Governor Christie mocks constituents as he laps up sun on a CLOSED beach, like a beached whale...

in politics •  8 years ago 


The sales pitch

I watched a new item today that really epitomises what's wrong with government today. Everyday we are sold the line that Government officials are all about serving us, the people who elect them. They baby sit the money of the taxpayer and ensure the services they pay for are provided.

The conditioning

In times of austerity (as we appear to have been in for the last decade in the UK), we need to tighten our belts, accept a sub-standard service, whilst government continues to bloat and collect the same or more taxes.

Or when there is a “government shutdown”, the public need to accept the closing and loss of much needed services.

The filibustering

Like in New Jersey this weekend. Governor Chris Christie ordered the shutdown of the State beaches (along with tourist attractions, state parks, recreational areas and historical sites). The shutdown came as a couple of elected servants bickered about how best to spend (or mis-spend) the people of New Jersey’s money.

The caveat

You'd be a fool to think the shutdown of the State beaches affected everyone. Silly you! The State beach was only closed to the public. Public servants, elected to serve the people, like Chris Christie was apparently immune to the shutdown of State beaches. So the 'servant' Christie and his friends and family still managed to lap up the sun whilst the taxpayers he served were shut out.

Fancy that, a ‘servant’ with his own personal fiefdom in the 21st century. How quaint.

The entitlement

As would befit a Feudal Lord, Christie was belligerent about his actions. First he ‘denied’ (read: lied) about sunbathing on the beach during the shutdown until photos emerged proving the opposite. When confronted with the pictures his spokesman, Brian Murray said,

"He didn't get any sun, he had his baseball cap on."

Complete piss take. That cap didn't stop the sun beating down on his gut I'm sure.

According to Christie,

“that’s just the way it goes, run for governor and you have a residence.”

Oh what a humble servant he is!


The outsider looking in...

Look, I live in the UK and know nothing about Christie's background or track-record or US politics in general. I do know a bit about the kind of characters modern day politics seems to attract at the highest level. There are a lot of Charlatans with illusions of grandeur. I'm not saying Christie is one, but his behaviour and attitude in this affair typifies that.

Sure his publicly funded residence is near a State beach. Sure it was a Sunday, obviously his day of rest. However if a private business was in crisis to the point of meltdown, those running it would be working around the clock until it was resolved. Sunday would be cancelled. They would have to work to fix the issue or lose their livelihood. There would be no option to relax on the beach. At the very least, they would need to be alive to the sensibilities of their customers and the people who put them in office. Yet somehow those in public office appear to be able to stick two fingers up to all that 'bollocks.'


The insider looking out...

One of the failings of modern democracy is that those elected are rarely held to account. The manifestos they are elected on, are barely used as a doorstop as they worm their way through the corridors of power from one self-interest to the next. The closer they come to the end of their term the less they care. Too many are looking out for themselves, to see what they can do after they leave office. Maybe, having seen the recent re-runs of the President's performances on WWE, Christie is auditioning to be a wrestling heel.

At least that's one role he would seem well suited for.


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First of all good morning. One of the first things I do in the morning since I joined steam last month is go to the hot posts. This is where I can get the most up-to-date REAL news on the events that I care about. So let me start by saying this is the second article I read this morning and it pissed me off. I'm from New Jersey and I'm so fed up with fucking government. That goes for local governments, state governments ,federal governments , central banks, money printers ,queens ,presidents, and heads of state. These people do whatever the fuck they want ! This picture of Christie , the beached whale, sitting with his family on the beach while the taxpayers can't access local beaches says it all ! Governments from here to China are in debt up to their eyeballs and they think closing the beaches JULY 4 th will make a difference😤 Wow! . I can't wait for the system to reset itself and for fat fucks like Christie and his family to be the slaves Digging the ditches !. The people finally get a chance to enjoy some time with your families and what does the government do they shut down the one place they want to go! There's gonna be a revolution resetting of the entire system that's gonna leave people in government wondering what the hell is going on. And when this does happen the people aren't going to feel bad because of examples that Chris Christie sets by sitting on the beach while hard-working low social economical families struggle every day ! Thanks for your post and sorry for my rant signed a 37 -year-old father with three young children and a wife living in the same house which now shows a combined $4 million in debt and unfunded liabilities to the United States government!!!

That's pretty hypocritical. What the heck. What happened to lead by example. Poor taste to say the least. Will draw up a lot of discontentamong the constituents. Surprise , that Gov. Cristie would do such a "faux pas." You got to be smarter than that. There is just too many cameras in today's world. You can't escape the public eye.

I agree. This story has been driving me crazy ever since I heard about it. Why do so many politicians feel that leading by example is no longer needed? Sigh. :(

Power Corrupts! No matter the party affiliation or political-economic system.
A the end of the day it's all a game of chess. Those public servants don't genuinely care for the people, they just trying to get paid like everyone else.

I used to want to be a politician and all but after shadowing a state representative once and seeing all the time wasted on formalities and bullshit as legislation (when I was there they were voting on a bill that would require all state workers or somebody to wear name
I feel those who really want to may a grave impact on the world will venture to accumulate capital and connections and be independent of the state.

I currently live in Bridgeport Ct and before i moved here 8 months ago I lived in Florida. CT is a Blue state and Florida is red. Grew up as liberal democrat, but now after coming to Connecticut and seeing the widespread poverty coupled with the knowldge gained from reading "The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America" by Phillip K howard as well as my understanding of Central Banking, I no longer have faith in government, it's just a masquerade.

The story of how I became a libertarian.

I agree that Christie's behavior was idiotic. That said, what annoyed me the most about the coverage is that the coverage never discussed why the shutdown occurred (at least in sufficient detail to allow people to debate it). This is a so-called small government politician who is shutting down his state government because a left-wing state assembly speaker was putting up some resistance to shaking down an insurance company (to raid the reserve fund that is built from people's premiums). That to me is the real issue (he's always done dickish things like the beach incident).

This is a great post. I like how you started it with the sales pitch and conditioning. That is clever on so many levels.

I do live in the states and know of Christie's record quite well. Although he does stand up for the little guy in many public displays, his actual misuse of laws an appropriations is concerning to say the least. Christie has been implicated in a number of schemes but never charges. He is another heart felt politician who won and quickly became an opportunist. It is hard to resist all the money the rich people throw at politicians.

This public sunning is an embarassment and he should have known it was coming. Hell, go to a pool or something, but not the beach. It just shows how far he has fallen from his original goals and the hypocrisy of government officials. Great post. Thank you for your thoughts and as always, I appreciate the ongoing support on my posts.

Wow! even the next door neighbor was told to leave or be arrested.

what a shame

Blame The System


nice post man good job
thank you bbro

This guy is so much the example of what a real leader is NOT.
I am from New Jersey originally, now in Europe, and following this Christie story with disgust.

Nice post
Best post of the day
Sale pitch!!

He's a pig.., and a bully!

Yeah, I think maybe Politicians should be required to exercise. Set a healthy example, like he's completely unattractive at that weight and yeah he married but come on...that just for status. I think it send a bad message to the general public that thats ok

It has amazed me for some time that this man still occupies the Governor's Mansion in New Jersey. I know everybody trash talks the state, but I honestly expected better of them. Shame.

so beautiful place....

My wife pointed this out when she saw it.

I asked if there were police & park officials on duty making sure no one used the parks & beaches?

One of the most hated politicians in America, I think he has set a record for lowest approval rating ever...

I lived in New Jersey for almost 2 years. Thankfully, that was long before he was Governor. What makes it worse is his statement (quite similar to Trump) of " I'm Governor and they're not". Another self indulging, sanctimonious politician.

wow nice post bro,i like it

nice post

Fuck all these wankers.

Nice bigtit