Bernie Sanders the old man Socialist who made Donald Trump President

in politics •  8 years ago 

Oh yes he did- He exposed the hypocrisy of the Clinton left and its merciless power hunger that made the Donald look good

  • now that is hard to do. Not that I'm accusing Sanders of deliberately doing this - But he did, didn't he?

OK people - this was a very strange election -and Where are we now? - Where are we going?

Can we finally end this battle of left vs. right ideology and become the Nation 'of the people, for the people, and by the people' ? - Your People aren't you? - Then tell us what you think..............

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You might have a point.
...Hillary lost.
...whoever was running against the most hated person in america.
...was going to win.

Probably not, the left are confused and feel displaced from the moral highground. I don't see this ending any time soon.

Right - And maybe Man is a war like animal condemned to his intrinsic nature. But, but, but - Like Bernie I too am
old - Like Bernie I can't stop 'dreaming the impossible dream' - Dreaming that Man can evolve beyond his historical stupidity and change the nightmare world he has created.