Jim Beam Facing Boycott

in politics •  7 years ago 

Source: grubstreet.com

Jim Beam's spokesperson, mila kunis has been representing the company for three years. She recently appeared on a late night talk show, she said that she donates to planned parenthood every month and she makes the donation in the vice president's name. She said she does it as a peaceful protest and not as a prank. This is her way of retaliating against him for doing stuff she does not agree with. Part of her retaliation is that the vice president receives a letter from planned parenthood thanking him for his donation.

Supporters of the vice president and pro-lifers are staging their own peaceful protest against kunis by boycotting Jim Beam.

Quid Pro Quo

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Geez, give me a break.

You took the words right outta my mouth. Very tiring. Thank you for your comment.