World Citizen National Socialists

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

The following text is a copy/paste from the World Citizen National Socialists ABOUT page on BitChute.

The Solution

The Great White Orange Beacon of Hope POTUS, TRUMP, is doing a Great Job exposing The Parasite to The Host which is something The Parasite's previous Anaesthesia, namely President Obama (who incidentally incarcerated more Whistle Blowers than all previous US Presidents combined) did too good a job concealing from so-called, Liberals.

IF Americans Fail to see that both The Left Wing & The Right Wing of the ZOG Bird, employs the Imperial Divide & Rule principle c/- Controlled Oppositions to corral The People into the false L/R political paradigms, then Americans will continue to be owned by the Orwellian, Crony-Capitalist-Crypto-Communist #NeoHegeMonopolistic Corporate Supremacy NWO. The Occultic-Kabbalist Plutocracy. The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System.

THEY want the Guns because #FreeSpeech = Freedom From Tyranny and The People are slowly Waking Up. The 2nd Amendment exists to protect The 1st Amendment because Anyone who is so "Politically Correct" to attempt to shut down Free Speech, particularly when they've received such Great Mileage from it FOR THEMSELVES, is the enemy of everything America is supposed to stand for. Independence. Freedom from Tyranny. Truth. Justice. Peace.

It is worth mentioning The Solution to restoring these things resides in resolving The Jewish Problem. In order to resolve it, you must of course, understand what The Jewish Problem "actually" is (i.e. constitutes). In order to even begin to do this you must first (be allowed to) acknowledge the truth of the matter that a Jewish problem does indeed exist. BTW, there is no US Constitution just the legalese of a Corporation except of course in the hearts and minds of the (patriot) population.

The "Good News" is, resolving The Jewish Problem doesn't "have to" require the extermination of Jews or Ha-Shoah or even yet another Satanic burnt offering (i.e. War).

NAZI is a Zionist propaganda invective derived from the word Ashkenazi. The term was used in WW2 in order to demonise Hitler and the concept of "authentic" National Socialism in the minds of The People fighting (incl. my forebears) for The Allies. Yes we were duped. The ZOG's (zionist occupied governments) of our Western so-called Democratic nations duped us in WW2 just as our contemporary Capitalist-Marxist dialectic OWNED Political Class and Government apparatus is Swindling us, albeit many of the lower order functionaries quite possibly unwittingly, now.

Caucasian Ashkenazi Jews, crypto-Jews and some of their controlled opposition Tools on The Right, attempt, albeit some of the latter "Tools" quite possibly "unwittingly", to corral, predominantly Pro-White Nationalist Goys into the false AshkeNAZI political paradigm whereby whether you identify as an Oath Keeper or a Patriot or a Christian Zionist or a White Nationalist or Whatever, you effectively get owned by a Zionist-Jew invective.

NAZI is a Jewish owned Controlled Opposition (covertly at the top of that food-chain) to subvert and corral potential National Socialists who are Anti-Marxist Socialism and/or Anti-Capitalism both of which are also Jewish invectives (i.e. owned by Jews). It is a False Parasitical Parallel [ devised by #TheSophisticatedParasite ] to parallel and divert authentic National Socialism.

NAZI is NWO = both Anti-Islam + Pro-Israel. NAZI is Corporatism and Bankism. It is the Fascist Beak of The Zionist Bird. It is not "authentic" National Socialism. Unlike authentic National Socialism, NAZIsm, does not represent or benefit the interests of We The People.

In my view, The Solution for the Self-Determination of all Goyim (i.e. non-Jews incl. White Europeans, Arabs, Africans, Asians etc) is to be an, authentic "World Citizen National Socialist". How else do you expect to not be owned by The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System ... or in other words, CO Jewish Politics?

This is also the best choice for the Mensch (i.e. the honest and self-respecting Jew) because it means these Jews have the opportunity to live as equals with their fellow humans rather than being either, top-dog or sacrificial fodder (i.e. thrown under the proverbial bus) c/- their Jewish Tribal Supremacists w/ Gentile/Goyim, colluders.

Supremacists do not champion their respective tribes or ethnicities or ideologies. This is a misconception. Supremacists collude with other Supremacists in The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System.

The Parasite divides "We The People" amongst each other c/- Marxist Vs. Capitalist or NAZI Vs. Muslim or Diversity Left Vs. Nationalist Right etc. in order to Rule the outcome. They employ P-R-S (problem-reaction-solution) stratagems and many other tactics incl. Socially Engineered Racism, the Antisemitism canard, disingenuous Altruism, ad nauseam.


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Hey @nazibiker, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

The word Nazi was invented by Konrad Heiden in the 20s and was used with a negative connotation. Heiden, a Journalist and Democratic Socialist with Jewish ancestry, created it as a spinoff of the name used for the marxist SDP which was "Sozi". Its also a pun similar to the word for "simpleton" in Austro-Bavarian. It came into usage in other countries after a propaganda push by Jews including Heiden when he was forced to leave after the NSDAP came to power.
To my knowledge is has nothing to do with Ashkenazis.

Yes. What you say sounds plausible. As for the term having nothing to do with Ashkenazis, I sincerely doubt it. One simply needs to accept the Zionist-Marxist-English-Communist propaganda machine was second to none in both world wars, still is c/- Hollywood, MSNME, online CO Alt. Social Media, it's the last four (five in the plural) letters of the word and the NWO has been an Ashkenazi's agenda from the beginning. Yes, my understanding is, Hitler did attempt to own the term for a short while in an effort to imbue it with the true spirit of his National Socialism but soon realised such an effort was futile, at the least outside Germany, in the face of such a ubiquitous propaganda machine.

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi Party, grew into a mass movement and ruled Germany through totalitarian means from 1933 to 1945.

LOL. Thanks for the "True History" propaganda link. I'll be sure to try to correct all my misconceptions but before I do, here's one from me to you.

This country is already too socialist and unconstitutional. We do not want more centralized power. We need to get back to The Constitutional republic of which we have never lived in; #socialism has failed the world over!

The bankers scrapped the US Constitution a long time ago and replaced it with Corporate legalese. It certainly wasn't replaced by Nat. Socialism. The US Constitution continues to exist only in the hearts and minds of the (patriotic) population. This multimedia article is a good read that explains some fundamental differences between a National Socialist and a Marxist Socialist economy.


The WCNS ABOUT page has been Updated since I first published this post. I no longer seem to have access to edit it so CLICK on the LINK at the bottom of the post to READ the updated ABOUT page.