-The study indicates that symptoms of social disadvantage are cumulative, which could have not only short term immediate ramifications, but can create difficulties further down the road as well
-Individuals with resources within peer, family and academia may be able to counter some of the burdens associated with these stacked disadvantages
-12 high schools in Washington State participated within this study by researchers with Beyond High school project by the University of Washington
-surveys administered through 5 waves of senior students in 2000 and annually from '02 to '05
91% of enrolled students participated
54.6% Female
60% White
6% Hispanic
13.2% Asian
4.7% Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
13.8% African American
1.5% Native American
14% Foreign born
28.8% Immigrant Family
-In regards to the cumulative disadvantage index, 11.3% none of the indicators, 15% had 1, 16% had 2, 16 had 3, 13% had 4, 10.5% had 5, 7% had 6, 5% had 7, 3.1% had 8, 2.7% had 9 or more
Child Adolesc Soc Work J (2015) 567-576 Cumulative Disadvantage and Youth Well-Being: A multi-domain Examination with Life Course Implications -Paula S Nurius, Dana M. Prince, Anita Rocha