Religious PC Mental Warfare - Manipulation on a grand scale

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)


For a moment, step out of your feels

Religion and political correctness often go at odds, but for some reason there’s an exception for one of the most destructive (currently) religions. I’ll be blunt, and many people will either be offended or put off by this, the religion that I’m talking about is Islam. Woah, this guy must be a racist, you might be thinking, but I want to ask that even if you do think I’m racist, that you hear me out and make your own decision, or at least do more research on the issues. I’m not going to show research in this blog, because that’s not what my posts are about, they’re opinion pieces. You may also be offended by my wording, but before we get into the meat of this post, I want you to ask yourself this question, why are you offended? Besides the fact that you may think that I’m espousing lies, or are just racist - but at the core of yourself, why are you offended?

We can judge what is evil; Morals do exist

Now let’s be clear, because I’m not going to win anyone over to my side by just saying all those damn muslims are terrorists, because it’s just not true. I’m not saying that all islamic people are destructive, and this is clearly not the case, as we can see with many islamic people in my local community alone that choose to live peaceful lives. This isn’t to walk back on what I said in the first paragraph either, but people get many assumptions when you dare to criticize islam, for some reason. However, the issue is that I have come to find that most of the world’s population of islamic followers have the potential and the written backing to support a destructive behavior that is detrimental to their residing region’s wellbeing. The reason for this is that the Quran has many texts that inspire violence, death to non believers of islam specifically (Jews, Christians, Atheists, ect.), and a total clusterfuck of hateful ideas that continue into today. Hell, Muhammad’s (their prophet) favorite wife (of many) was around 7 when he married her, he himself as an old man, and 10 when he started having sex with her. If any of that sounds fucked up to you, congratulations, you’re a normal person. If you think any of that is okay, you are not a person that can be helped, and I see you as a vile, evil fuck.

What's happening now?

Unfortunately, many of these ideas have continued into the modern day. If we look at many of the European countries who accepted a large amount of Islamic immigrants, we see a rise in all sorts of crime and general debauchery. In Sweden for example, the country is now being labeled the rape capitol of the world, after it’s acceptance of massive amounts of Muslim immigrants. Most of those rapes occur with offenders being Islamic. This is because in Islam, women are seen as subservient and as complete slaves to their husband. I think the more obvious thing that Islamic people do to their migration points, and among themselves, is constant violence, and warring among their own countries, and terrorism in the countries that they migrate to. You might be thinking that it’s ironic that people that lean far and even moderately left tend to kiss the ass of Islam and lift it up as a peaceful religion. I do too, but this brings us to my greater point, and the reason I worded the title of my post in this way.

The Mental Manipulation

We are being programmed right now to think that this isn't part of their culture, and that we should accept Islam. Once again, I wan't to make it abundantly clear that this isn't anti-Arabic. In the United states, at least, the left are more concerned with emotions, and the right are not as much, unless it has to do with Christianity, let's be real. I don't align with either, and I would rather look at this logically. From what I can see, the left are easily manipulated, because they tend to have sympathy for anyone, and often question morality and try to blur the lines of it. This is where the most right-aligned culture in the world, referring to Islam, is able to manipulate a large portion of our country into accepting them, because they feel bad for everyone being pissed at them after 9/11.

Let me be completely blunt here, if the 9/11 story is true, which at this point, I believe it is at least marginally true, Islamic people, with backing from their own texts of the Quran, made a massive attack on the United States on September 11th, 2001, and people were sort of rightfully pissed at Islam. Not every Islamic person committed that attack, but it had backing in Islamic texts, and it had backing from the words of their prophet! If these people saw it as the right thing to do, to attack the United States, and kill over 3,000 people, it was based on Islamic beliefs. The left of our country wants to forget that that ever happened and label Islam as the world's most peaceful religion, and Islamic people are stepping in to fuel this lie in all of our media. On top of this, the left and some believers in this idea are out to label the independent thinkers, and the right as racist, and Nazis (because it's not like Islam hate's the Jews or anything). This is mental manipulation on a grand scale, and this is mental warfare.

This is where the buck stops for me. I will never think this. Just look at their countries, which are under domination by Islamic rule, and tell me that Islam is the most peaceful religion. Tell me that it's our fault, when we left their countries and these fuckers are still warring with each other. It's not a chain reaction, the wars have been going on there for centuries, and people are fucking dying in the streets, and you want to label them the world's most peaceful religion?

Well tell me this...

Would you want to live in Syria?

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Just to clarify, I am an agnostic.