Liberal Twitter 003 - The Russia Movie

in politics •  7 years ago 

I've always thought that the Russia Investigation was more of a farce than anything serious for several reasons, but the main reason you hear so many in le resistance talking about it is because it fits their narrative. Trump is badguy, le investigation to uncover obvious crimes, Hillary becomes president, stop taking antidepressants. It's a fantasy, these tweets are just a few I ran across that I'd like to share.

Putin is the ultimate badguy, the smart one behind drumf's obviously illegitimate rise to power. And if you go out and buy this book you're probably retarded and Trump lives in your head rent free sorry.

Trump's election will probably be looked back on as the beginning of the end of Social Justice thought. How does winning an election equate you with failure unless you're just crazy? Also muh Russia.

"Says has tape but doesn't release it."
"You believe him."

Please prove collusion. You can't.
(I'm going to do a whole piece on this guy he's a genius believe me.)

It's just wishful thinking. If only the Trump administration actually committed some crimes...

This is one of those good ones that needs to be retweeted back to this guy after the investigation is concludes.

How many people read this? Why read anything when you already know how right you are?

How much did the Democrats take?

I wonder if the second one is as credible as the first?

Orly? THat's a nice tweet you got there. It'd be a shame if somebody questioned it.

That's it for now guys. I hope all of you sleep well tonight knowing that le resistance twitter is protecting you from your Russian agent president who somehow won the election. How did he win the election again? Oh yea, all of you were dumb enough to fall for muh russians.

Before I go ask yourselves this. How much of this le resistance crap do you think is actually Russians stirring the pot and liberals falling for it?

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