in politics •  8 years ago 

How in the world did it come to this?

Somehow out of over 300 million people in America, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the only “real options” that we were given. No wonder people get frustrated when thinking about or dealing with politics.

How many US citizens are now contemplating leaving the country because Trump was elected? How many would have left if Clinton would have been elected? When Obama was elected, people left as well.

How is this possible that the American people find the presidential options to be so repulsive that they would actually leave the country over it? Though I wasn’t alive for much of the US history, I have a hard time believing that things were always like that.

Have things really gotten to the point that if the “other” candidate wins the rest of us had better flee the country?

First of all, I think that both mainstream candidates for president were horrible options. If a third party ever stood a real chance at making any headway, this would have been the year. But, it really is a two-party system, and the same puppet master may be making both sides dance.

I think that it is basically a form of tribalism, where the people are encouraged to fight among themselves so that they will leave those in control alone. It is almost like there is a political war going on between the American people.

This type of reaction to election results also show how much inappropriate power we have allowed those in the presidential position to have. The US is not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic. A system of checks and balances are contained within the design of that form of government with the ultimate check and balance being the citizens.

The legislative branch is supposed to write and pass the laws and the judicial branch is there to interpret and exercise the laws that have been passed. The job of the executive branch is to implement and enforce the laws.

Unfortunately, a lot of unconstitutional activity goes on in the government these days. Once we allow that kind of power abuse, we allow the government to take control of us and then become rightly concerned about incredible tyranny, because we have allowed it.

The people used to be their own line of defense against tyranny in the government. If they found the legislature and the judicial branch to be passing bad and interpreting “bad laws” that they did not agree with, when it came time to put people of trial for breaking for those laws, the jury would use jury nullification to prevent oppression. By voting “not guilty” the jury could dismiss the case by nullifying the law, rendering it invalid.

That was huge in the system of checks and balances that we are supposed to have.

Some of the recent responses to the election results makes me wonder if anyone out there knows what the actual job of the president is.

Personally, I did not cast a vote for president this year.

I have voted in many elections, but for multiple reasons, I didn’t bother this year.

One reason is that I knew that Clinton and Trump were the only real “options” that we had, and I honestly did not feel good about supporting either of them with a vote. I know that nobody is perfect, but some people demonstrate that better than others, and perhaps these candidates are prime examples of that.

Another reason that I did not vote for president is that I have serious trouble believing that the votes actually matter. We all have probably heard a plethora of theories about the corruption of the voting process in the US, and I think that some of what we have heard is not only possible, it’s plausible.

One good example would be the Gore-Bush election of 2000. Somehow we had a recount of the votes in Florida, and suddenly Bush was the president-elect instead of Gore. WHAT?!?!? If they counted them wrong the first time, what makes us think that they did any better the second time?

The electronic voting machines are supposed to eliminate human error, but they can supposedly be hacked or programmed to give out whatever results are desired, plus, they conveniently remove the paper trail as well.

So, from the perspective of one who had trouble believing in the legitimacy of presidential elections, what’s my take on the results? First, I was completely surprised that Trump was crowned as the winner. I figured that Clinton would be given the position for sure.

If we conclude that the elite pick the next president rather than having the next president be determined by a voting process, what reasons could there be for a Trump “victory” in this election?

First off, many have speculated that Obama will institute martial law before the end of his presidency. If Clinton was going to be his successor, such a move would not make as much sense. However, with Trump’s presidency looming on the horizon, Obama could attempt to make such a move and be seen as a hero to many.

Hopefully it never comes to that, but if martial law was the goal, I think it could make more sense to have Trump be the president-elect.

Another potential reason to put Trump in the oval office next would be the response that has been caused among Clinton supporters. These are volatile times with tensions escalating. The media is feeding us terror and propaganda so fear and emotions are running wild. By having Trump win the election and encouraging emotion-filled propaganda on mainstream and social media, they are really kicking a hornet’s nest.

Now, anyone with a different political view that ours is the enemy. They are all haters and bigots and since it is appropriate to hate the haters, we had better!

Basically, I'd recommend that we all be paying close attention to what's going on. Ignorance is only bliss for those who want you to be ignorant.

For the record, I am not a Democrat, and I am not a Republican. As I said earlier, I did not even cast a vote this year. In times past, I once voted for Obama. Another time I voted against Obama. Believe me if you want, and hate me if you want, but can choose not to hate you in return.

You are not the real enemy. (Neither am I.)

Also, though I may not like the idea of Trump or Clinton being the president, I'm still willing to give them a chance to prove my concerns to be irrational. We will see, time will tell.



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The election of a president is not only about the individual at the top of the ticket. It's about hundreds and hundreds of political appointments within federal agencies that conduct the people's business. We're a nation of over 300 million people covering almost 4 million square miles -- there's a lot to deal with. Whatever we think about the top of the ticket, it's the people they bring with them to do that business that has real impact on our lives. I watch for the party platforms, policy plans, and personnel prospects, not just the personality of a candidate. While everyone will be focused on Trump, I expect we will see political appointees within agencies dismantling the protections of our public lands, water quality, air quality, labor laws, food and drug safety, reproductive rights, and voting rights, while Congress gives tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest.

"protections of our water and air quality" They are spraying us with pesticides and putting fluoride in our water. It can't get any worse.

My understanding is that community governments or individual utilities decide whether their water supplies are treated with fluoride, depending on whether the water provider is a public or private utility. The federal government, through EPA, just requires that the utilities provide their customers with an annual report about what's in their water. The state government decides whether those reports are forwarded to the federal level. You can check whether your utility puts fluoride in your water at this site from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: here. I can see that in my county, only 1 out of 69 utilities puts fluoride in their water.

Pesticides are sprayed by a lot of folks - federal, state, local, and private. Where I live, people got the local government to stop spraying public lands. Now the county transportation department uses goats to control some of the noxious weeds. None of that was federal.

And yes, it can get worse. It has been worse . If we had the same automobile emissions as we had in the 1960s, our air quality would be a lot worse. It takes a lot of effort to keep getting better.

I expect we will see political appointees within agencies dismantling the protections of our public lands, water quality, air quality, labor laws, food and drug safety, reproductive rights, and voting rights, while Congress gives tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest.

Way to stay optimistic about it!

That's the spirit, don't let them bring you down!

Pollyanna, optimist, pragmatist, realist, pessimist, nihilist. I'm a gardener, so my natural tendency is an optimist. But then, the first thing I ever mail-ordered as a kid was the US Army book on Survival, Evasion, and Escape, so I've have pessimist tendencies, too. In my working life, I'm a realist and pragmatist in trying to ensure that people have good, quality water or are prepared for floods and drought. This week has been busy in making adjustments in strategies and tactics -- and that's just the start for the next few months, at least. I may not be optimistic, but at least I am, and will be, still working to make things better. And that means working with people of all stripes. But this election does have consequences.

I try not to be a pollyanna and think things will take care of themselves - some things don't. It takes real people doing real work. Like my grandmother used to say, "God may plant the flowers, but somebody's got to pull the weeds". I try not to be a nihilist and just say it's all just too messed up to bother with, let it crash. I think too many vulnerable people get hurt that way.

Politics is ugly and nasty because it's about control of power to make things happen -- we see that in tiny ways even about the direction and progress of Steemit. But it's less ugly and less nasty than making things happen by fascism, feudalism, or war - whether local, international, or anything in-between.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

How could you choose between such talented candidates?

I couldn't!

Reblogged and upvoted for you as usual. Thanks for your recent support on here also. 12 hours after you wrote this, I wrote this blog feeling several things inside me today needed to come out -- related to your stuff. I just happened to see this from you in my feed 12 hrs later lol. I hope it is OK to share here. Again thanks for all you do.


I have no problem with you sharing that link here.

Thanks for all that you are up to too.

I don't understand the hate at all, but I've also pulled the plug and haven't had TV feeding me the panicked frenzy for a few months, so I missed the Kool Aid party. I couldn't vote because I still have a NY license even though I live in Florida now. Of the 2 viable candidates, I would have chosen Trump because I have vehemently disliked Hillary since the 90s...and honestly, it takes a lot for me to dislike someone. I have no party affiliations anymore. I grew up in a Republican household, but it's so different from the party I knew in my youth. Personally, I'm hoping Trump reaches across party lines and gives Sanders a cabinet seat. Anyway - here's my opinion - as long as there is competition in the world, there will be battles. There will be winners and losers. One side will never be happy. It's how we handle losing and also how we handle winning which helps determine how fast we heal.

Yeah, how we handle winning and losing can say a lot about our character.

Thanks for sharing!

What a great essay. So many are indeed frustrated at the lack of viable options. I voted third party this time to show that frustration partly. Not that a third party could win this time, but the numbers that voted third party are up from last election, which are up from the election before that. It's a movement that may take a few elections more to make a difference but I see at as the only way presently to protest or combat the two party system, which is really more of an oligarchy at this point. Trump was indeed a bit different but Republicans and Democrats are the same on numerous issues now days, all in ways that benefit the corporations and the military industrial complex and do not represent the people well.

Thanks for sharing @ibringawareness, and it is nice to see third party votes continuing to grow. In the last election I too voted 3rd party.

I voted third party this election, maybe someday will have more parties (or maybe more party time?) ;) Nice post, I enjoyed reading it!

I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it.

I try to share some serious thoughts in an entertaining way to help people think about what is going on, so hopefully it helps.

Thanks @lightsplasher!

Amen brother!!! #Awareness !!

Ignorance is only bliss for those who want you to be ignorant.

This is my new favorite quote. Well said @papa-pepper!

Thanks @gregory-f!!!

That is sooo encouraging to me!

@papa-pepper You should be thankful for what you got....look at what we have....

I would take old Dennis the Menace in a heartbeat!

Oh, I am thankful for what we have here, I'm just hoping that we can keep it.

I wasn't complaining, just evaluating the system and trying to process all that is going on.

Good point though, and thanks for that!

I'll check them out later, but thanks so much for sharing the links with me.

I can almost guarantee I would have missed all your work and effort in researching this.

Thanks, and let me know what you think when you have the chance. I have gotten few replies to the original postings.

Solid work, as always. It is a sad state of affairs in America, especially politically, that's for sure. That's one reason I live mostly outside the US.

Thanks for that solid compliment.

It means a lot to me.

Well written. Just a thought, as I'm from the other side of the pond, Clinton actually won the popular vote but still doesn't get to be president. This adds weight to your theory that the 'winner' is not selected by the people.
I believe that democracy is not only a myth but that also, if the populace is uneducated or simply easily swayed by media hype, what's the point of a "democratic" system anyway. Trump's, and Clinton's campaign was an embarrassing procession of insults, bigotry and hatred and it saddens me that it's come to this. My only consolation is that I also believe that the real power in this World is held by unseen trillionaires and no election is going to change that.

If you look at a map. Most large cities are democratic with massive population while most rural areas republican. If you win 50 cities you still shouldn't be president. it takes away from the voice of the rural voter this is the purpose of the electoral college. In honesty this election was a landslide. Hillary was trying to steal it but you can't steal a landslide.

Well said my friend.

I plan on doing a post about some of that in the near future.

Democracy- a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Why should it matter where you come from or how many people live where you live? Personally I believe that the whole system is broken but proportional representation is NOT democracy.

Yeah, that whole electoral college throws stuff off too.

We really did have very limited options this time.


Actually this is because our republic has a wieghted d system where each state puts forth electorate representatives. This gives rural areas an equal voice in the selection. But that is back when it was not rigged. I think we have not had a legitimate election for quite some time

Anything to maintain the illusion of democracy

the population of South Dakota is 750000. so without the electoral college we would not have any say a all in the presidential election. that is why the founding fathers wrote it into the constitution. one more point, this is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy. as Ben franklin pointed out a democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

Understood. Funny that in the news we always hear North Americans talking about their wonderful democracy and how they want to spread it all over the Muslim World. Reminiscent of the slogan 'Make the World England' from my own country's despicable past

Yes it is part of the programming that most people here believe that's why the. Sudden outcry. . I myself am philosophically an anarchist. I still vote on issues and try to exercise my voice locally. I think the current fiasco is a play to install a police state in America because too many of us are waking up to the system of control that is manipulating us. That doctrine of spreading democracy you speak of can be found in the Project for A New American Century. This document was signed by both parties in the 90s and continues to be the roadmap for the empire builders. But we are just the machine carrying out the agenda of those in the shadows. Many from your neck of the world .
Thanks for the conversation! I love STEEMIT ! Connecting the world!

Damned fine article papa p ! I voted because South Dakota still has a paper ballot system and we had several referendums this year. Did not vote for either of those performers though.

Then well done and nice to hear from you again.

Its the same here in the UK, our government is blaming the disabled, vunerable and old for all our problems. God help us all

Indeed, let's just kill them first, we'll get to you shortly...

Would have great pleasure knocking Theresa may out :)

Election? There was an election?
Whenever that happens, I'm always disappointed when someone wins, because that means that everyone else loses.


oh wait, i'm one too?

Interesting post that I raise my friend I do not understand, here in Argentina knew that he did not win (Donal) in his opinion nobody wants it and how it is that he won an election, it was known that if the foreigners won, they went back to their country and ahun So they voted. Excellent post, my friend, @papa-pepper congratulations

I voted for Trump. I trust him as my president. He is imperfect but he is honest.

We from other countries like Argentina, we think about the information that comes to us, you know what those things are like. You who are there perceive reality better, if your decision was to support the candidate is because he considers it better for his country and that is what really counts. As we say here to win the best for the country and its people.
Thank you for your devolution

Great post, @papa-pepper. Thank you for taking time to put your thoughts into writing and for sharing them on Steemit!

as a Canadian I have been appalled by the disrespect shown by Americans toward their leaders. In Canada we are more issue focussed than concerned about personality - that probably explains why most of our prime ministers were pretty grim ( present one excluded) Apart from that, the partisan devotion to a particular party spanning generations fills me with despair about hope for future change. Beyond racial bigotry and gender bias, blind loyalty to a party regardless of issues is very depressing. Where is the hope for real change?