said, Hillary Clinton (and Bill for that matter) is one of the most vile people in the world today. Rife with controversy, scandals and lies, she is a politician that has taken advantage of Americans for the past 30 years (shame on us Americans for letting them do this!!). Bill has a laundry list of his own scandals that can be discussed in another article.

Controversies, Scandals and Lies

Constant Pandering

Sure, people can change their minds and different views can form over time. But as this video shows, Hillary always seems to say what is popular at the time her views have constantly changed.

This is just one video in the sea of many of her lying through her teeth. One of the popular lines from Clinton was landing in Bosnia under sniper fire when the video shows something quite differently.

Hillary Clinton is a Hypocrite on Woman's Rights and Sexual Assault Victims

It is the definition of irony that her husband cheated on multiple woman with her (confirmed...umm Lewinsky), and many others that haven't been confirmed, and yet she still remained with him. Why you might ask? It must be true love. NO! She stayed with him to retain the Clinton name and further her career.

Not only that, Hillary has often campaigned for the rights of woman and that sexual assualt victims should speak up and be heard. But there are multiple instances where Hillary has defamed woman that have claimed to be sexually assaulted by her husband. Read those cases here and here.

Still not convinced. Here's a video with more evidence.

She Plays the 'Woman Card' To No End

There is nothing wrong with electing a woman president and there is nothing wrong to be a proud woman. But using this a crutch to secure votes is terrible. This isn't Hillary's fault as much as it is the voters fault. President's should be elected on their credentials and ability to lead, not because of being a woman or man or black or white or anything else.

Don't want to listen to a man say it? Listen to some women.

Whitewater Scandal

This was the well known real estate scheme that the Clintons were involved in. Ironically, but to no surprise, the Clinton's were not charged but 2 others involved were. One died in prison (under strange circumstances) and the other was pardoned before Bill left office. Why are they so shady?

Whitewater for Dummies:

Conflicts of Interest - The Clinton Foundation

Clinton will have you believe that the Clinton Charitable Foundation was setup to do good in the world. In fact, it is a money laundering, pay to play scheme that has made the Clinton's 100's of millions of dollars. The Foundation uses 60% of it's funds for 'Administrative' costs. This is outrageous by most charity standards. On top of that, the Clinton's use charity funds to fly first class wherever they please.

But the smoking gun is the donations from foreign governments and how they align with Clinton's time as Secretary of State. On top of that, links have been made to certain companies/governments being awarded state contracts. A clear conflict of interest. The IRS has finally started an investigation but don't hold your breath with the Clinton's. Hell, Bill lied under oath, was impeached and still served out his term. Jesus.

Another article mentioning the conflicts of interest.

Personal Email Server

Ok, this one has been talked about plenty that I don't need to go into great detail. But basically, Clinton had an insecure server she used to send top secret messages. The reasons for this are far reaching and have changed constantly from Clinton's mouth as more evidence is produced.

She will try to make you believe she did this for convenience purposes but everyone knows that the reason to have a personal server is to keep things private. So private in fact that Clinton deleted thousands of emails before having to turn them over. More lies, more controversy. 

On top of that, there is a well known hacker that has claimed to have infiltrated her server and gained access to it's contents. Sigh...


Another topic that needs no introduction but worth mentioning. Whether it was a political cover up for Obama's second term or gross negligence, it speaks volumes to Clinton's time as Secretary of State. This is just another drop in the bucket of Clinton being inept to lead.

Strange Deaths To People Close To The Clinton's

This is more conspiracy theory than anything but given the Clinton's track record I wouldn't put anything past Hillary. 

Here's an article of the list of the mysterious deaths.

She Simply Isn't Ready To Be President

She laughs off tough questions.

She can't name a single defining accomplishment as a senator or Secretary of State. She has simply existed and accomplished nothing. Hell, an argument can be made she made things worse overseas as SOS.

Check this article on her 'accomplishments'.

She's Rude as F*ck

She has zero respect for Secret Service agents

She's also been extremely rude in the press.

Another Video of the Corruption, Power Grabbing, Pandering, Etc.


This upcoming presidential election really worries me. You've got a power hungry, pathological liar and a complete mad men. I honestly might be sitting this election out as I can't see a reason to vote for either one.

So whether this post helps you select one way or the other or makes you stay at home come election day I hope you've been enlightened nonetheless.

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To help build out library - Clinton Cash

add to it. The list is never ending.

Don't worry, I won't be voting for either. Mostly because I'm not American.

That Libertarian Ticket, though...

Haha, good reason not to vote. The libertarian ticket might get a lot more votes than it usually gets this year.

She is an amazing liar....I've watched her call someone else a liar when they caught her lying.

It's pathetic. It really is.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


Don't worry I won't be voting for either either, and I am an American. And please I hope no one is gonna pull that "you have to vote" BS. It's my choice, it's my freedom. I don't vote for Sh%t even if I have to decide between 2 different kinds. I will not vote if my choice is to get kicked in the groin or punched in the face. That is not a vote and I don't have to. It's not my duty. I am a free man. I make my own choices and I take the rewards or the consequences and I know what is involved. I will leave you with a quote from Robert A. Heinlein where he says, “I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”

That is absolutely your right and no one should tell you differently.

Why would you vote in a system that is akin to a Hydra? Every party is the same party. Don't let their drivel compel you to fall under their guise of rulership. Are you not born free? Act as such and live moralistically rather than out of fear.

Wisdom. I like it!