Guess what? This should probably be a piece but it is much to personal for that and it is 3 a.m. in the morning so it will be a bit raw and lacking loving tact. My mama used to tell that honesty is great but some tact in certain situations can take the sting away. Well, I am really not caring who this stings right now because I have been so "stung" that for over a week now I have been on the verge of tears, confused and now I am up at 3 a.m.
Ever since I have gotten into this patriot constipation (because there really is no movement people...that WILL be a piece because many have yet to awake to a very REAL truth) I have quickly learned that my soft heart, my trusting personality, and my giving nature really have no place except for a very few. Now I am finding that maybe it just doesn't even belong there...that I should reserve it for just my family...and let me tell you my family is very small.
I thought I had a very tiny circle that I could trust and count on, that I love dearly. A few of those fell away due to some misgivings by others, ok it happens. But others have completely cut me off and out before I even finished my full thoughts and concerns that are in my heart, out of love.
When you go to a mutual friend, because you feel you have been shut down and disregarded, because someone dear to you did not like what you were starting to say, to discuss a concern. That is not going behind ones back...that is being concerned and getting a second opinion on how to approach the situation. That is not being disloyal, that is not backstabbing, that is not showing you DON'T want what is best for someone. That is getting a second opinion on something you feel is a sensitive subject when the person you have approached is on the defense for some unknown reason and is not being understanding.
If we as people, as PATRIOTS, can't hear things we may not like to hear without being on the defense from people that care about us with an open mind, then how are we to hear what others that may be on the opposing side or on the fence has to say, take that information and use it to our advantage.
What are you to do when perhaps that mutual friend says they agree with your concerns but decides to play devil's advocate and turns to this precious person in your life, making what you have said sound bad or damaging when in fact it was not (which is what I suspect in this case). What do you do when you KNOW your actions were not from evil or devious intent but from a pure heart, yet your discernment is telling you it got twisted into something less than such. I know even the bible says this is to happen in end times but really people! You are supposed to have each other's backs? You are supposed to talk to each other BEFORE assuming that something was actually said or done!
You see it seems to me some of you are acting no better than the corrupt government that you are trying to break free from. Taking a small bit of truth a twisting is so horribly that it is unrecognizable. When are you going to stop?
I have to tell you, I was thrown into this and tempered with fire. I withstood pretty well. I then was put under extreme pressure, some of which you all will never know. It is the personal trials in this thing that are the hardest, because it is when it hits this close to the heart when it really hurts, it is when you are so close to giving up anyway, and someone doesn't even believe in you enough to talk to you, that you just don’t think ANYONE in this patriot constipation has any personal intestinal fortitude. Oh sure, they may be able to shoot, they may be able to fight, organize events...but are they able to withstand the true storms of talking to people that have been standing there speaking hard truths? Meaning things that may be hard to hear, but are said with love. Maybe the hard truths are evolving and changing, and that is a great thing, but does that mean that the intent of someone was not from a place of truth and reality, maybe the changes have not yet been proven and it is prudent for time to be taken for them to be proven. It is these times, when life has kicked you to its lowest, you feel very alone, surrounded by like minded people for the most part, yet you hope and pray you are the next one to water the tree of liberty so that you do not have to watch this crazy circus any longer. Too many patriots have stated this...
I am beginning to think you don't make ANY true friends in this war, that people only use you for who you know, who they can meet, who you can get information to...etc. Good Lord knows there are many, many, footprints on my already broken back and spirit.
Heck, I hardly get to talk to the friend I came into this with, I only talk to one of my friends I fought so hard for on a regular basis, and now this, if we are not fighting this fight for family and friends then what the heck are we fighting it for?
Militias, III%, Preppers, Constitutional Groups, The Resistance...all nothing if you can't even keep your personal friendships together by being open to hear what you may not like, asking your friends about things before assuming and working at your interrelationship skills, working to understand things better from another's perspective and putting your ego and the idea that everyone is out to get you aside, maybe listening to the "why's" of things.
If you can't take the time to stop and talk to each other and solve issues and get the truth, if you can't take the time out to reach out and keep your friendships alive, then how are you going to keep your freedom you do have (which is a sliver of nothing), how are you going to break the system of corruption if you don't quit breaking yourselves?
Boiling it down to simpler terms, time to put on the big boy and girl pants, put your selfish, egotistical attitudes away and start actually listening to each other, if you haven’t noticed shit is getting real, shouldn’t you?