Liberal Twitter 004 - Brian Krassenstein

in politics •  7 years ago 

Okay friends, we've all got hobbies yes? You like playing video games? Shitposting on the internet? Reading textbooks? Those are things that you can do for hours on end easily. You wouldn't waste your time ruminating on Trump living in your head rentfree all day would you? How could someone do that? Well, this guy does that. Otherwise I don't know what his deal is.

How is he a threat to you? Okay okay, he's a threat to your feelings I'll give you that.

Because as we all know, Trump is the guy who's literally soooo retarded but somehow became president anyway. Will any of these people give Trump the benefit of the doubt? (they will once they go in to pay their taxes next year)

This guy somehow knows what would be said should such an interview took place. How high does your IQ have to be to know that?

They could have taken the citizenship test at any point while they were here, why didn't they? (insert rambling retardation)

Without Trump to pick on we'd be like, "Colbert literally who?" and everyone knows it. Good joke lol.

This is just something I speculate on, but HighIQ types who vomit psychobable (muh PTSD, muh trauma, my depression, muh anxiety, muh drumf dimentia) on the internet are types who spend lots of time reading pop psychology blogs. Or maybe they've typed "how to cure depression" into Goggle too many times.

He said "free press," but what he means is "main stream media" and yea the MSM is incredibly mad because "her turn."

Why am I posting this retarded shit?

"Muh dum rural voter why won't the vote democrat hurr." Ask yourself, would rather have hookworms or gang violence outside your house? Obviously you'd rather have the gang violence right?

I promise to vote democrat Brian, I promise.

Go take a break from the internet for a little while friends. Maybe go for a walk, that's what I'm about to do.

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