"Bending the straight and justifying the wrong" reversed logic.
Indonesia, is there really a whisper this country has been dominated by bandits and small kings.
The above statement is the conformity of the reality of the problems that the country is facing. An office cleaning service has cars and luxury homes, while thousands of school buildings have collapsed in the absence of repair (precisely in the absence of funds).
Little kings and mafias sipping coffee in air-conditioned rooms, while truth-defying youths are languishing in bars. Inspire?
All compete the same, people talk about money, and who has no money there is no quiet life for him to enjoy. Have money inspired ?. Now everything makes money is virtue or greed, I do not know, money is still God in their eyes.
We see, this country like a rice garden that is attacked by pests. Lately it is no longer a public secret, some of the great institutions of this country tarnised his name over the act of unscrupulous people who can not maintain the mandate that diembannya.
Police have been polluted, prosecutors are helpless, KPK not toothed; - even if toothed the teeth will be in the outcry (hard water case), the government began to sluggish. (Read: Mafia Law)
Is this country a sign of ending? That's not the right question. But an inpiration step backwards for this country.
True words Maurice Punch; -Soal is actually not a rotten apple, because his garden is rotten.
Even if the person who entrusted to handle the problem can be caught in the law, it is simply not due to individual mistakes. We re-correct internal fertility whether it has a healthy and good environment?
Re-examining the dynamics of law enforcement in this country, surely we find a corrupt power, the mistake of a suspect if caught in corruption (the case) is still against, the law is always sharp down and black masks frame the suspect status (read: Caterpillars in Police gardens)
Already familiar with the country that the mafia always show off bermentor little kings. Inspiration is not it?
This fact is in contrast to the settlement or the handling of the law. Major corruption of the perpetrators and the perpetrators of cocoa theft (case: grandmother and cocoa) in sentencing.
Not to mention the many cases of this country is resolved legally when the KPK show spurs, hard water will talk. When the Supreme Court completed the file, two judges were arrested by the KPK. Our great institution, It's inspirational, right? Inspiration stretched.
"The resistance to the KPK is getting stronger, the KPK's authority is to be trimmed and restricted"
Although many people are dismissing because almost a number of cases are being solved through espionage (Racing).
Is not that a KPK weapon to trap the perpetrator? Not to mention, there are rumors circulating in many media especially medsos if the police and prosecutors feel rivaled and belligerent with KPK lunge, Is that right?
To solve the corruption case is not only the KPK, but all the relevant institutions together in one goal to hack the mafia and the king in this country.
The authority of the KPK, is the authority of the Institution. But has a close relationship as a partner with the Police and the prosecutor's office. (Read: KPK in Action)
Partnership is what will solve the phenomenal case though. This is inspiration.
Ministry of Home Affairs noted since the decentralization of 2014-2015. There is a case involving 343 heads of regional heads, this king is not only small above, everywhere these kings remain small in tandem with the mafia (read: local head corruption)
Data MA Year 2016, handling corruption cases as much as 453 cases, this figure is fantastic. Inspirational?
Figures above the second fantastic of drug cases as many as 800 cases, 367 cases of child protection, domestic violence 72 cases and the rest of the case perikan and the environment. (Read: MA-Number of corruption cases increases). Cases like this should inspire us, that Indonesia is extraordinary.
Well, this case involves not only officials, employees are also involved. 2016 MA noted at least 13 judicial officers ranging from judges, panistrates and judicial staff were allegedly involved in bribery. Inspire right?
Data from the Directorate of Gratification in 2016: -KPK includes more than 14.6 billion funds to the state treasury, through gratification report received by KPK as much as 1.948.Toh, KPK returns the state-owned money that should be used for the country. Inspiration is not it?
Why is it inspiring? Imagine if the KPK, Police and Attorney with the authority and duties and functions in line. Then billions of state money will be returned and the mafias, as well as small kings, are judged as perpetrators of crimes against the state.
Precisely is the imposition of Equality before the law, meaning it will bind anyone, men, women, legal apparatus and officials though it will awaken the authority of law, the rule of law. presumably it's Inspiration.