in politics •  6 years ago 

Nigeria's national image over the last two decades have been caught up in different controversies. From online fraud to terrorism in the northern part. Not forgetting the misrepresentations by her leaders in the west and the height of corruption surging even higher in the political arena.

Well with all these negative remarks, Nigeria still remain home to black individuals with highest IQ. The most educated group in America. Home of the biggest economy in Africa. Major gamer in crude oil exportation in the world.

No country is perfect. Every nation can improve and Nigeria is no exception. After the fall of first democratic government. Military juntas didn't held on for too long until the second democracy was ushered in.

For sixteen years, the People's democratic party held most offices until 2015 when an incumbent president lost on power and for the first time. A seating president accepted defeat and stepped down. The west applauded his bravery when Pres Goodluck Jonathan made it clear that "the blood of any nigerian is not worth his political ambition" .

When the All progressive congress party took offices. They promised change and held a strong ground to fight corruption but after assuming office, it became the opposite. For four years, all they did was campaign and blame the previous government for almost everything they fail to fulfill.

They didn't fight corruption from every angle as expected but rather it became political witch hunting. Using the judiciary and military to their advantages. Intimidating both past and present government officials in the main opposition party. Unlawful arresting of journalists. Under their government there's higher rate of human right abuse. Extra - judicial killings. More violence and crime perpetuated in the north mostly against christian believers by radical islamic groups.

With the high increase of unemployment. Nigeria becoming World Poverty Capital and higher rate of corruption under the APC administration. Nigerians quickly demanded for the resignation of the president. Which never happened. This same president was the military general responsible for pulling down the first democratic republic. His name is Muhammadu Buhari.

After a surprising postponement of election on the scheduled election day last week, yesterday was finally the general elections for presidency, Senates and House of Representatives across the country and so far the election has been marked by violence and irregularities. It became the battle of the two main parties once more and this time, both presidential candidates are from the northern part of Nigeria.

In some polling units. The Nigeria police and Nigeria Army teams were responsible for the violence. Chasing people home who aren't willing to vote the APC. There was multiple bomb blast in the morning before the election.

Police harassing civilians. Thugs attacking election polling units and carting away with election materials. Most irregularities observed so far in the ongoing election have been caused by the APC and still they equally accuse the PDP.

It's more like the Republican versus Democrats in the USA as it is between APC and the PDP. The reality about these two parties is that they're both corrupt. Run by old friends who have been in the military and political arena even before the country got independence.

Nigeria's democracy is more of an oligarchy. The rich getting richer and the poor getting screwed. There's discrimination and bias control and distribution of national wealth. The south south being responsible for seventy percent of the oil market is the poorest region of Nigeria.

A situation creating a secessionist mindset among her natives of Niger Deltans. The eastern part tried seceding to form what would have been Biafra Republic in the seventies and ever since the civil war there has been continous uprising being crushed in these regions.

So far the election results is still being collected and the winner hasn't been announced. I will leave you with photos and caption of incidents in the ongoing elections. Feel free to share your views and opinions.


Pres Buhari of the APC caught on camera trying to see what party his wife the first lady, Aisha Buhari is voting for. The first lady has been mixed up in some controversies against her hubby. One time she openly said she might not vote for him come the next election. She has also claimed he is been controlled by cabals and whatever he does wasn't his own doings. On the election eve she tweeted that "It is up to the people to chose between wealth and poverty" and address the president as General, which was controversial. Its unclear why she tweeted that.


Election materials destroyed by APC thugs


A youth coper who is an INEC staff hiding after being chased by thugs who disrupt the peaceful electoral process

She was stabbed while performing her civic duties


So far it has been reported of an estimated fifteen people shot dead in Rivers state both by thugs and the Nigeria police. This was one of the victims of election violence.

My polling unit was peaceful and the only irregularity observed was political party agents of both APC and PDP buying votes from voters. An abnormal situation which is now normal to nigerians.

Not all nigerians are corrupt. Not all politicians are selfish. The journey of a thousand miles they say, begins with a step. Nigeria will get there someday. Good people! Great nation!

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