Jesus said, “[n]ot every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). If you are a follower of Jesus, it is your calling to keep his commandments, not necessarily to make sure that everyone else does so to your satisfaction in his or her own personal life.
Every follower of Jesus reading this knows there are false teachers within the church and outside of it. Outside the church are disgraced ministers like Jimmy Swaggart, Richard Roberts, and Carlton Pierson. Inside the church are dozens more who have not been outed yet. Some have obvious financial motives (like certain television performers), some have a desire for power over others (think Jimmy Jones, Dave Koresh), or to advance their political agenda. Some are just ignorant of the truth and not willing to consider ideas that might rock the boat.
It can be difficult to tell who your real friends are when you are following Jesus, but it should be obvious who your enemies are: and you must always look at their deeds. (See Proverbs 27:6 an enemy multiplies kisses).
The Republican Establishment – Neoconservatives
Many followers of Jesus (not all) chose to identify as “conservatives” which they understand to branch into two areas: 1) fiscal or monetary conservatism; and 2) social or moral conservatism. The Republican establishment (neocons) represents neither of these things. This is the most important part of this paper which documents how a group of “reformed” soviets and their protégés have asserted almost complete control over the Republican party and marginalized most dissenting voices, especially born-again Christians and anyone who questions a policy of military intervention or the march towards one-world government.
History of the Neoconservative Movement
“<the end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.” – Leon D. Trotsky.
Following the October revolution and formation of the Soviet Union in 1913, Vladimir Lenin became the first premier of the Soviets. He had two potential successors, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. After Lenin died, Leon Trotsky and his followers fled Russia because the Stalinists who outnumbered them 10 to 1, purged them out. Some these followers emigrated to the U.S. and tried to integrate their less Stallinist ideology with the Democrat party since it was more secular. The godfather of this Trotsky-ite movement was an American recruit named Irving Kristol, father of Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard. Early disciples of the neocon movement include George Romney, William F. Buckley, and many other prominent figures within the “conservative” movement. The chief tenant of the neocon movement were “nation-building.” When the Democrat party rejected the Vietnam war, the neocons moved to the Republican party and started masking their disdain for the “religious right.” Neocons will argue they did this because of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” social program, but it was more likely the fact that the Democrat party split over the conflict in Vietnam.
While in the Republican party, the neocons have given lip service to both brands of conservatism: fiscal and social. They wanted to roll back wasteful gov’t spending except for “military spending” (the largest component by far) and opposed abortion and homosexuality publically while secretly backing groups like Log-cabin republicans and never even cutting federal funding for abortion providers, even when they controlled both Houses and Presidency. The neocon movement rode in with Nixon and Reagan and got its first president into the Whitehouse in 1988. George H.W. Bush campaigned as a social conservative then brought the first homosexuals into the Whitehouse. He now claims to have mellowed on gay marriage. A president who used to support traditional marriage and now supports gay marriage, sound familiar.
The Republican Party as an entity Directly
Supported the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Fiat
The neocon movement had its peak as far as “nation building” in the presidency of George W. Bush with Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleza Rice, Paul Bremer, but they abandoned all pretense of agreement with the religious right on the issue of same-sex marriage and showed their true colors on social issues when one hundred neocons signed an amicus brief encouraging the Supreme Court to find a ‘right to marry’ for same sex couples. For those who do not know, an amicus or “friend of the court” brief is what third parties who are not directly involved in the litigation send for SCOTUS justices to consider how their ruling will affect various interest groups. Led by Kenneth B. Mehlman, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, 2005-2007, one hundred Republican party insiders urged the Supreme Court to ignore the rights states had enjoyed under the 10th Amendment for over 200 years, and find a right to marry for same sex couples. Anyone who thinks gay marriage is more important than the 10th Amendment, and calls themselves a conservative is not only a liar but one who depends wholly on lies to maintain his political base. Barack Obama understood this when he lied about his support for traditional marriage in the 2008 election.
On the fiscal side, the betrayal was highlighted when several neocons, including Bill Kristol, declared their support for Hillary Clinton over certain Republican party candidates, should the Republican voters choose these candidates. The neocons care more about “nation building” and “spreading democracy” then they do about their social progressivism, so they have spent the last four decades courting the support of followers of Jesus, who they call “the religious right” with their demagoguery on “fighting injustice” and “spreading democracy.” They are particularly adept at manipulating the desire of Christians to support the nation of Israel.
In the Second part, I will be discussing how the neocons lie to try to hide their origins with propaganda written as recently as last year!!!