New elections in Italy in 3 months

in politics •  7 years ago 

Italians will vote for a new Government in 3 months - March 4. Yesterday the President of italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, signed the act to dissolve the Parliament. The Prime Minister in charge, Paolo Gentiloni, will keep governing until the new Parliament will be elected.

I don't want to explain to you the polical situation in Italy (and you don't want to read it, believe me!). Just a couple of things to let you understand why the Italian Parliament has been dissolved before the natural end of its office.

The Parliament elected in 2013 had no pre-established majority. Changing the Election Law a lot of times in the past 20 years achieved this amazing result. ;)

So the political parties managed to find an agreement to create a majority to support a Government (Italy is a parliamentar republic: people elect the Parliament, the Parliament supports a Government).

In the meantime, the Constitutional Court decided that the current Electoral Law was  unconstitutional. The Parliament, with its very weak majority, had to change that electoral law before any new election.

In the past 4 years, the great italian politicians (sarcasm module running) tried to choose a new electoral law. It took three (3!) Governments and three Prime Ministers to find an agreement on that matter. 

Why did it take such a long time? Well, Parliament Members didn't like to leave their seats, as you can understand. Moreover, each party tried to have an electoral law in its favour. Against this background, and with no real majority in the Parliament, it's easy to understand the slowness of the process.

Now, for the next 3 months, italian politics will be dipped in the electoral campaign. Every other mission will be postponed.

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I can't say about italy but this is the case in my country...I hope italy getss good leaderss

I guess that as long as people consent to be ruled, there will be rulers. The way those rulers achieve power is NOT as it ever seems to an asleep at the wheel public.

The lunatics are running the asylum. A good politician is hard to find.

nice way to describe it :D

great post, thx for sharing! Following


❤Elections may be in the interest of the people or vice versa
How much political war you have there

I consider the election a beautiful thing, it is changing the system and parliament again, we hope it will be better than it is now
Thanks for sharing bro

Interesting post. Thank you! ;)

Great post there, keep up good work !

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