The Open Minded Reality of Charlottesville and the Turmoil We are Seeing in the USA | Editorial OpinionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  7 years ago 

Disclaimer: The author of this article - a living breathing human, has her own ideas about what political ends of the spectrum she supports. BUT: That really doesn't mean much. It definitely doesn't mean we can't sit down and have a community discourse about the absolute madness we are seeing today across the US, Canada and Europe.

Of course, I have a slightly skewed point of view. I haven't lived in the US for over 5 years. What does this mean to the reader? That my memory and American outlook is 5 years behind. These issues didn't exist when I left. And it's really kinda difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that people are getting violent over POLITICS!?

The Open Minded Reality of Charlottesville and the Turmoil We are Seeing in the USA

It's like Colombia allowing the FARC into politics. They recently signed peace with the FARC in order to end the 50+ year old Armed Conflict. Many communists in Colombia don't support the FARC. Those who do, their freedom of speech is going to be respected, because that is what it is going to take, in order to ensure peace.

In the US, there are VIOLENT and RACIST factions on BOTH sides. Period. And, it is worsening because people are being told to keep their unpopular ideas to themselves or else. You can't threaten or repress people you don't agree with, because they will become radicalized easier - as we are seeing in Charlottesville.

We Are Being Manipulated

This is what I feel we are facing. It isn't about race, or gender or's about manipulation. "It's a multi-dimensional chess game -- political, economic, racial, social, mental, spiritual, ethnic, linguistic and more. And the chess masters behind the game are playing both sides -- they are pushing both the black and the white pawns." Source: The Big Performance is About to Start

I have been outside the US so long (almost 5 years) that I honestly don't even understand the reason for any of the racism, which again I am seeing on BOTH sides. It wasn't a "thing" when I left. That's not to say that racism in the US didn't already exist, but I never had issues with other races or my own. The question of racism aside, there are dark forces pushing people into violence, on both sides.

Utter Madness

This quote seems to really sum up the crazy we are seeing right now: "Something appears to have snapped in our collective consciousness, and many individuals I used to respect (on both sides of the political spectrum) are becoming disturbingly polarized and hysterical." People are rapidly morphing into radicalized mental patients." Source: Americans are Rapidly Descending Into Madness

It's not pretty, and we are without a doubt entering into the point of no return. Unless we can re-capture the 10% consciousness which the article I just mentioned talks about. We need to convince 10% of the population to expand their minds and look for peaceful solutions. I think most people can find common ground, if they only try. We need to stop and ask ourselves like the Black Eyed Peas did: "Where is the love?"


Naaa, there isn't an easy solution. Only a small glimmer of a chance to work together and survive what is to come. We are in dark times and it's not as easy to make a difference as it sounds. But there is hope. We have one last opportunity to rise above the disaster and try to create pockets of resistance.

Here's one solution that anyone who reads this article is already participating in:

"Beyond maintaining one’s sanity, it’s imperative that conscious humans create systems and communities that have as little connection as possible to the existing and rapidly disintegrating paradigm. This will create “anti-fragile” units of strength within the collapsing Potemkin village socio-economic structure that dominates our culture right now. Some of these projects need to be local, while others can be global. Community farming/food production is a great example of a local initiative, while Bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies in general), represent global initiatives to replace the hopelessly corrupt and archaic entrenched financial system. While crazy, power-obsessed tribes focus on taking over the hopelessly corrupt centralized government in Washington D.C., we need to continue to build separate, decentralized paradigms — and there isn’t much time to waste." Source

Don't let the bastards get to you. Rise above and educate yourself on skills that can help us build a different outcome. This may be our last chance.

Immortal Technique - Point of No Return

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